Alien Lord

Chapter 1735: Hate ghost


The reason is actually very simple. One is that the mental power mark is Lin Ze’s elaborate supernatural power. If anyone else wants to create such a communication jade, he must first learn Lin Ze’s spiritual power mark.

In this way, Lin Ze’s imprint of spiritual strength will not spread back, and this matter is absolutely not allowed by Lin Ze.

Whether it is a puppet mark, a mental force mark, or a final soul mark, Lin Ze will not let others control them, because this is the most confidential thing in his hand except the plane seeds. Anyone who dares to peep into this secret The guy, no matter who it is, even if it is the emperor of Chu, Lin Ze will simply kill.

In addition, the manufacture of the mental power mark is not that simple. He not only needs to consume Lin Ze's mental power, but also consumes Lin Ze's large amount of time, energy and energy.

Lin Ze can make a hundred puppet imprints directly to make a spiritual imprint. Therefore, Lin Ze does not make many things like spiritual imprints.

And if communication jade wears a strong role, such as mobile phone communication, the demand for communication jade wear will be an astronomical figure.

So many communication jade pieces require Lin Ze to personally make it. I believe that in the future, Lin Ze can all be used to make this communication jade piece. At that time, he will be busy even without eating time.

Well now, the communication Yupei’s role is limited. In this way, the number of manufacturing is not much, Lin Ze does not have to be busy. He still has a lot of other time to practice, to handle government affairs, to talk and love , To do some other things.

"This jade can ignore the distance limitation?" Gu Xiyao deserves to be the most powerful young generation of Xuanyin Demon Road; Lin Ze just introduced Yupei's ability, she quickly grasped the most important thing in it: countless distance restrictions !

"Hehe!!" Lin Ze smiled, and looked at Gu Xiyao with admiration. For her vision, Lin Ze was also convinced.

"Hiss!!" Although Lin Ze didn't answer directly, he was already answering it now. Therefore, Gu Xiyao took a breath in his mouth.

The limit of countless distances, this ability is almost like a fairy-like ability. In all the supernatural powers Gu Xiyao knows, including those most powerful supernatural powers, there is no such power.

"Why was this guy born? How could he have such precious treasures on his body?" Gu Xiyao's mind immediately appeared with countless question marks.

But soon, a sweeter taste rose inside her.

The more mysterious Lin Ze's background is, the better for Gu Xiyao, because she has already taken a fancy to Lin Ze!

"Forget it, some things should not be asked well, so as not to embarrass everyone!" Gu Xiyao quickly stabilized his mind, and prepared to pretend to be invisible to this huge secret in front of him.

"Li Ze, rest assured, I will hide this jade piece as the most precious thing, even my master will not know." Gu Xiyao looked at Lin Ze with a solemn expression.

She is doing this now, not only a promise to Lin Ze, but also secretly expressing her heart to Lin Ze.

Mainland China is a slave feudal society. Here, although it is a world of martial arts, many things are different from ancient China. However, there is only one thing. It is exactly the same as ancient China. It is even stronger. It is one day. The teacher is a father for life.

The warriors in the cultivation world are all masters of the 9th and 9th layers. They teach him the martial arts by hand. This is the same even for loose cultivation. Therefore, in the cultivation world, the status of the master is really very high.

It can be said that the master is another father of the martial arts. The martial arts in the practice world, except for some extremely unremarkable, even the demon martial arts in the Demon Sect, treat their masters like fathers.

Gu Xiyao is the same. Although she wants to arrange some relatives in her family for her master, she is a little dissatisfied, but in Gu Xiyao's heart, she still attaches great importance to her master.

You know, Lin Ze was really a stranger before, but now Gu Xiyao put him higher than her master. What does she mean, it is quite obvious.

"Uh..." Lin Ze was not a fool. He could not hear the hidden meaning in Gu Xiyao's words. For a time, he was a little stunned.

"Hee hee, this fool is still a little smart!" Gu Xiyao was overjoyed in her heart. She kept paying attention to Lin Ze, so the change in his expression was immediately seen by her.

"This...this Gu Xiyao likes me, it's impossible, I was hostile with her before, and it was almost a real life-and-death battle, but now the style of painting suddenly changed. It became a //love//love// film, this..." Lin Ze was dumbfounded for a time, he couldn't even think of breaking the sky, why did Gu Xiyao like himself in front of him.

