Alien Lord

Chapter 1373: Lin Ze shot

"The host said, it's my difference." Qu Jingwen admitted wrongly.

"Oh, it's okay, you are for my safety." Lin Ze smiled and waved his hand. Qu Jingwen cared about his safety and suggested that, Lin Ze was not angry.

"Magma Snake, attack!!" Lin Ze began to attack immediately after he had made up his mind.

"Swoosh!" A few times, ten magma snakes suddenly appeared around the battlefield.

Before waiting for the reaction of the white jade elephant elephant group and the devil vine forest, these giant magma snakes opened their huge snake mouths and spewed out countless orange-red magma streams.

"Furfurfurfuro!!" In an instant, the entire battlefield was surrounded by lava flow.

"His hiss!!" The high temperature emanating from the lava flow directly screamed the devil vines. They hurriedly gathered up the rattan and wanted to leave this place full of lava flow.

The other white jade wild elephants were also panicked at this time, and they all moved closer to the female elephant leader, and no longer ignored the devil vine on one side.

"Moo moo!!!" The voice of the female elephant leader was full of panic. The situation in front of her made her feel the crisis.

"Moo!!" At the next moment, the female elephant leader directly made a long howl. Then, all the white jade wild elephants dropped the devil vines around them, and followed the female elephant leader to the past.

However, the devil vines haven't let them go because of them, and they are still constantly trying to use the cane to entangle the white jade wild elephant who wants to escape.

"Aoao Aoao Aoao!" A panic roar sounded, but this time the white jade elephants in front just looked back and did not choose to stop and rescue the white jade elephants trapped in the devil's vines, but it was OK The lingering female leader fled towards the back.

The appearance of ten magma snakes made this group of white jade elephants feel the coming of death. Under the threat of death, they could not care about the surrounding white jade elephants.

If they were still powerful before, the female leader would still rescue the white jade wild elephants in trouble, but after more than half an hour of fighting, the battle power of the white jade wild elephant herds was less than The previous three layers, such strength, where it has the ability to rescue those trapped white jade barbarians.

With their current strength, even if they are able to escape, there is still strength to rescue others.

"Oh, the female leader of this white jade barbarian is a little clever, knowing that for them now, they have lost the ability to understand the companions behind the siege, so they just escaped." Lin Ze looked away. The female elephant leader said with a smile.

"It's just that you just thought about this now, it's too late!!" Lin Ze shook his head, and then mentally ordered the hundreds of spirit eaters who had already prepared for battle: "The spirit eater Flock, attack!!"

"Buzz!" Seven or eight hundred bitter bees that had been ready to attack suddenly came out of the plane seed world and were directly intercepted in front of the white jade wild elephant herd fleeing.

"Boom!!! The white jade wild elephant herd, who only looked at her escape, didn't find the large swarm of bite bees that suddenly appeared in front of them. So, soon, the white jade wild elephant herd tasted the bitter fruit.

"Buzz!" With the lessons of the previous few times, this group of spirit eaters launched a chrysanthemum // flower attack as soon as they came up, directly attacking the chrysanthemum chrysanthemum /// flower that is the most childlike of the white jade.

At the next moment, dozens of unprepared white jade wild elephants suddenly felt a pain in their chrysanthemum flowers. Then, the endless pain spread into its mind and made it grow up and howl Got up.

"Aoao Aoao!" The severe pain directly made these white jade elephants jump. This time, the originally smooth escape from the team suddenly showed great confusion.

The white jade elephants in front jumped directly on the spot, and the hundred yuan elephants in the back who didn't have time to brake hit the white jade elephants without thinking.

"Boom!" The powerful impact force suddenly caused the white jade elephants to fall to the ground.

"Buzz!" Lin Ze's Spirit Eater Swarm will not miss this good opportunity.

Those bite-eating bees that haven't attacked yet come to the nose, ears, and chrysanthemum // flowers of these white jade wild elephants.

"Puff puff puff puff puff!" The thorns of the soul-eating bee tail continued to stab out, bringing the extremely screaming scream of Baiyu Man Elephant.

Among them, the female elephant leader exposed her belly directly after feeling the pain.

Obviously, the female leader said that she had surrendered.

"Hey, I surrendered. How could this be possible!" Qu Jingwen saw this, his eyes almost glared out. He really couldn't think of the female elephant leader surrendering like this.

You know, the stronger the barbarian, the easier it is to tame and surrender.

