Alien Lord

Chapter 1308: Contest

Feng Yan pursed her lower lip. It seemed that after considering a few minutes, she did not go to see Huo Mingyuan on the side, but said directly to Lin Ze: "Is that you?"

Although Feng Yan's words were questionable, his tone was extremely positive.

Feng Yan's voice was still so calm, as if it was cold in the snow in winter, but for Lin Ze and Huo Mingyuan now, it was a relief.

Feng Yan's ability to talk to them in such a peaceful manner means that there is very little chance for them to fight. Otherwise, why should Feng Yan talk to them?

Although on the surface, as long as Feng Yan is not prepared to be seriously injured in his heart, to avoid affecting the subsequent plan, or if he is determined to be determined by the cardinals, he should not start with both of them at this time.

However, the actual situation Lin Ze and the two of them understood.

Although they are two people, they did not have much contact before, let alone cooperate with each other in battle.

When fighting, it is good for them to be able to do without dragging each other's legs. It is really difficult to expect them to fight together against the enemy.

Under such circumstances, Feng Yan really wants to turn against them, at least until Lin Ze has no real strength, her chances of winning are actually greater.

Relying on Feng Yanqing's surname, and the character of saying nothing, now that she has spoken, she really has no meaning to fight, so this death fight can be avoided.

At the same time, although Feng Yan asked Lin Ze this sentence seems to be asking no questions, but Lin Ze's heart on the scene understood her meaning, she refers to not long ago, Lin Ze and Su Zhe’s fight, at the end, Lin Ze had actually seen Feng Yan, but he didn’t want to have any conflict with Feng Yan, so he avoided it.

"Now it seems that Feng Yan was actually following Gu Xiyao at that time, otherwise she would not happen to meet me." Lin Ze thought secretly.

At that time, Feng Yan arrived only after Gu Xiyao walked for a while.

Lin Ze thought that Feng Yan was attracted by her fighting with Su Zhe. Now it seems that she was following Gu Xiyao at that time.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze nodded directly and admitted: "It's right down then, I didn't know that it was Miss Feng, you came, so, just leave directly, hope you forgive Miss Feng."

Feng Yan nodded and heard nothing, but stretched out his white jade hand to the waist, and there was an extra bag tied with gold wire.

Obviously, this is a spirit beast bag holding a barbarian who was conquered by Feng Yan.


With a slight sound, the golden rope above the mouth of the bag was untied.

Seeing this, Lin Ze's heart was tight, and he was vigilantly secretly.

At the same time, when Huo Ming on the side saw this, he took a step back silently and gave Lin Ze the whole person directly. Looking at his look, he didn't mean to stretch out his hand.

Lin Ze also saw this, and he didn't care about it, because he didn't rely on Huo Mingyuan in his heart.

Moreover, don't look at Feng Yan now seems to be in a strong position, but Lin Ze has enough self-confidence, really want to fight, the defeat will only be Feng Yan, not him.

Therefore, Lin Ze faced Feng Yan very calmly, with no fear on her face.

Seeing Lin Ze's appearance now, there was a little more appreciation in Feng Yan's eyes.

After all, when he can face himself, he is still such a person who does not change his face. Feng Yan now only meets Lin Ze.

Others, even those in the same clan, will be wary when they see that they are opening the bag of the spirit beast.

"Let me see your condition!"

Feng Yan said in his heart that the white jade hand gently patted the bag of spirit beasts on his hand, and suddenly a large group of golden-colored, egg-sized flying insects appeared in front of Lin Ze.

Countless earth golden flying insects, gathered like a thick fog in front of Feng Yan, the sound of the wings fluttering in the sky has become the only sound between heaven and earth.

These earth golden flying insects are much smaller than the previous bloodthirsty mosquitoes. The rough cloth is estimated to be only about 2,000, but the volume is much larger than the previous bloodthirsty mosquitoes, and all are as large as eggs. , And some even have the size of a fist.

Coupled with their thick, shiny earthen carapace, plus two double claws like dog-legged knives, it is extremely grim.

"This is Jin Chanzi!"

As soon as this barbarian came out, Lin Ze recognized it.

After seeing this barbarian, Lin Ze sighed secretly. He knew that this time it was not like that.

The golden cicada looks very similar to the cicada on the earth, except that this is not an insect, but a real beast. It eats meat.

The adult golden cicadas have the strength of the six layers of the day after tomorrow. They have nothing to eat and are extremely reproductive. One breeding can produce tens of thousands of cubs.

