Alien Lord

Chapter 1026: 'Huge amount' of funds

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After inspecting the placement of the Liumin camp and the situation of the congee site, Lin Ze went directly to the silver bank in the Zuo Weicheng at the third stop.

For disaster relief, silver money is always the first.

With enough silver money, you can buy enough food, disaster relief materials, etc. Therefore, Lin Ze had to go to understand the situation of the silver bank in the left acropolis.

Zuo Weicheng is a military town. Therefore, there is already a bottom in Lin Zexin's bank situation. There should not be much money.

However, after Lin Ze really opened the bank of Zuo Weicheng, he looked at the empty bank in front of him, where he could run the mouse, and there was a speechlessness in his heart, and the corner of his eye was still pumping.

Although Lin Ze had long expected that there wouldn't be much money in the treasury, but what was going on with such an empty treasury, Lin Ze was speechless.

"Ziqiang, what's going on here? Why are there no silver coins." Lin Ze turned and asked Ma Ziqiang.

Ma Ziqiang stood up and explained helplessly: "Adult, the silver bank in the Zuo Acropolis was emptied by the governor's house after the refugees began to settle here, in order to prevent the refugees from unrest and the crisis of silver Library security."

"Hehe..." Lin Ze also smiled helplessly.

This time, he agreed with the Governor's approach. After all, there are more than half a million refugees here. They really want to riot, and the silver coins in the bank can't be kept.

The bank was completely out of sight, and Lin Ze went to the armament warehouse of the Zuo Acropolis at the fourth stop.

This is different from the silver bank, there are many military equipment inside, the quality of these equipment is also good, Ma Ziqiang introduced, this is the backup equipment of the White Elephant Legion.

Lin Ze did not say much about this, anyway, Lin Ze did not look down on the equipment.

After turning around, Lin Ze returned to the commander's office with a frown, and sighed in his heart. This was really a mess. It was a huge mess. He had to spend a lot of effort to get this mess done. , Energy and money.

Back at the Yamen, after the people had just sat down, Lin Ze turned directly and asked Wang Ming: "Wang Ming, how to deal with the refugees next, let me talk about your opinions first."

In the Zuo Acropolis, other things, such as Yu Mingliang, can be put aside first. First of all, the problem of more than half a million refugees here must be solved. This is now the top priority.

Wang Ming did not hesitate and said quickly: "Adult, before answering this question in the humiliation, the humiliation first asks the lord, how to deal with the left acropolis."

The leader of the Left Acropolis, Ma Ziqiang, has been loyal to Lin Ze. Therefore, it can be said that the Left Acropolis has been Lin Ze’s from now on. Therefore, Wang Ming had to ask Lin Ze’s disposal of the Left Acropolis. Go on.

"Wang Ming knows my heart!" Lin Ze glanced at Wang Ming with admiration.

"Zuo Weicheng is now a self-improving site, plus here is a military fortress connecting Huangsha Town and Linsha City, such an important place, I certainly will not give up." Although these words Lin Ze sounded like nothing, but, The people present were all smart people. Upon hearing Lin Ze's words, he knew that he would not give up the Acropolis, and, for a long time to come, the Zuo Acropolis would also become Linze's outpost town against the Governor's Mansion.

"This is a good arrangement." Wang Ming said lightly.

"For the displaced people in this area, apart from a considerable part of them being moved to Huangsha Town according to the previous arrangements of the adults, there is a part of which we can follow the traditional practice of the Chu State, that is, the government funds to build roads and canals. From Zuowei The road from Chengcheng to Huangsha Town is very poor. Now that there are so many migrants, it is time to repair this road. In this way, if there is any danger in the Zuo Acropolis in the future, we can also support the Zuo Acropolis more quickly. Adults don’t often say, if you want to get rich, do you build the road first? Now let’s first repair the roads in Zuoweicheng and Huangsha Town.”

Lin Ze nodded with satisfaction: "Wang Ming, your method is feasible. Indeed, if you want to get rich, build the road first. This is the best saying!"

In fact, even if Wang Ming doesn't suggest this, Lin Ze will have to start arranging cultivation paths.

However, the road cultivation arranged by Lin Ze, not only from Huangsha Town to Zuo Acropolis, but Linze, the six main corridors going out of Huangsha Town, must take a big break.


The reason is simple, that is the need for industrial development.

Lin Ze is ready to develop Huangsha Town, Hesha City, and Blast City as industrial cities. He will build a large number of factories in these cities.

These factories can not only accommodate a large number of migrants, but also produce a large number of products, such as toilet paper, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toffee, and other items that are extremely scarce from the outside world.

