Alien Lord

Chapter 1700: Sealed (3)

As for the Baidu Demon King, his body is still floating in the air, his eyes flashing with arrogance and self-confidence. For those red seal chains that are thrown, they are ignored. When these seal chains are about to approach him, the Baidu streamer is in his hand. It’s just a sweep, it’s a simple sweep, and it directly blows a smelly gust of wind, and instantly stopped all the flying seal chains, and was stiffly blocked 50 meters away. .

At the same time, the Baidu Mojun held the Baidu streamer, leaped out of his body, and rushed towards the crack in the space. At this moment, the former middle-aged young master and other eleven people, especially those with Lin Ze The old man of the transaction suddenly showed nervousness, looked at each other, without a word, jumped up hurriedly, followed by a crack.

When passing by Lin Ze, the old man glanced at him and nodded slightly.

Lin Zeli immediately put away all his consciousness, and after a little deep pondering, his body also moved, and also followed into the space crack.

In the same way, those surviving demon warriors also followed with no regrets in their faces.

After entering the space crack, Lin Ze immediately discovered that this is the outermost circle of the spar space, because below them, it was the endless purple Thunder Sea that Lin Ze tried to break into.

This spar space is divided into two here, half is the sea of ​​blood space, and half is the spar space that seals the memory inheritance of Xuanyin Shangren.

Lin Ze's eyes flickered. When he entered the crack, he was always cautious. Once the situation was not right, he would leave here immediately.

His eyes were only swept around, and he was very open to find the position where the middle-aged young master and others stood, vaguely meaning to surround the Baidu Demon King with him.

The position they occupy is really ingenious. If you don’t look closely, or if you already know that they have bad intentions in mind, you really can’t see any clues inside, but Lin Ze knew them already. Now, let's take a closer look now, at this time, we can see these doubts at a glance.

However, Lin Ze still looked as usual, but his heart sneered directly, because, in his view, the feasibility of this plan for the middle-aged young masters was extremely low, especially when he saw how easy it was to see the Baidu Mojun After killing those betrayed demon warriors, Lin Ze's confidence in them was even lower.

First of all, first of all, Lin Ze didn’t believe the small movements like the middle-aged young master and others. In these countless years, no trace of horse feet has been exposed, so that the Baidu Demon King did not find the slightest? !

If this is the case, the Baidu Demon King would have died long ago, so there is definitely a problem.

However, even Baidu Mojun really discovered something, and secretly planned something else, which has nothing to do with Lin Ze. He now only wants to enter the spar space at the moment it opens. Then, with the memory inheritance of part of Xuanyin's upper body in his body, he left this secret place that made him feel depressed.

Baidu Mojun stood outside the crystal space at this time and laughed loudly in the sky. After that, he shouted directly at the crystal space: "Xuanyin old monster, you can't trap me! I was defeated by you at that time A trace of soul avatar, but now you are already, since you are already dead, then I will accept your inheritance, hahaha...!"

With that, he laughed grimly on his face, and afterwards, the Baiduwa waved down in his hand.

Suddenly the gray mist outside the spar space immediately sags down, revealing a horizontally extending gully. The gray mist around the room quickly opened a passage towards both sides.

This is an extremely deep gully and the bottom channel cannot be seen at a glance.

If you listen carefully, you will find that there are intentional bursts of muffled rumbling sounds from the depths of this passage, just like someone roaring inside.

"Xuanyin old monster, I have now recovered my natal magic weapon, and you, I believe there are no more soul avatars left here, so, your inheritance, I will laugh here. Before you were thousands of thousands Painfully prevented me from getting your heritage, and sacrificed a last bit of power to fight me for this. Although you have sealed me for more than 500 years, but in the end, these of your heritage are not mine, ha Haha!!!" Baidu Mojun laughed wildly again, and then the Baidu streamer captured by his right hand waved down again.

"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fast soon were soons after the sound of a squeaky voice was heard, and a dull sound rang! At the center of the cross, these two powerful forces struck a huge gap that was over 100 meters thick.

After him, the middle-aged young master and others were extremely nervous. After seeing this, they quickly kept up. As for Lin Ze, his eyes flashed at this time and followed.

At the same time, those surviving demon warriors were all excited in their eyes, and roared with them.

The Baidu Demon King was at the forefront, and Yu Guang swept behind him, and saw a sneer in the corner of his mouth after seeing the middle-aged young master following them in.

