Alien Lord

Chapter 1710: Fusion (1)

The original //meat///body can’t be found back, Lin Ze is really a bit sorry for this, after all, that’s his real //meat///body, used to have no ability and opportunity to get it back, now With this opportunity, he still couldn't find it. Seriously, Lin Ze was still very lost in his heart.

However, Lin Ze quickly adjusted his mood and was able to generate this true avatar here. Lin Ze was already making a lot of money. As for other things, seriously, it was the same thing after thinking about it.

Lin Ze closed his eyes and used his consciousness to sweep the situation of his //meat//body. Soon, he found that his intensity of consciousness did not actually change, and it was the same as before, but, in Within its consciousness, the purity and solidity of divine consciousness are many times stronger than before.

If the previous consciousness was foggy, it is now in the state of ice crystals.

It looks solid and has a transparent beauty.

Seeing this ice crystal, Lin Ze knew that some of his avatars have formed soul crystals, and they are still growing. This soul crystal is still running. Every time it rotates, it will Absorb some soul energy, thereby expanding the meaning of its own volume.

However, there is no trace of abnormality in the whole sea of ​​knowledge, whether it is the soul crystal or Lin Ze's divine consciousness.

Then he carefully explored the body a bit, and finally opened his eyes and clenched his fists.

Lin Ze's condensed body, for Lin Ze, he almost didn't need any time to get acquainted with it. This was originally his body. Therefore, when he held his fist, Lin Ze completely controlled this body, This made his heart immediately show great enthusiasm.

He raised his head, his eyes flashed with a cold awn, and muttered in his mouth: "Baidu Demon Jun, your strength was far stronger than me at first, so that when I faced you, I was a mouse taboo, but, now I The body has re-condensed, and the strength has reached the state of the Great Consummation in the foundation period. With another step, you can advance to the Jindan period. Although you are now the strength of the Jindan period, but for more than 500 years, Facing the depletion of the seal chain of the Master Xuanyin all the time, your current strength is at most one grade with me. In this way, when I go out, then, hehe, you have a better look, hahahaha ...!"

Speaking of which, Lin Ze laughed directly.

Why did Lin Ze only send his own avatar before, and the body was still hidden in the void space, not because he knew that he was definitely not a poisonous demon king, other demon warriors, and the opponent of the soul of the poisonous deity king. Lin Zeming knew that once he went out, he would definitely have to lose.

Therefore, at that time, it was only Lin Ze’s Divine Avatar that rushed out of the space channel.

Anyway, even if the consciousness avatar was wiped out, for Lin Ze, is there much harm, at most it is a headache for a few hours, after Lin Ze has served enough ghost face fruit, those consciousness he lost and Will add back.

At that time, Lin Ze was completely carrying the best he could get. If he couldn't get it, it didn't matter.

However, what he did not expect was that in the end he first entered this real memory inheritance space.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze smiled, his eyes flashing. When he first entered here, he did not expect that there were nine memories of cryolite here. As a result, he directly disrupted his original plan.

He had intended to absorb the inheritance of the memory inside, and after finding a way to leave this secret realm, he directly left here and returned to the hiding place of his own body, and then left this secret place trapped for a long time.

If everything develops according to his plan, then this time Lin Ze has definitely gained a lot. Not only did he get the Xuanyin true solution he wanted most, but he also got the production prohibition mountain and generation. The way of avatar, but also got a real real blood avatar, of course, there are five elements from the eleven old hands to control the beast card, and hundreds of pieces of inferior goods, if you count these again Eleven human ritual weapons, this time, he can be said to return with full load.

In addition, of course, there is also the most precious thing-the memory inheritance of Master Xuanyin!

In this memory inheritance, there is not only Xuanyin true solution, but also supreme exercises such as distraction, and for the collective situation of the dense surroundings behind it.

As long as Lin Ze reaches a certain strength, he can come here again and open the secret realms behind to get the treasure left by the Xuanyin master.

Even, in the end, there is a great chance to directly occupy this closet.

Of course, this secret realm is actually nothing to Lin Ze, who has a plane seed world. Lin Ze doesn’t care whether he takes it or not. However, the treasures left by the Xuanyin masters inside attract Lin Ze. The force is still very strong, Lin Ze will certainly not let go easily.

