Alien Lord

Chapter 1028: play self pity

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"How dare he, how dare he, how dare he shoot me..." Yu Mingliang kept muttering this sentence, and the whole person was sitting on the horse's back deliberately, toward the governor's palace Away.

"Lin Lixuan, Lin Lixuan, I must kill you, and you must die!" Yu Mingliang roared with victory in his heart, and his hatred for Lin Ze was already deep in his bones.

"Three young masters, you're home." A servant came to Yu Mingliang very carefully and reported, and almost dropped his head to the ground.

"Well, I know." Yu Mingliang said with a black face.

"Lin Lixuan, I won't make you feel better." Yu Mingliang thought like this, and then, the next moment, he came up with the acting that he could compare with Oscar.

The embarrassed clothes that had been crushed by the carriage, Yu Mingliang ripped it even more ragged with his own hands, and also punched his nose directly with a bite of his teeth. Suddenly, a lot of nosebleed flowed out of the nose, and in a blink of an eye A bright layer of blood stained his chest.

Seeing that he had become more embarrassed than the beggars on the street, Yu Mingliang started the real acting, and he howled loudly: "Mother, mother..."

While screaming at his mother, he ran into the Governor’s Mansion with tears in his eyes. He went to Yuyang County Master, where his mother cried.

Yu Mingliang understands his mother's spoiling of herself, from small to big, what he wants, his mother will help him, what he wants to do, his mother will also help him prepare in advance.

Although Yu Mingliang is dandy, he is not stupid. He knows the weight of the vice governor. If he goes directly to his father, Yu Deen, there is a half chance that Yu Deen will let him bear it. This is absolutely unacceptable to Yu Mingliang.

Therefore, he directly disguised himself as a beggar and ran to his mother to cry.

Yu Mingliang is very clear, as long as his mother sees his sloppy appearance, he will definitely feel very sad in his heart, and then he will help him to find Lin Ze’s trouble, and will never let himself calm down.

From this point of view, Yu Mingliang's young man is still a little IQ

"Mother, mother..." Yu Mingliang howled all the way to his mother's residence, Nanyuan in the Governor's Mansion.

"What's wrong, what's wrong, my dear, what's wrong." Upon hearing Yu Mingliang's wailing, the Yuyang County master hurriedly came out of the room, and as soon as he came out, he saw his son's vice A beggar looks miserable.

Upon seeing Yu Ming’s miserable look, Princess Yuyang’s heart suddenly lifted, and she came to Yu Ming’s face in a panic. He worriedly touched Yu Ming’s body to see if it was hurt. , And kept saying, "Liang'er, where was it hurt, where was it hurt?"

The current Yuyang County Master, where there is the style of the County Master, is completely like a mother who is worried about whether her son is injured.

Seeing his mother's panic, Yu Mingliang's heart flashed with pride, but the howling on his mouth was getting worse.

"Mother, my son was wronged this time, almost buried by the carriage." At this time, Yu Mingliang's acting was a big explosion, tears flowed from his eyes with his words, and more and more. .

Hearing that Yu Mingliang said she was almost buried, the Yuyang County lord suddenly burst like a cat with a stomped tail. For the first time, she burst out a slur in front of Yu Mingliang: "Who is that, it's that cheap Things dare to do such a thing, Liang'er, you can rest assured that your mother will definitely avenge you."

The heart of Yuyang County's guardian child broke out, and he didn't ask the specific reason for it. He was ready to revenge Yu Mingliang.

Seeing this, Yu Mingliang was very proud.

"Hey, such a dress came to my mother, it's really right." Yu Mingliang thought proudly.

"Lin Lixuan, this time I see where you are going, but I dare to beat me, this time I want to call you dead without a burial place! Hum!" A cold hum sounded in Yu Mingliang's heart.

Then, Yu Mingliang immediately turned into a miserable look and cried: "Mother, it is Lin Lixuan, the Lin Lixuan who just took office, I was originally outing, but this Lin Lixuan is because my carriage is a bit blocking the road I couldn’t help but beat me up. I also said the identity of my father and mother. I didn’t think that this Lin Lixuan not only did not stop, but instead intensified the child’s hand and directly destroyed the child’s carriage, if not The children transported well, maybe I was crushed to death by the fallen carriage."

Yu Mingliang constantly tampered with the situation he encountered with Lin Ze. Originally, he took the initiative to find Lin Ze, which was changed by him to the outing, and it was him who took the initiative to block Lin Ze from going. Lin Ze disliked his carriage to block the road. Then, his carriage was just overturned. There was no danger in itself. It was changed into a carriage that was almost overturned and crushed to death...