After the factory produces these products, they need to be shipped out. At this time, they need to connect the roads outside.

The better the quality of the road, the faster the speed of transportation. For factories, the speed of production will also increase, and the wages of workers will rise and rise accordingly. Correspondingly, their spending power will be greatly strengthened, of course Yes, more and more shops will appear to meet the needs of the workers. In the end, the business environment in the city will be better and better, and the vitality of the city will be stronger and stronger.

The first condition of these things is the need for a smooth road. Without a smooth road, the materials produced in the factory cannot be sold, so that the factory cannot be opened, or the factory's operating efficiency is very low, resulting in workers' salaries. It will not be high, and their consumer desires will not be produced. In the end, the city cannot be developed.

Lin Ze was very clear about these things, so he was already calculating roads in his heart.

As for the cement and the like required for road repairing, Lin Ze had already started arranging people to make cement specifically a few months earlier, when he was determined to build the Banyuegu Reservoir.

I believe that after returning to Huangsha Town this time, Lin Ze can see the cement he needs.

Here Lin Ze and Wang Ming decided on measures to use the floating people to cultivate the road, and immediately Ma Ziqiang stood up and put forward different opinions.

"But lord, there is not much money in Zuo Weicheng, and, owing to your relationship with the Governor's Mansion, I believe that the Governor's Mansion will never pay this money." Ma Ziqiang said worriedly.

"Adult, Zuo Weicheng is just a military formation. Most of the people living in it are soldiers. People and shops related to the soldiers, although these people and shops can provide some tax funds, but such ordinary people are in Zuowei. There are only more than 8,000 households and more than 40,000 people in the city. The maximum annual tax is only about 100,000 silver coins. In addition, the tax of these shops in the city is about 500,000 silver coins a year, and the money needs to be paid. The various expenses of the officials in the Zuoweicheng will only be enough, and there will not be much balance at all."

"In addition to the Qingzhou rebellion last year, Zuo Weicheng added some military equipment here and spent a lot of money. Now there is really not much money in the Zuo Weicheng. You are in the bank. I also saw that although it was half empty by the Governor's Mansion, even if there was no Governor's Mansion, there was not much money in the bank, only about 50,000 silver coins.

What's more terrible is that the rate silver is about to be issued, and the 50,000 silver coins in the bank are not enough for the amount of rate silver. So, adults, we are extremely short of money now. ! "

Ma Ziqiang persuaded Lin Ze very earnestly, although he was just a general, but he also knew that it was an extremely expensive act to recruit recruits to open the way, he didn’t want Lin Ze to fall into a lack of money. /Trouble inside.

Lin Ze smiled and didn't explain what was inside immediately, but asked calmly: "So self-improvement, how much do you think it will take to carry out this plan of cultivation?"

Lin Ze is preparing to test Ma Ziqiang's ability in government affairs this time. There is no shortage of military personnel. Lin Ze is lacking in government talents like Ma Ziqiang who dare to do and dare to act.

Ma Ziqiang just thought about it for a while, and quickly replied: "In order to attract 50,000 people to cultivate and calculate, I think it will require at least 500,000 gold coins a year."

After talking about this number, Ma Ziqiang looked at Lin Ze with a worried expression, deeply afraid that Lin Ze would be hit by this ‘huge amount’ of numbers.

This is 500,000 gold coins, not 500,000 silver coins.

Such a large sum of money is an astronomical figure for Zuo Weicheng, and even for Linsha Cheng Yamen.

Don't think that Chu is rich, think that half a million gold coins are just a small sum of money.

Just like Yu Mingliang, the three sons of the governor's In order to attract Lin Ze, he directly gave a sky-high price of 300,000 gold coins a year. Kyoto's seventh prince Yan Yucheng even lost directly to Lin Zeyi Ten million gold coins.

Compared with these two figures, the half-million-dollar coin seems to be really not a big money, but don't forget the identity of Yu Mingliang and Yan Yucheng.

One of them is the three sons of the governor, the mother is the lord of the county, and the other is the seven princes of the emperor. The identities of these two people are inherently higher than many people. Their fathers have a lot of money and control a continent. , Or a large part of the business of an entire country, so 500,000 gold coins are nothing to them.

However, this is only for individual cases. The nine-story people in Chu are still very poor.

Like ordinary people, they can have three or four gold coins a year, and they can guarantee one year's food.

There are three or four gold coins on one side and 500,000 gold coins on the other. Is there a possibility of comparison between the two? !

The answer is obvious, there is no possibility of comparison between the two!

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