Alien Lord

Chapter 1328: Refining (1)

"No wonder that Huo Mingyuan was like that of a tuberculosis ghost at the last time. It turned out that the true energy, mind and energy consumed by this flaming dragon were so amazing that it was difficult for him to support it for so long."

After roughly researching it, Zhang Fan looked excited, and began to try to rejuvenate Yan Long Fen Tian Pei in his hands.

Seriously, Lin Ze's inner expectations are extremely high for this piece of flame.

Even on that day, under the empress of Gu Xiyao, the Thousand Demon streamers gave out the horror power almost at the peak of the guru, and Lin Ze never lost faith in the power of Yan Long Fen Tian Pei because Lin Ze knew clearly I know that the background of Yan Long Fen Tian Pei is much stronger than Qian Mo Fan.

Perhaps when Yanlong, who made Yanlong Fentianpei, died, was not as powerful as Thousand Demon's Dark Warcraft, but, in terms of attack power, Yanlong Fentianpei still took advantage.

The most important thing is that the dragon soul inside the Yanlong Burning Skypei has the ability to upgrade the qualifications of practitioners.

As long as Yan Long Fen Tian Pei is integrated into the body's warming, it can help the martial arts to speed up the cultivation speed and improve the cultivation qualification of the martial arts on a small scale.

Lin Ze’s current training qualifications are not really outstanding, and even the bottom group can exist. Even with the full support of the Plane Seed World, they now treat cultivation resources like immortals. When fava beans are generally eaten, Lin Ze's cultivation speed is only equivalent to that of a Chinese. Compared with the top core true disciples of Zongmen, it is really far from the truth.

To be honest, if Lin Ze was not on the earth, his strength had already reached the level of quasi-innate, and already had a wealth of cultivation experience, otherwise, Lin Ze wanted to cultivate to the quasi-innate strength, time It has to be several times longer.

Now that Lin Ze has experienced life and death in the Yinfeng Gorge for a long time, his body's behavior has not been able to reach the level of quasi-innate. Compared with Gu Xiyao, these strengths have reached the innate period of the true core disciples of Zongmen. , Sincerely not outstanding.

If it weren’t for Lin Ze’s many killer skills, where could Lin Ze kill Huo Mingyuan, he wouldn’t be killed by Huo Mingyuan, it would be good.

The qualification of cultivation is extremely important for cultivation, especially after the advancement to the innate period, as the martial arts cultivation becomes higher and higher, the requirements for their cultivation qualifications also increase, and after the innate, the high-level elixir It's no longer as easy to get as it was in the day after tomorrow.

Every congenital high-level elixir requires a huge amount of money from the warrior, which will inevitably slow down the practice speed.

Even Lin Ze is the same. Although he will not lack the panacea required for cultivation, his body's absorption of panacea is limited.

With regard to the absorption of immortality, the stronger the training qualification of the warrior, the stronger the absorption ability.

Let's put it this way, count ten as the qualifications of martial arts cultivation.

Zero is the lowest and ten is the highest.

A warrior with one training qualification has extremely limited absorption capacity for the Elixir. In general, it takes more than ten days for the same Elixir to be absorbed.

And if it is replaced by a martial artist with five qualifications, then the same panacea may be absorbed in a day or two.

This efficiency is five or six times that of the former warrior.

And this is just a warrior with a cultivation qualification of five. Instead, the cultivation qualification has reached ten. Then maybe it takes only one or two hours for him to absorb a panacea.

One hour or two on one side and ten days on the other, the fool knows the huge gap between the two.

Therefore, even if Lin Ze has countless panacea, but in terms of cultivation speed, he is not as good as Gu Xiyao's core children.

This is why Lin Ze has been looking for elixir to improve his cultivation qualities, such as the ground fire nasturtium, and the ambergris. In order to obtain these spiritual fruits, Lin Ze spent a lot of hard work. This is all Because these elixir can greatly improve Lin Ze's own cultivation qualifications and speed up his cultivation speed.

Similarly, Yan Long Fen Tian Pei also has such a role.

Yan Long Fen Tian Pei can not only help the warrior to quickly absorb the surrounding aura, speed up the operation speed of the martial arts skills, but also can use the power of Long Yan to purify Wu Zhengdi's Qi while the warrior is practicing.

Finally, what is most attractive to Lin Ze is that the dragon soul in the Yanlong Burning Sky Pei can refine the training qualifications of martial artists.

