Alien Lord

Chapter 1335: queen!

"Boom!" After the bursts of explosions, the attack wave of the two-headed Leiying was quickly annihilated, and then, thousands of soul-eating butterflies rose up and left to chase the poor, and the dense soul-eating butterflies would suddenly These dozen double-headed thunder eagles surrounded them.

In the next moment, countless fans//phantoms//pink// fan out from the wings of Soul Eater Butterfly.

In just four or five breathing hours, these two-headed Lei Ying couldn't bear it, and they were all drained of their mental strength, and they turned directly like stones and fell down.

In the process of falling, these two-headed Lei Ying's mourning sounds are endless.

Countless feathers and blood are constantly falling from the sky, before they reach the ground. These two-headed thunder eagles are silent.

All the two-headed thunder eagles died, and the soul-eating butterfly swarms that had just assembled before dispersed.

Soon, nothing seemed to happen in the surroundings. These soul-eating butterflies continued to circle and patrol around the nest, or collect spiritual honey.

In less than two minutes before and after, the loss of Soul Eater is only a loss of more than two hundred. What kind of tree is this for a whole group of millions of Soul Eater? !

Soul Eater swarms quickly restored their previous orderly appearance. Lin Ze also saw that there were some soul eaters with a weaker breath, wandering where the double-headed Leiying corpse fell, it is estimated that these are special A non-combat member who handled this delicious meal.

At the same time, he has seen from time to time groups of soul-eating butterflies not flying in and out of the image at all, either with the collected seeds or with the captured food, and more often, a lot of bite Soul Butterfly's six claws are tightly carrying a corpse of a wild beast to the nest.

The breath of the corpses of the wild beasts is not weak, and I feel from a distance. Lin Ze is sure that the weakest one is also the barbarian of the eighth layer of the acquired day, and the strength of the majority of the corpses of the wild beasts is not limited to this.

Among the barbarians that Lin Ze saw alone, there were thirty or forty barbarians no less than the level of the two-headed Thunderhawk that had been annihilated before.

Some of them, even Lin Ze, are very greedy savage beasts, but now they have become the mouth-watering meals of others.

Seeing this, although Lin Ze had been mentally prepared for a long time, he couldn't help but be shocked by the huge combat power of this large group of soul-eating butterflies. Fortunately, they were not malicious to him, otherwise...

Lin Ze shook a big tremor all over his body, and kept admonishing himself in his heart. This time, you must be careful and careful. Rather than the treasure left by Master Xuanyin here, you should not anger the soul-eating butterflies. .

Lin Ze believes that if he really wants to anger this group of soul-eating butterflies, he can't get rid of them without peeling a layer of skin.

Lin Ze watched this soul-eating butterfly group society quietly in awe, and the busy scene jumped into his eyes one after another: those who ate and lay in the petals, and some continued in the Lingyao Garden There are pollinators, some fighting against each other, some courting and dancing...

Observing their movements carefully, Lin Ze's heart was filled with emotions, and an emotion rose in his heart that he should not disturb these soul-eating butterflies.

This is because the society here is so beautiful. It seems that I came here to devote myself to destruction.

Just when Lin Ze thought about whether he would retreat directly, he suddenly found that the soul-eating butterflies around him gathered more and more, which made Lin Ze's heart gradually grabbed.

At the same time, there was an extremely high voice in the king's nest in the middle of the cliff not far away, with a royal cry.

The sound is actually not very loud, but it sounds so natural that it feels unusual, and I feel like I was born much lower than it.

"Huh, this should be the voice of the soul-eating queen!" Lin Ze's heart sighed with relief.

Soul Eaters, like ants and bees, are queens.

With the sound of the dripping sound, it seemed to be echoing something. The sound had just fallen. All the soul-eating butterflies nearby screamed in unison, and then countless soul-eating butterflies began to flap their wings.

In the blink of an eye, there were countless blue waves surging around Lin Ze.

At the next moment, as if the monarchs of the secular dynasty were traveling, they inspected the troops below. Lin Ze saw that a huge passage suddenly appeared between the huge nests in the middle of the cliff.

This passage directly reaches Lin Ze, which means that between Lin Ze and the Soul Eater's King's Nest, there is no barrier between the two.

"Goodong!" Lin Ze was nervous, and swallowed a big spit in his mouth.

"It's coming out!" Lin Ze murmured secretly.

Although Lin Ze was not afraid of his heart, there was still a trace of caution in the unknown, of course, there was also a trace of curiosity.

