Alien Lord

Chapter 1586: Subdued

"The mark of the puppet, come out!" With Lin Ze's order, a palm-sized golden rune type thing flew out of one side, and then came to the front of the space snake's eyebrow in an instant.

"Open your sea of ​​knowledge!" Lin Ze said again.

This time, the Space Snake opened up its knowledge of the sea very well, and then Lin Ze’s puppet imprinted "咻", and flew directly into the Space Jiao snake's eyebrows to learn about the sea.

With a bang, Lin Ze saw a very dark space in front of him. Just smelling the smell of this space would give people a feeling of madness.

"For more than five hundred years of captivity, this space snake's knowledge of the sea has become what it is now. Ha ha, it seems that losing the taste of freedom is really uncomfortable!" Li Zhaonan sighed.

Seeing this sea-aware space full of darkness, Lin Ze knew that this was caused by more than 500 years of captivity.

More than 500 years of imprisonment career, and the invisible future, make this space snake's heart full of tyranny, chaos and madness. Gradually, these emotions are directly reflected in its knowledge of the sea, leading to This has become the dark and deep look now.

"His hiss!!!" Suddenly, a snake hiss came from deep inside, and then Lin Ze saw the soul body of the space snake.

Compared with the huge body of the outer space snake, its soul is not so big, it looks like the size of an arm.

In this regard, Lin Ze did not underestimate it. He knew that the more the soul body of a creature condenses, the stronger its strength is. The soul body of the space snake is only the size of an arm, which fully shows that the space dragon The strength of the snake's soul body is not low.

Think about it, the space snake has been imprisoned in the tomb of Xuanyin for more than 500 years. In addition, there is enough aura here, and the space snake has enough time to temper its own soul.

"Open your consciousness!" Lin Ze didn't feel the fear of the space snake's soul body at this point, he still said to him with a calm face.

"His hiss!!!" The soul body of the space snake was not following Lin Ze's meaning for the first time. Instead, there was a hint of danger in his eyes.

"Oh, do you want to repent?" Lin Ze still said calmly, as if the opposite threat did not affect him at all.

"Hiss!" The soul of the space snake is constantly rolling, and more than once it reveals its murderous intention to Lin Ze’s spiritual power. However, in the end, I don’t know if it’s figured out, or if I know it even The reason why Lin Ze’s mental powers are killed now is still not enough to hurt Lin Ze. After five seconds, the space snake’s soul body obediently stopped in front of Lin Ze, then, very obedient Lin Ze opened his mind.

"Oh, you are smart!" Lin Ze said with a smile, and then no longer embarrassed the space snake, the right **** is like that for the space snake spirit body.

With the sound of "Boo!", the golden puppet mark flew directly into the soul body of the space snake, and then took root in it smoothly.

"Boom!!" A golden light flashed continuously at the position of the eyebrow of the body of the space snake snake. This kind of light continued for nearly half a minute. After experiencing another aurora flash, these golden lights It slowly dissipated and eventually disappeared.

"Oh, okay!" Seeing these golden light dissipated, Lin Ze not only did not worry, but looked at the space snake spirit body in front of him with a smile.

I saw that Lin Ze was still pregnant with some malicious space snake soul body, and now it is like a most obedient puppy, constantly touching Lin Ze's arm with his body, and his mouth is constantly making a sound. The coquettish snake hissed.

Obviously, the space snake has been puppeted by Lin Ze.

In fact, this is also true. Outside, the space snake in front of Lin Ze is already creeping in front of him, and his eyes are filled with surrender to Lin Ze.

"Congratulations to Master, Master Hexi!" Seeing this, Xin Xue was the first to congratulate Lin Ze.

"Congratulations to Master, Master He Xi!" Qu Jingwen followed Lin Xindao to Xin Ze immediately after Xin Xue.

Seeing that he was slowing Xin Xue again, Qu Jingwen directly gave Xin Xue a white eye. Xin blood was also unwilling to show his weakness, and secretly gave Qu Jingwen a white eye.

Although both were under Lin Ze's men, the conflict between the two was not small because of their different positions and different ways of doing things before.

Lin Ze is also aware of this, but he didn’t pay attention to it, as long as you didn’t affect the tasks he had given him, all things would be done by them.