Yes, Yan Long Fen Tian Pei is not fast to improve the qualifications of martial arts cultivation, and you need to fully recover this fast Yan Long Fen Tian Pei, and this matter is extremely difficult, because, Yan Long Fen Tian Pei is in During these tens of thousands of years, it passed the hands of countless warriors, and inside it left a lot of marks of other warriors.

Only after these marks are eliminated, Lin Ze can truly control this burning dragon.

This matter is very difficult, at least for other warriors.

However, Lin Ze is very confident about this.

If you want to expel the spiritual imprints belonging to other martial arts in Yanlong Burning Tian Pei, first of all, you have to attack mentally. Only then can you defeat the spiritual imprints belonging to other martial arts.

This requirement cannot be fulfilled by the nine-tier nine warrior, because, if you want to use mental power to attack, your strength must first be advanced to the eighth layer of the congenital, and if your strength reaches the eighth layer of the congenital, then you have already It is the strength of the Supreme Grand Master. At this time, where do you need any more fire to strengthen your own strength?

At this stage of the Supreme Master, Yan Long Fen Tian Pei is like chicken ribs to you, and it is a pity to eat without taste!

In addition, even if you can launch a mental attack, you want to expel the spiritual imprint, it is not that simple thing.

If you want to expel the imprint of spiritual energy, first of all, you have to fully understand what is imprint of spiritual energy? How did the Mental Mark come from?

Only by understanding this, you guessed that you can do more with less when removing the imprint of mental energy.

However, such a thing is also extremely difficult for many warriors.

It is not very difficult to study these things. In fact, as long as you are willing to spend a lot of thoughts and time, you can still study them.

If this is the case, why don't many people study it?

The reason is actually very short, just two words: time!

Yes, time.

After the martial arts practice to the congenital period, although it can extend some lifespans, these lifespans are also limited.

Like the most powerful Supreme Master, the lifespan is generally around 180 years old. Once you reach this age, even if you are the strength of the Supreme Master, you must step into death unless you break through. By the foundation period.

It seems that there are a lot of time in 180 years, but there is not much to say.

The warrior advanced from the acquired to the congenital, from the early congenital to the grandmaster, from the grandmaster to the grandmaster, then from the grandmaster to the supreme grandmaster, and finally from the grandmaster to the foundation period, in total There are five stages.

Every stage of promotion here requires a lot of time.

Some warriors will even spend 40 to 50 years here, or even 60 to 70 years.

It takes so much time for one stage, and here there are five stages, and as the stage increases, the difficulty is directly increased by multiples. Correspondingly, the time required is also increased by multiples of multiples.

General warrior (Note, it is a general warrior, not a genius in a genius like Gu Xiyao!) It takes 40 to 50 years from the acquired to the congenital. The next step, from the early congenital to the master, takes 70 to 80 years. Too.

It's been 120 or 30 years since the two combined, and where can he go to advance to the strength of Grand Master?

Having said so much, it seems that there is not much relationship. In fact, so many words above are only used to prove that the time of the warrior is extremely precious. The general warrior does not spend a lot of time on studying some other miscellaneous things~www It takes a lot of time for you to study the specific composition of the mental imprint. After that, it will take a huge amount of time to get rid of the mental imprint. When the two are added together, the time is not much longer.

Maybe it will be thirty or forty years at a time, and with these thirty or forty years, if you go to practice yourself, maybe you have already advanced to the strength of the guru.

Comparing the two, the nine-tier nine warriors will not choose to do so.

Just like Huo Mingyuan before, in fact, he can also completely refining this piece of Yanlong Burning Tian Pei, but he knows that the time to refining Yan Long Burning Tian Pei is enough for him to advance to the level of Grand Master. Too.

Therefore, with this time, he might as well devoted himself to practice.

The strength of an outside grandmaster is definitely not comparable to the strength of an outside grandmaster.

Besides, as the core disciple of Thousand Demons Dao, strength is the most important.

Once he hasn't improved his strength for decades, Huo Mingyuan's survival is a problem.

Fortunately, these problems are not a problem for Lin Ze.

First of all, Lin Ze developed the puppet seal, the mental seal, and the soul seal. Therefore, he has a thorough understanding of what is the spiritual seal.

It can be said that even on the mainland of Shenzhou, related to the study of spiritual imprints, Lin Ze is still the first existence.

Secondly, it takes a lot of time to expel the imprint of the spiritual power belonging to other martial arts in Yan Long Fen Tian Pei. This is no problem for Lin Ze.

Because Lin Ze is now immortal, after having the plane seeds, Lin Ze has reached the state of immortality immortalized by countless emperors, so time is really nothing for him.

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