Recalling that all the pictures inherited here, Lin Zexin's heart was actually a shock.

Seriously, when Lin Ze entered here and found that the memory here inherited cryolite, there were a total of nine, he was always vigilant in his heart, because, at that time, he thought he could enter here, then I must have others The same can be entered.

In this way, are you going to compete with others for these nine memory inheritance cryolites?

It's just that after Lin Ze waited for a long time, no one came in. After a long time, Lin Ze understood that there must have been some changes.

It wasn’t that the fighting outside was extremely fierce, so that these people didn’t have time to enter here, or there was an accident in the passageway that entered the outside, like something was destroyed. Or it could have been a single person, so after he entered, no one else could enter.

What Lin Ze couldn't think of was that of the possibilities he had guessed, he was really guessed at two.

First of all, after seeing Lin Ze entering this real memory inheritance space, the remnant soul of Baidu Shenjun, after realizing that he could not stop Baidu Demon Jun, directly destroyed the access to this space.

In addition, just like Lin Ze imagined, only one person can enter in the memory inheritance space. As long as one person enters here, no one else can enter.

Unless the person who enters it is rejected because it cannot inherit the memory in the memory inheritance space, then you can enter a person again, otherwise, even if you destroy this memory inheritance space, you can only enter. One.

More importantly, Lin Ze also worried that people outside would not find a place to hide directly after entering.

Although Lin Ze’s current body is hiding in the void space, but Baidu Mo Jun is extremely powerful. If he really wants to launch a carpet search, he will be able to find Lin Ze’s real hiding place very quickly. Lin Ze can only hide in the world of Plane Seeds to hide, otherwise, he will definitely be caught by the Baidu Demon King.

In this way, perhaps Lin Ze will miss the time to leave the Xuanyin secret realm and be trapped inside. This is definitely not what Lin Ze wants to see.

Therefore, after Lin Ze came in here, he would simply go straight to fuse those memory inheritance cryolites.

Otherwise, as long as there is enough time, Lin Ze will definitely carefully check and determine that there is not much danger before he will fuse these memory inheritance cryolite.

The remnant souls of the poisonous gods in the front can survive here for more than 500 years. Does the soul of Master Xuanyin continue to exist within these crystal inheritance cryolites?

Such a thing, no one dares to guarantee 100% that there is no such possibility.

Although Lin Ze thought this way, it seems to feel the feeling of a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain, but as the saying goes, I am not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid if it is not? !

It is better to be cautious about things like seizing the house, otherwise, when this thing really comes, you will regret it again, and it is too However, the subsequent development proves that Lin Ze really did have this time. The heart of the villain is the belly of a gentleman. When he merged those memories and cryolites, he did not encounter any danger.

When Lin Ze fusing memories to inherit cryolite, it can be said that apart from some pain, other difficulties were not encountered.

With the passage of time, Lin Ze's consciousness has grown, and the speed of his fusion of memory and inheritance of cryolite is also getting faster and faster.

On this day, after the cocoon of the seventh memory inherited from the cryolite was broken, Lin Ze, his eyebrows, like the previous Xuanyin Master, had a faint half-moon spot.

Lin Ze sat quietly cross-legged in the cracked cocoon, his eyes closed, and after a long time, he opened his eyes, and a faint light radiated from his eyes.

Lin Ze at this time looks exactly the same as it was on the earth many years ago, except that although his appearance is the same, his temperament is the difference between heaven and earth. At this moment, he has black hair fluttering and his face white as the moon. Going up and down gives people a sense of danger and danger. Just like a ferocious beast, all the people with eyes touched it from the bottom of my heart.

On the earth, his momentum is very strong, but there will never be such an extremely dangerous feeling.

This is because Lin Ze's physical strength is too strong now, which is tens of thousands of times stronger than before when he was on the earth.

The half-moon spot on his forehead appeared at the center of his eyebrow after absorbing the seventh memory inherited cryolite. At the moment this half-moon spot appeared, his brain seemed to be struck by lightning, and the whole thought was immediately clear .

As if it had evolved from a bicycle to a car all at once, the changes before and after were huge.

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