Alien Lord

Chapter 1550: square

An hour later, a group of people came to the front of a hall shrouded by an oval light mask.

Just look at the scale of this hall, and this mask in front of the hall, you can know the extraordinary here.

"Huh, this hall is really magnificent, just look at this layer of defensive mask outside, you can guess the importance of this hall." Bai Yiwen said with bright eyes, he couldn't help but stepped forward to touch the golden yellow The reticle was only bounced off by a powerful reaction force soon.

"Oh, the power of this defensive mask is okay!" Bai Yiwen's eyes were full of surprises.

"This defensive mask is equivalent to the power of the Supreme Master's bodyguard. If you want to open it, you still need some means." Sun Xifeng stood up and said.

When he looked at the golden defensive mask in front of him, his eyes were full of complicated looks.

A large defensive mask like this is available in every sect. However, the large defensive mask that can remain unchanged for more than 500 years and will continue to exist in the future. The Confucian monastery where Sun Xifeng is located absolutely does not have this. Technical.

To be honest, if possible, Sun Xifeng would like to get this defensive mask layout method. Unfortunately, it is obvious that Sun Xifeng cannot do this now.

Because, even if he wanted to study this defensive mask here, but the other people around him would never waste time with him here. At the same time, the treasures in this hall were very attractive to Sun Xifeng.

"Okay, let's go advanced, so that someone will discover this later, and then there will be a lot of things." Chang Xinyuan said impatiently on the side.

"Well, let's go first!" Xie Zijun also spoke.

"Okay, let's go first!" Sun Xifeng said nothing, and agreed directly.

"Sect Changzong, Brother Xie, you two help me!" Sun Xifeng said to Chang Xinyuan and Xie Zijun.

"it is good!"

"Good!" The two quickly stood beside Sun Xifeng.

"Sect Master Chang, you are standing here, and you enter the Qi at the same time." Sun Xifeng pointed to a position for Chang Xinyuan. After he stood, he turned and gave the same instructions to Xie Zijun.

Soon, the three of them stood in front of the defensive mask in the shape of a character.

"Start!" Sun Xifeng yelled, and then quickly entered the Qi to the defensive mask.

At the same time, after hearing Sun Xifeng's order, Chang Xinyuan and Xie Zijun also input true energy at the same time.

"Buzz!" As the three men entered the Qi at the same time, the defense mask outside the hall appeared waves.

It was as if a calm lake surface had been broken, and obvious wave ripples appeared on the lake surface, so that it was generated from the palm position of the three people in a circle, and then spread to the entire defensive mask range.

At the beginning, there were only a few such ripples. However, as time went by, the number of these ripples increased, and at the same time, the waves above the calm lake surface became larger and larger.

"Click!" At one moment, a sound appeared as if the key had been opened. Then, a small crack appeared in front of Sun Xifeng's location.

"Increase the input of true energy!" Sun Xifeng shouted again with joy after seeing this crack.

"it is good!"

"Good!" The two also responded with joy, and at the same time, the amount of true energy output by both hands directly doubled.

Under the effect of twice the true energy, with a ‘buzzing’ sound, the split lung became larger gradually before it quickly formed a circular opening of two and a half meters high.

"Hurry up and go in!" Sun Xifeng spoke again at this time.

"Go, let's go in!" Pang Hai didn't hesitate much and stepped forward directly towards the hole.

Lin Ze followed, and walked towards the deep hole.

Soon, Pang Hai, Lin Ze and Bai Yiwen all entered it. Seeing this, Sun Xifeng nodded to Xie Zijun on the right hand side, and Xie Zijun also nodded in response, and then directly withdrew his true energy, Flying quickly towards the hole.

"Hoo!" Xie Zijun's speed is extremely fast, just one second, he has entered the hole.

"Sect Master Chang, hurry!" Sun Xifeng shouted with a trace of difficulty.

"Okay, here I come!" Chang Xinyuan didn't hesitate, and quickly put his hands away, carried out light exercises, and entered the hole with a flash.

"Buzz!" At the next moment, the opening suddenly flattened out, and Sun Xifeng stood in front of Lin Ze with their gasps.

"I need to adjust my interest rate and restore my vitality!" Sun Xifeng said to the crowd, and he immediately crossed his knees and started adjusting interest rates to restore the previous consumption.