The two had killed each other in life and death before. Seriously, the two were really not a good relationship, but now the style of painting is suddenly changing, and even Lin Ze is a little dumbfounded.

"Won't it be another trap?" Lin Ze couldn't help thinking.

Lin Xie also knows Gu Xiyao’s witch’s name, so it’s normal for her to use some means.

"However, it doesn't look like this. How do you think she is a girl Huai Chun now?" Lin Ze kept muttering.

Reminisce about Gu Xiyao's attitude to speaking with himself before, and what he looked like when he first started. It's just one day, one place. The difference is really too big.

"Oh, I was confessed voluntarily. This is my first time!" Lin Ze's heart is extremely complicated. He is now both happy and overwhelmed.

"Gu......." Lin Ze opened his mouth and wanted to say something. Gu Xiyao looked at Lin Ze with expectation, waiting for him to say something.

However, at this most critical juncture, a voice that made Gu Xiyao and Lin Ze hate at the same time sounded.

"Huh, Xi Yao, I finally found you." A very surprised voice rang around Lin Ze and Gu Xi Yao. Then, Lin Ze saw a young man quickly coming out of the crowd and trotting to come In front of Gu Xiyao.

This young man seems to be around twenty-four or four years old, and his strength is not bad. Like Gu Xiyao, the peak strength of the innate early stage can soon be promoted to the strength of the guru.

It can be said that this guy is definitely a top five countless guy.

It is a pity that Lin Ze was very unhappy with the breath in him and the possessiveness deep in his eyes.

"Which one is this guy? It's such an annoying ghost!!" Lin Ze was very upset, and he gave the sudden appearance of the name of the annoying ghost.

"Alas, how could this nasty ghost! Why this guy didn't die in the secret realm!" Maybe it was Lin Linxin's spirit, Gu Xiyao also called this guy a nasty ghost in his heart.

"Xiyao, this time when I went to the secret realm, where did you go before, I didn't tell you, where did I go back, why didn't you go to me?" The young man asked with a concerned expression, his tone was in Full of concern.

"Go away, you nasty ghost!!" Of course, Gu Xiyao couldn't say that directly, it was just her voice.

"Jiang Chengxing, we are not so familiar with each other. We have not reached the point where we can call me Xi Yao directly. You still call me Gu Xiyao!" Gu Xiyao said directly to Jiang Chengxing.

This is not because Gu Xiyao deliberately said this because Lin Ze was there, but that she has always had this attitude towards Jiang Chengxing.

Speaking of this Jiang Chengxing, in fact, the background is extremely strong, and it can even be said to be one of the few young people with the strongest background that Gu Xiyao encountered.

The father of Jiang Chengxing is called Jiang Yan, and he is a strong man in the foundation period. Seriously, if viewed only from this aspect, Jiang Chengxing is definitely a good potential stock.

It is a pity that no matter whether it is Jiang Chengxing or Jiang Yan, they are all puppet sect.

The puppet sect lives in the Death Canyon all day long, and the practice is to devour the death and yin Therefore, many born people have extremely rich corpses on their bodies. breath.

Why haven't the zombie ancestors been recognized by other ancestors before, even the Xuanyin Demon Sect and the Dark Demon Sect, such as the Demon Sect, have been admitted by Tai Yizong?

One of the reasons is that the smell on them is really bad.

When you meet the disciples of the zombie sect, don't say that you are close at that time, even if it is a few hundred meters away, the rancid smell of the corpse will spread into your nose.

You said that in the face of such rancid people, would you be willing to be with him? !

Of course, for the second generation like Jiang Chengxing, there will certainly not be much rancid corpses on his body, but his breath is still mixed with some very unpleasant smells.

As long as there is a slight smell in a man's body, before this woman has become your wife, all women will be disgusted. After seeing you, the subconscious mind will shut down to avoid smelling. Why do the feet smell bad?

Gu Xiyao is like this now, don't look at her talking to Jiang Chengxing now, in fact, she has already closed her breath, in order to avoid smelling the unusual smell of Jiang Chengxing.

Although Jiang Chengxing doesn't have any odor in his body, Gu Xiyao's subconscious mind has a smell on him. Therefore, Jiang Chengxing's black pot does not have to be memorized.

Poor Jiang Chengxing, he doesn't know until now. The Gu Xiyao in front of him has connected him with the rancid smell of the corpse at the bottom of his heart. Therefore, he has no drama at all, and has been denied by Gu Xiyao. !

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