Numerous details have been changed by Yu Mingliang, and all that is not conducive to him has been changed to benefit him, and it is said that Lin Ze looked down on Yuyang County Master and Yu Deen.

"Good, good, good Lin Lixuan, I really think you have the support of the elder brother, you can do whatever you want, hum, but here is the sandbar, not where you Lin Linxuan can spread wild!" Princess Yuyang said coldly.

Yu Mingliang's efforts to add oil and vinegar are actually a little bit in the mind of Yuyang County. However, she is very fond of Yu Mingliang, and she will not blame him. Even if Lin Ze was wronged in the heart of Yuyang County, It seems that it should be.

She is the emperor's sister, although she is the cousin of Yuanfang, but how can she be a regular master of the Chu Kingdom, and an absolute royal descendant, so even if you have wronged Lin Ze once, what happens.

What's more, Yu Mingliang is now even more miserable than the beggars on the street. Princess Yuyang's heart was already very angry. Where else would you care if Yu Mingliang was fake?

In her heart, even if Yu Mingliang had a fake in it, she would still be true because she is Yu Mingliang's mother!

"Go, Liang'er, go find your father with your mother. This time, your mother will definitely rule for you. This Lin Lixuan, mother will definitely teach him a good lesson, go!" After that, the master of Yuyang County pulled Yu Mingliang's hand walked to Yu Deen's study.

Five minutes later, the Yuyang County master brought Yu Mingliang to Yu Deen's study. Just entering the study, he found that many people were in the study. They seemed to be discussing something.

"I've seen the county master, three sons!" Everyone in the study saw Yuyang county master and Yu Mingliang, and immediately got up to say hello.

"Well, get up!" Princess Yuyang said flatly.

"Madam, what are you doing here, is there anything?" asked Yu Deen, who was sitting in the upper position.

"Huh, Liang'er. What's wrong with you, who dares to hit you with such boldness." Yu Deen said angry, and he also saw Yu Liang, who was embarrassed.

Seriously, the measures that Yu Mingliang had deliberately made him look even more embarrassed now, the effect is really good now, Yu Deen looked angry at Yu Mingliang's body, and immediately became angry.

"Father, you have to make the decision for the child, the child is still miserable!" Yu Mingliang was very apprehensive. When he saw that Yu Deen was not angry, he immediately cried out, and his face mourned mournfully.

"Liang'er, don't be sad, don't be sad, you must avenge you for your father. You said, who hurt you like this." Yu Deen asked with regret.

This was his own son, or his favorite son. From childhood to old, he couldn't even beat him, but now he was beaten by outsiders. Yu Deen could not be angry immediately. It was already good.

"Who could it be, not the Lin Lixuan who had just arrived? It was he who made Liang'er look like this." The Yuyang County master said with resentment, full of dissatisfaction with Lin Ze.

"It's him!" Yu Deen was surprised.

In fact, when Yu Mingliang appeared miserably in front of him, he already had some guesses, among them Lin Lixuan.

After all, in Shazhou, who doesn’t know that Yu Mingliang is his own son, and who dare to ignore the strength of the Governor’s Mansion, and give his son a heavy hand, such a person with such ability and courage, the entire sandbank except those in the gate In addition to people, there was only Lin Ze who had just been promoted to deputy governor.

"Is this Lin Linxuan's opening of the border to me and let Qingzhou's rebels attack him?" Yu Deen immediately flashed such a thought in his It is only for this reason that it can be explained. Why did Lin Ze start with his son.

"Lin Lixuan, are you demonstrating against me, huh, in that case, I have to say that you really angered me, Lin Lixuan, let us deal with it!" Yu Deen's eyes flashed a cold murder.

As the governor of Shazhou, the most important thing is that no one dares to rebel against himself, especially since this person also wants to seize control of the sandbar. Therefore, Yu De'en's heart of Lin Ze's murderous prosperity is as deep as the sea.

Originally, Yu Deen didn't want to shoot Lin Ze this long ago. After all, Lin Ze was the deputy governor sent by the emperor. If he killed Lin Ze now, the emperor would not be able to explain it to him, but this time Lin Ze shot Yu Yuliang. Come to demonstrate to him, this direct contact met Yu Deen's bottom line, he was ready to shoot Lin Ze.

As for whether the emperor would blame him afterwards, or whether he would target him, huh, to be honest, Yu Deen really didn't care much.

Because, no matter which emperor of the dynasty, was thinking about how to take back the power of the governor, it is said that the governor was fighting with the emperor in the hatchback.

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