After that, Chang Xinyuan and Xie Zijun also chose a seat farther away to practice and restore their vitality.

Half an hour later, the three opened their eyes at the same time.

Looking at the golden light in their eyes, it is clear that the heyday has been restored.

"Okay, let's move on!" Sun Xifeng stood up and said, then took the lead and walked into the hall.

The former main hall, Lin Ze, was seen outside, so they only had a superficial understanding of the scale and magnanimity of the main hall. Now that they came in and came into close contact with the main hall, they discovered the size and the majesty of the main hall. , Stronger than they thought.

The main entrance of the main hall is more than 30 meters high and 100 meters wide. At the same time, there are ninety-nine disk dragon columns standing on the two sides in front of the hall, each of which has a height of nine meters and nine meters. The carving of the above-mentioned Panlong is vivid and vivid. At first glance, it may be thought that these Panlongs are real.

The square where the Panlong column is located is not small. It is as big as three football fields, all covered with milky white jade.

I feel that the aura emitted from these jade pieces is almost similar to Yuan Shi. That is to say, the ground of the entire square is equivalent to paved with Yuan Shi, which shows the generosity of Xuanyin's master.

"Huh, I really don't know. I was shocked at first sight!" Lin Ze was also shocked.

"We are still treated like treasures, Yuan Shi is actually used here to directly pave the square, and, just exposed to the outside, there is no defense at all. Gee, it is indeed the handwriting of a real person in Jindan period. "Lin Ze sighed. Today's experience is a good lesson for him.

I thought Lin Ze would be able to make him happy for a long time before the harvest of a Yuan Shi, but here, people used it directly to pave the square, not caring about the preciousness and waste of Yuan Shi.

Think of yourself again. Lin Ze, who has countless net worths, immediately has a kind of idea. In fact, I am still a beggar.

"Haha, I just had such a big gain just after I came in. This time I really made a fortune, hahaha..." Bai Yiwen laughed and took out a piece of **** like a **** from the storage bag. The same mysterious soldier, and then picked up the hoe, he wanted to dig these jade pieces on the ground of the square.

"Release!" But, just when his first **** had just fallen, he was stopped by the side's Changxin Yuan.

"Why, don't you want to swallow alone?" Bai Yiwen looked at Chang Xinyuan with a bad face, and the real energy in Dantian began to run quickly.

As long as Chang Xinyuan's answer is not good, Bai Yiwen will immediately go to war with him.

"You take a closer look at those Panlong Pillars." Chang Xinyuan said sullenly.

"This..." Bai Yiwen turned his head and looked closely. Soon, countless sweat beads appeared on his forehead.

On the surface, these Panlong columns seem to be very general, and they stand on the square like this, but if you look closely, you will find that these Panlong columns are all different.

Like the first two Panlong pillars, their eyes are facing directly in front, but the back of the two Panlong pillars are facing the southwest, and the back is different.

In addition, the orientation of the dragon claws of the dragons on the dragon column are different from each other, some are held tightly, some are Some are directly in an offensive state, and more direct As if it had flown out...

Then these anomalies are connected with the jade blocks on the ground. Seeing this, Bai Yiwen knows that even a fool knows that cherishing the Panlong column and the jade blocks on the ground are actually one.

Once he moved these jade pieces on the ground, the formation above the Panlong Pillar would be stimulated, and then what would happen was obvious.

"Brother, don't think that it is safe to come in. In fact, the inside of the hall is even more dangerous. We should be more careful here. In the information that was passed back before, there are some people who are greedy for these jade pieces on the square, which inspire After the Panlong formation, hundreds of people came in and explained half of them directly. So, Brother Bai, before you act, you still have to look at the situation around you first." Sun Xifeng on the other side also said a few words in a complaint.

"Yes, yes, I understand, I understand, and I will stop doing things myself!" Bai Yiwen replied palely, not dissatisfied because he was said a few words.

Actually think about it too. If it wasn't for Chang Xinyuan's stop this time, he is now trapped in Panlong Formation.

As for the final result, although it is unknown at present, as long as we look at the more than one hundred people who came in before, only half of them will survive to predict his end.

"What are we going to do now? How to get through this Panlong formation?" Lin Ze asked on the side.

"Senior, it's actually very simple, just walk over like this." Sun Xifeng replied with a smile.

"Oh, it's so simple, I really can't think of it!" Lin Ze replied with surprise.

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