Therefore, it is like a locust on the earth on the mainland of Shenzhou, and it is easy to become a disaster.

Fortunately, this is the mainland of China. The forest is in very good conditions. There are countless birds and beasts with the same strength. Therefore, no matter how many golden cicadas are there is only food.

However, if you feed the gold cicadas with gold iron properties, and cultivate them carefully, the mature gold cicadas can be directly upgraded to the eighth layer of the day after tomorrow, and the body is surrounded by golden armor and swords are difficult to hurt.

The golden cicadas in front of Feng Yan are all gleaming, obviously they are already mature bodies, not ordinary swords, or even low-level mysterious soldiers can deal with them.

Coupled with its small size, extremely fast flight speed, sharp double claws on the head, although the individual strength is only eight layers of the acquired day, there is no threat to Lin Ze, who is now quasi-innate.

But once the number of golden cicadas is in groups, even ordinary innate strong men are not willing to provoke them.

The number of golden cicadas in front of Lin Ze is only more than two thousand, plus the command of Feng Yan, I believe that even if the congenital strongman in the early stage of the master meets, it will be a headache.

If you can't wipe it out with one blow, once surrounded by so many golden cicadas, it's really life-threatening.

It's just that Lin Ze's face is still so calm, as if the two thousand or more golden cicadas don't exist, which makes Huo Mingyuan and Feng Yan on both sides very puzzled.

"Is this guy scared!" This is what Huo Mingyuan said.

Faced with so many gold cicadas, even Huo Mingyuan himself did not have much chance of winning. When he wanted to come, this strength was not as good as his Lin Ze, and there would not be many chances of winning.

Now it looks calm like this, it is likely to be scared and stupid.

"It seems that this person's strength is indeed not to be underestimated, quasi-innate strength? Ha ha ha..." Unlike Huo Mingyuan, Feng Yan's heart valued Lin Ze even more.

She had seen Su Zhe's body, so she knew she could not look at Lin Ze with quasi-innate strength.

"Does he also have a lot of spirit eaters, how is this possible?" Feng Yan's heart was full of disbelief.

Yes, this time Feng Yan will shoot directly at Lin Ze because she found the bodies of two spirit eaters at the scene of Su Zhe's death.

(In fact, Gu Xiyao killed him. Lin Ze has always placed a large number of killer bees and spirit bees within a kilometer of the surrounding area for investigation.)

The bite-eating bee is also a barbarian that Feng Yan really wants, but the number of bite-eating bees on Wantao Mountain is really too much. Moreover, the bite-eating property of the bite-eating bee stings makes Feng Yan dare not Get started.

So, in the end, she chose the wild beast like Jin Chanzi to cultivate.

Although this is the case, she still lingers on the soul-eating bee in her heart.

No, when he saw the bodies of these two spirit eaters, Feng Yan knew at that time that someone had tamed the spirit eaters.

In this regard, she was curious, and at the same time, an unwillingness to lose appeared in her heart.

From the beginning of Feng Yan joining Yushou it is at the same age or elder level in Sect, she is always the first in her ability to control the beast.

Now there is a person who seems to have a stronger ability than her to control the beast, even if she is calm like Feng Yan, at this moment there is a deep dissatisfaction in her heart, wanting to compete with this person in the ability to control the beast Fan.

Seriously, before Lin Ze admitted his identity, Feng Yan's heart jumped violently, and the fighting spirit in his heart was directly inspired.

Therefore, even if Feng Yan is not going to fight Lin Ze with them anymore, she is still ready to fight Lin Ze to control the beast.

As for Huo Mingyuan on one side, at this time Feng Yan's heart had long been absent, and only Lin Ze was in her heart.

You said, Huo Mingyuan will become the fisherman in the snipe fighting fisherman's profit.

Ha ha, Feng Yan is not worried about this.

She was only playing against Lin Ze's ability to control the beast, but it was not a death fight, not to mention, the flying purple centipede beside her was staring at Huo Mingyuan closely.

With the flying purple centipede, Huo Mingyuan was afraid to do anything.

Lin Ze also guessed Feng Yan's thoughts at this time. Obviously, the spirit-eater colony that he battled with Su Zhe exposed some of his own strengths. .

Also, replaced by Lin Ze, when he encounters a beast-controlling ability that is as powerful as himself, he will always challenge him.

Just like two game masters, after encountering it, I will always have a contest in my heart.

Thinking of this, Lin Ze smiled inwardly.

It is not only a smile to Feng Yan, who has such a strong competitive spirit, but also a confident smile to herself.

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