Although Lin Ze has planted puppet marks for them, this does not mean that Lin Ze directly deprived them of their consciousness. Qu Jingwen and Xin Xue still have the same consciousness, but they are all loyal to Lin Ze.

That is to say, except that they have to listen to Lin Ze's orders, in fact, their own personalities are still independent. Therefore, under normal circumstances, Lin Ze will not interfere with their own affairs.

In this way, the hostile Xin Xue and Qu Jingwen were originally within Chu, but of course they could not get together.

When they usually act, they are all independent, and even secretly give the opponent some ugliness. Of course, if it is related to Lin Ze’s order, they will not mess up the other party, but will help the other party to complete Lin Ze. The command.

All in all, no matter what their relationship is, they are all Lin Ze's men.

"Okay, let's go away!" Seeing more and more people coming to congratulate themselves, Lin Ze quickly stopped.

"Yes, master!" Soon, most people dispersed.

"Xinxue, this time you get so much blood and pulp of the demon snake, your alchemy department should pay more attention to it, and make more advanced panacea like innate pill wash, so that you can also speed up your cultivation speed. After I came to Xuanyin's Tomb, I realized what the real power is. I hope you can break through to Grand Master, or even Supreme Grand Master as soon as possible. Do you understand?" Lin Ze looked serious. Xin Xue said.

To say that what came to Xuanyin's tomb this time gave Lin Ze the greatest feeling, that is, there are so many innate dogs, and the guru walked everywhere.

Faced with this fact, Lin Ze knew that his strength was still much worse, so he needed to greatly improve his strength.

"Yes, Master, Xinxue understands!" Xinxue bowed to his command.

"Very good, Qu Jingwen, you work hard to find out all the secrets of cultivation, and then pass it on to me. I hope that in five years, my world will be as innate as dogs, understand?"

"Understood, Master!" Qu Jingwen also bowed to his orders.

"Very good, let's go down!"

"Yes, master!!"


After arranging everything, Lin Ze left the Planar Seed World and went outside.

This time because of the space monster, the base-stage demon snake, so when Lin Ze came out, he was full of self-confidence, and even had an idea of ​​trying to compete with the monster, it is best to catch some more The monster in the foundation period.

However, Lin Ze quickly gave up this idea, because he didn't want to provoke a large number of monsters, and he didn't want to delay the treasure hunting.

In this way, Lin Ze didn't say anything about transporting the escape technique, and quickly moved forward.

Maybe it was because the king of space barbarians, the space snakes were all cleaned up by Lin Ze, or that those space barbarians were already afraid of being killed by Lin Ze. During Lin Ze’s next journey, he did not encounter a sneak attack Arrived, and came to the opposite space smoothly.

After standing on a stone, Lin Zexin was relieved.

There are so many stones here. Obviously, there will not be any threat of wild beasts. Otherwise, the space here will definitely be as empty as the space full of space snakes in front.

Lin Ze stood on the stone and looked back at the blank space behind him. Although he was relieved at the bottom of his heart, he was still a bit this space, Lin Ze encountered life and death more than once. Crisis, if Lin Ze's means is strong enough, the response is also very appropriate. Lin Ze also does not know what will happen now.

After a little silence, he raised his head and looked forward. His right foot tapped on the ground and stepped on a conical stone. The stone suddenly burst with a tremor and shattered into countless fragments. Stone.

Then, Lin Ze's right hand summoned these gravel stones for a while. These gravel stones were suddenly attracted by Lin Ze's true energy, forming a ring around Lin Ze again, and then following Lin Ze to fly forward.

Perhaps there is indeed no danger in this space. Lin Ze has been traveling for more than an hour, and he has never encountered a danger.

In this way, Lin Ze's speed is getting faster and faster, and there is a burst of joy in his heart.

Because, since he left the strange and terrible empty space full of space snakes, as if he had entered another space, no dangerous creature was found to attack him along the way.

In addition, he didn't even encounter one of the powerful monsters in the foundation period like a snake.

Unlike in the previous blank space, every few hundred meters, a powerful space snake appeared, and then attacked him.

Because there is no danger, as a result, his speed is naturally faster.

However, the circle of gravel belts outside Lin Ze's body, he did not remove, still protected by his side.

As the old saying goes, if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of it!

With Lin Ze’s cautious attitude from now to end, plus the previous encounters, unless he is very sure that he is foolproof, he will never throw away the rubbles used for early warning around him. .

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