Soon, he came to the bottom of the fog, here is a cloud layer, the purple thunder and lightning in it flashed continuously, swimming continuously.

Baidu Mojun did not say anything, the Baidu streamer in his hand threw forward suddenly, and the black Baidu streamer quickly turned into a fierce black dragon, roaring forward and rushing into the clouds in a blink of an eye Inside, suddenly there were countless purple thunder and roars in it, and Lin Ze saw a series of bombardments falling down in purple bursts of light.

There was no pause in Baidu Mojun's body. He chased Baidu Streamer into the purple electric thundercloud layer. The endless purple thunderbolt suddenly appeared from the cloud layer, all blasting on him.

Under the bombardment of these purple thunderbolts, the body shape of Baidu Mojun became a circle of thunder and lightning, but he did not feel any discomfort at this, but instead laughed wildly.

Lin Ze stared at Baidu Mojun and saw that the purple thunderbolt could not threaten Baidu Mojun at all. His pupils shrank slightly. He clearly remembered that when he was at the top of the mountain in the second pass, The purple thunderbolt that appeared there was exactly the same as the thunderbolt here.

At that time, Lin Ze couldn't get away easily. His memory of these purple thunderbolts was still fresh in his memory.

However, now that these purple thunderbolts can't hurt the Baidu Demon King at all, Lin Ze's heart is even more gloomy...

Lin Ze's eyes flickered, and his body's speed slowed slightly, but at this moment, the old man who had traded with him before him heard a low voice: "Xiaoyou, why don't you go on?"

Lin Zewen didn't look back. In fact, since he left the blood sea space, these eleven old guys have been staring at him indiscriminately, obviously to prevent him from suddenly changing his mind.

At this time his speed was only slightly slower, and the old man immediately came up to ask questions, which shows that they attach great importance to the plan to be implemented, and Lin Ze is not allowed to withdraw halfway.

Lin Ze really didn't know why they had such a strong self-confidence and could ignore the powerful strength of Baidu Demon King, but he has made up his mind now, and leaving here is his first goal.

Within the purple thunder ball below, Baidu Mojun pinched the weird tactics with both hands, while resisting the endless purple thunderbolt above his head, and whispered: "Hundred poison **** streamers, devour the world, swallow me!!"

As soon as this discourse fell, the tactics in his hands immediately came out, and suddenly merged into the root of the Baidu streamer, and suddenly, the Baidu streamer changed dramatically.

At the time, it was only the size of a humanoid. Now, it is directly facing the wind and long, and it directly becomes a huge flag streamer with a height of more than 30 meters and a width of more than 10 meters. The next moment, endless black clouds are poisonous. Formed above the streamer, more and more black clouds directly shrink the surrounding purple clouds quickly shrinking At the same time, the purple lightning is also less and less, and finally the endless black clouds transformed by the Baidu streamers directly put The purple clouds surrounded the group, and then, as if alive, they swallowed the purple lightning ball that had been narrowed to a width of more than white meters, and swallowed it, and a purple lightning quickly appeared on the flag of the Baidu streamer. Mark.

Seeing this, Baidu Mojun nodded in satisfaction, and then he waved at Baiduwan, which instantly became smaller and changed to the size of a palm, and fell directly into Baidu Demon's hands.

After he glanced, a satisfied smile appeared on his face. Immediately afterwards, his right hand waved again. Suddenly, with the sound of'huh', Baiduwa returned to humanoid size again, standing on Baidumojun's body. before.

Under the gray mist, there is an endless purple electric cloud layer, and under the purple lightning cloud layer, it is a dark ocean. Here, after the last soul of the Xuanyin Master is divided into two, half of the soul energy is used. The sealed seal space is the memory inheritance space of Xuanyin Master!

Baidu Mojun looked at the more powerful Baidu streamer in front of him, his face showing excitement, looked down at the black sea under his feet, and his body immediately rushed out.

At the moment when he rushed out of the body, a violent roar suddenly came out of the inheritance space, followed by a creature with a length of three or four hundred meters, which was not a dragon and a dragon, suddenly appeared from the memory inheritance space. Under the action of it, the entire space immediately set off waves of powerful forces.

Immediately afterwards, the creature's huge head came out of the memory inheritance space. His eyes stared cautiously at the Baidu Demon King, and the cold killer in his eyes could not be concealed.

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