After more than a dozen breaths, under Lin Ze's staring gaze, a beautiful figure that Lin Ze anticipated the Soul Eater Butterfly's Nest flew out.

Yes, it is beautiful, because this queen of soul-eating butterflies is different from other soul-eating butterflies. Its wings are not blue-gray, but extremely colorful rainbow colors.

Whenever it incites its wings, a rainbow of seven colors will appear around it, which makes the Queen of Soul Eater's figure extremely beautiful.

Even Lin Ze, who doesn't know much about the beauty of nature, was deeply attracted by this moment.

After Queen Soul Eater came out, she looked around the entire Soul Eater group with her head so high.

As far as the eye can see, all the soul-eating butterflies bowed their heads low, not daring to make noises. Before that, they still seemed to be a noisy cliff, and suddenly quieted down.

After patrolling his own people, the sight of Queen Soul Eater fell on Lin Ze.

Suddenly, Lin Ze felt that there was a burst of stinging pains in his sea of ​​knowledge. Those eyes that seemed to be searchlights seemed to see him through at once.

At the next moment, the true energy in Lin Ze Dan Tian also seemed to be stimulated, and he ran wildly in an instant, and boiled violently.

Lin Ze was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly mobilized all the power to gather up the restless real energy inside Dan Tian and calmed down.

Fortunately, Lin Ze's heart is also clear, this is just a demonstration of the soul eater king, and there is no hostility, otherwise I am afraid that Lin Ze can't help fighting this time, to protect himself.

But even so, the true energy in Dantian still boiled continuously, and the blood of the helpless Lin Ze only had to mobilize the power of the plane seeds, forcibly suppressing the true energy in Dantian.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ze again called on the power of the Plane Seeds. The pure and indecent Xuanyin true energy in the Plane Seeds world seemed like no money. It sprang up like crazy and directly surrounded Lin Ze inside.

Countless Xuanyin true qi pours directly towards the soul-eating butterfly queen...

Lin Ze did this not to attack the Queen of Soul Eater, but to show her that he was the heir of Xuanyin Master and they were a group.

The result proves that Lin Ze's action is indeed correct. The pure and subtle, mysterious and innocent Qi around him directly attracted the noises of the surrounding soul eaters, and the wings of the middle soul eater queen incited The speed has also accelerated a lot.

I believe that if it weren’t for Queen Soul Eater’s presence, the other Soul Eaters were afraid that they would have swarmed up and surrounded him.

Just when Lin Ze was relieved and was about to disperse Xuanyin's true spirit for half, to show that he had no hostility, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, as if he found something, but then he was stunned.

Because I don’t know when it will start. In the eyes of Soul Eater Queen, the powerful and oppressive smell disappeared. Not only is it invincible, but it also has a meaning that is unclear and seems to be asking for help. inside.

It was at this time that the Queen of Soul Eater had been watching Lin Ze for half a day, and it suddenly excited her wings with great excitement. The strong wind even made the entire Wang Chao nearby tremble under her movements.

"Huh!" With a clear long chirp, it flew from the king's nest, and then spread the huge four wings led the neck and shook its wings, dancing like a dance Flying back and forth, his eyes full of flattery.

"What does it mean?" Lin Ze's heart was puzzled, and the picture changed too quickly.

Just now he kept demonstrating to him, why did he change to dancing halfway? And, still seems to please him? What is going on?

Seeing Lin Ze still didn't understand, Queen Soul Eater was obviously anxious.

It's just that the two languages ​​are not available, and the Queen of Soul Eater can't explain it.

Therefore, she only continued to incite its two pairs of seven-color beautiful wings, and flew out one by one, either vigorously or gracefully, her eyes looked at Lin Ze anxiously, as if expressing something.

"......" Lin Ze's face was so dumbfounded that he had no choice but to look on like that.

At this time, the Queen of Soul Eaters seemed to want to understand something. She no longer flew, but exuded powerful might directly.

Seeing this, Lin Ze's face gradually changed, from the previous full face to the present solemn thing, and then looked attentively.

The Queen Soul Eater’s movements are completely different from the previous ones. It no longer incites its two extremely beautiful wings. Instead, it inspires the strength that was originally converged before, and it does not seem to converge at all. Continue to continue to strengthen.

Fortunately, these coercion did not face Lin Ze, otherwise Lin Ze would think that Queen Soul Eater turned her face.

If you really turn your face, Lin Ze will choose to run the first time.

With the dozen or so two-headed Lei Ying in the front as an example, Lin Ze knew that he had fallen into the circle surrounded by the Soul Eater Butterfly Swarm.

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