Alien Lord

Chapter 1543: Sudden confrontation

Sun Xifeng nodded directly to admit it, then he looked deep into the Plain of Broken Stars. He used to have a confident face, but now he showed a lingering look. Then, he solemnly said to Lin Ze: "This The gravel zone is full of a mysterious power, and once it enters it, that mysterious power will enter the body. Moreover, the most terrible thing is that these mysterious powers will form a body with the body in an incredible way. Identical avatars, and their cultivation base is stronger than the body.

The most amazing thing is that it doesn’t matter how you lower your practice before entering. Once this avatar appears, the strength is the strength of the upper layer of your peak strength. This will not change at all, and you can only continue to move forward fifty miles if you defeat it. Fifty miles away, the avatar will appear again. Only this time, the strength of the avatar will not change, but its number is two. You can only walk through this broken star zone if you win again! "

Sun Xifeng explained in detail that he wanted to continue to make a good relationship with Lin Ze.

This information seems very important, but for Sun Xifeng, it is absolutely not important to make a strong person in the foundation period, a person from the ice valley of the Great Qin Empire.

Lin Ze looked up and looked up. Sun Xifeng seemed to anticipate what he was thinking. He continued: "If you enter from above or from below, then although there is no stone blocking, the avatar will appear as well, and in these places, There are ten or eight as soon as they appear, so entering these two places is even more dangerous."

Lin Zewen said nothing more, but kept staring at the gravel zone in front of him, silent.

Bai Yiwen on the side stared at it for a while, his eyes flashed with a flash of light, and the corner of his mouth moved, showing a confident smile, and said to Lin Ze and the two people around him: "This is a fun place, Bai Mou is going to see! "

He didn't ask Sun Xifeng for a moment, his body disappeared instantaneously, and when he appeared, he was already beyond the broken stone ring in the distance. After that, he stepped in without any hesitation.

Seeing this, Sun Xifeng's eyes were angry for the first time.

He had already explained this clearly before, and explained the dangers inside, in order to prevent Bai Yiwen and Lin Ze from going in easily. If they want to go in, they must also be prepared in advance.

However, it is obvious that Bai Yiwen didn't take Sun Xifeng's words seriously, so he just rushed in. Sun Xifeng's face would look pretty strange.

The other Lin Ze was calm, not blinking, but his eyes kept staring tightly, but at the moment when Bai Yiwen entered the broken star zone, there were enough buses in front of him The rubble of the size of the car was immediately pulled together by the purple lightnings around him, and then, in the bursts of purple electro-optics, soon, a doppelganger similar to Bai Yiwen appeared in front of him.

This "Bai Yiwen" even the smile on the corner of the mouth, as well as the hair on the body, are exactly the same as the white Yiwen.

Then, without a word, he rushed up.

Bai Yiwen had no choice but to face the challenge.

Soon, there were loud noises in the broken star zone, and the two started fighting.

At this time, Sun Xifeng directly hummed and said: "This Bai Yiwen is really too self-righteous. With his full-strength approach now, I believe that he will come back in a short time. He is facing a higher level. Doppelganger, he had no preparation before, how to fight with'he'?!"

Lin Ze was a little silent after hearing the words, and suddenly asked, "So how did you enter last time? How did you solve this doppelganger?"

Sun Xifeng pointed directly at the teleportation array and said, "We just passed it! Last time we had a master of formation, plus we got some heritage items about the Plain of Broken Stars, which recorded some of the teleportation arrays that entered this place. Method, plus the consumption of ten Need for Yuan Shi, this successfully entered."

"It turns out that way!" Lin Ze nodded, and then he asked again: "Master Sun, what is in the secret realm inside this broken star stone? Let you take such a big risk to enter here, is it inside? Is it really the cave mansion of Master Xuanyin?"

Sun Xifeng heard that, first glanced at Lin Ze, then he lowered his head and thought for a moment, and finally shook his head and said, "Well, since we have all arrived here, then it’s okay to tell you, according to the records of the inheritance items we got, this broken Within the Sea of ​​Stars, there is actually a trial secret realm left by the Master Xuanyin specially, a trial secret secret left by the strong above the master!"

"The practice secrets left for the strong above the guru?" Lin Zewen said directly, he thought that it was really the last cave of the Master Xuanyin. Now it seems that he still guessed wrong. Too.