Among all the barbarians, the congenital barbarians will not easily surrender at the nineth floor or above, let alone the female elephant leader or the leader of this group of white jade wild elephants.

According to Qu Jingwen's idea, this female elephant leader will definitely fight to the end.

However, the picture in front of him made Qu Jingwen dumbfounded.

"How could she surrender? How could she surrender?" Qu Jingwen's mind was filled with question marks in an instant.

"Oh, what's so strange, the female leader is a wise move." Lin Ze was not very strange, said with a smile on his face.

Seeing that Qu Jingwen on the side still looked like he couldn’t believe it, Lin Ze explained with a smile: "Qu Jingwen, the reason why the female elephant leader will surrender is very simple, this is all because of the bite brought by her before. Despair, and endless suffering."

"Think back, how did we deal with this female elephant leader before?" Lin Ze asked with a smile.

"We blocked her nose first, and then sent the spirit bee to attack its ears..." Qu Jingwen answered quickly.

"Yeah, we blocked its nose first, so Qu Jingwen, have you ever blocked your nose before?"

"The experience of blocking your nose?" Qu Jingwen seemed a little clear.

"Yeah, the feeling of blocking the nose is not a general discomfort. At that time, many people are not allowed to directly dissect the nose, so as to avoid their own discomfort. It is uncomfortable just to stop the nose, What's more, the nose of the female elephant's nose was also attacked by the spirit bite bee tail thorn. At that time, its nose was not only blocked, but completely blocked, and there was no gap in the middle.

It took more than an hour for such a thing, and the wound in his nose did not recover until it ate those ghost noodles. I believe that this more than an hour of experience will definitely make the female elephant leader unforgettable. "Lin Ze said with a smile.

Anyone who has such an experience, I believe he will never forget it in his life.

Isn't there such an old saying, once bitten by a snake for ten years, I was afraid of the rope.

After a person is bitten by a snake, even if he sees something like a rope, he will be terrified in his heart.

The current female elephant leader is facing such a situation.

Of course, there are also reasons why the female leader's strength has consumed more than half of the previous battle for more than half an hour.

Before it was full of strength, it was so miserable that it was packed up by the spirit swarm. Now it has less than three layers of strength. Then, in the face of more attacks by the spirit swarm, what will happen to it, That's imaginable.

Therefore, after biting into the nose and ears while riding on the bite bee, it was the head of the female elephant of this white jade barbarian elephant herd who was a little bit oily without any hesitation. .

Qu Jingwen's body IQ is very high. Lin Ze explained that he would not know where, so he just smiled bitterly and didn't ask anything else.

The leader of the female elephant surrendered directly, and the next thing was much easier to manage.

Under the command of the female elephant leader, all the white jade wild elephants stopped their resistance.

In fact, there is no strength to resist. The timing of Ling Ze's Spirit Eater attack is extremely accurate. When the white jade elephant has no idea, all of them got into their key positions.

Now these white jade elephants have 30 or 40 spirit eaters on each and most of them are in their noses and ears. (There are some chrysanthemums // flowers, but the number is not very large, the attack power of the tail of the white jade wild elephant is still very strong, and the spirit bee can't stop it.

In only three minutes, the remaining fifty-six white jade wild elephants were conquered by Lin Ze, and then received into the plane seed world. (In this battle, the loss of Baiyu Barbarian Elephant is not small...)

Now all that remains are the devil vines, and the twenty or so white jade elephants trapped.

"Hanshan Green Snake, pull me!" Lin Ze again released dozens of Hanshan Green Snakes.

Bai Yuman didn't see the biggest weakness of Devil's Vine, and he didn't know the desperate attack to catch Devil's Vine's weakness, but Lin Ze had already discovered it.

The strength of the devil vine is strong, but once their body is pulled out of the ground, their strength is less than half.

In addition, in order to ensure the safety of the body, the devil vine will recall most of the rattan to protect their body.

Lin Ze is now using this weakness of the devil vine to attack it.

The white jade elephants have just been taken into the world of plane seeds. It takes a long time for them to act on their orders, so Lin Ze can't use their arrogant power now.

However, this does not matter. Lin Ze has other methods.

No, now Lin Ze uses the advantage of Hanshan Green Snake's extremely fast punching speed to deal with Devil Vine.

Originally, these devil vines were hit hard by the previous white jade wild elephants, and now the remaining vines are tightly trapped in the white jade wild elephants captured by them. There are few vines left.

Therefore, this is more conducive to Lin Ze's actions afterwards.

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