"Yes, it's a practice secret. The Master Xuanyin did it with good intentions. He knows that it can only attract secrets of some low-level innate warriors, then there won't be many people coming, even if they come. , Also some low-handed, in this case, we want to occupy the place around the Windy Gorge, we will not do our best.

Therefore, Master Xuanyin directly left the depths of the sea of ​​ghosts and fog, leaving a trial secret for masters above the master level, in order to attract the strong above the master level, and then let us occupy the wind The place of the canyon does its best.

In fact, as Master Xuanyin thought, in recent years, various sects have invested huge amounts of money and manpower for this purpose. Perhaps it is precisely because of this that this trial secret environment will be opened to us. "This is not what Sun Xifeng said, but a sudden, from a distance, with a lightning speed, suddenly came to an old mouth in black clothes beside Sun Xifeng.

The old man in black was very thin and thin. Three white beards on his chin fluttered with the wind. His face was full of fairy wind. He held a whisk in his hand, which seemed to be like a person in a fairy road. With a sense of kindness, he nodded to Lin Ze with a smile, and then asked with a trace of doubt: "Little brother, with your strength, it is better not to go inside, because the organs inside and the wild beasts need strong master level. Only those who are able to cope with it, some even need to build the strength of the base period to resist. This is not something that you like the acquired warrior can come, so for your safety, you are better to stay here first, and then let your elders Take you out."

The old man's words sounded sincere, as if he had always considered Lin Ze.

Ordinary people, after hearing his words, will inevitably feel good about him in their hearts, and will gradually stand on his side, but the expression on Lin Ze's face is as usual, and his heart is Secretly alert.

Don't look at the old man's appearance on the opposite side, although he looks full of integrity, he is also full of concern for Lin Ze, but Lin Ze has a vague feeling. This person's cultivation behavior seems to be one point higher than that of Sun Xifeng. Moreover, the breath on him gave Lin Ze a very bad feeling.

Moreover, it seems that his words are concerned about Lin Ze's safety. In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will find that there are problems.

Not to mention the other, as long as Sun Xifeng is very polite to Lin Ze, he actively takes everything here for Lin Ze’s introducer. I believe that at this time the fool can know that Lin Ze’s strength is not as simple as he now shows.

After all, if Lin Ze really had only quasi-innate strength, as Sun Xifeng was the master of Confucianism, he would stay at Lin Ze's side and kindly explain the situation.

I believe that even if Lin Ze is a disciple of Sun Xifeng, there will be no such treatment.

Some people may have said it here, because the old man was far away from them before, so I didn't see it.

Ha ha, such words can be understood, but this old man is very alert to Lin Ze when he speaks, how to explain this.

The old man in front of him thought that what he did was concealed, but Lin Ze's sensitivity was not vegetarian. He had long discovered that the old man was on alert.

From these two points, we can clearly see the old man's thoughts and his personality.

If a person is really a fair and upright person ~ ~ where there will be so much thought.

In fact, as Lin Ze imagined, after seeing Lin Ze still looking at him indifferently, you continued to perform on the face, and the old man showed his true face directly after I looked at it.

He swept the dust in his hand at random, and looked at Lin Ze with a smile, but this smile, how to look and how unbearable.

Lin Ze had always been vigilant before. Therefore, at the moment when the other party's hands swept, a strong sense of crisis suddenly appeared, and then Lin Ze's body quickly retreated without hesitation, and at the same time directly stimulated the inflammation on his body. Long Fen Tian Pei, suddenly, a thick layer of red body shield appeared on his body, firmly guarding Lin Ze.

Then, I only heard a crackling sound. The dust from the old man's hand directly hit Lin Ze's body protection, but it was all blocked.

Lin Ze didn't keep his hand either. While inspiring Yan Long Fen Tian Pei, his hands were folded together, and he turned back around his waist. Then, a red shiny ball of fist size appeared in Lin Ze's hands between.

"Dragon's Roar!!"

"Roar!!!" A roar of a roaring dragon sounded, and then, a very powerful orange-red beam of light, like a laser, hit the old man in close proximity.

The sound of "Boom!!" and an explosion sounded, and then the old man who was still full of confidence was flying like a cannonball.

"Poof!!" The old man's mouth was directly a piece, and he spit out a big sip of blood, and his face instantly turned pale.

"Catch the dragon skill!!" Lin Ze's face was cold, and the old man with both hands was flying like that. A substantive red dragon claw appeared in front of the old man and caught him directly.

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