Alien Lord

Chapter 1015: Inspection


()  Lin Ze is now the deputy governor. Linsha City is not his final decision. Therefore, he can’t control the old fritters in Linsha City. He can only wait until he solves Yu Deen and becomes the governor of Shazhou. These are officials who can only speak but do nothing.

Yes, lord! "Wang Ming went down quickly to prepare.

Ten minutes later, Lin Ze and his party came out of the deputy governor's mansion and went to the grain storehouse of Linsha City Government Office, preparing to take the grain to Zuoweicheng.

The officials of the granary did not embarrass Lin Ze this time, so he obediently asked Lin Ze to receive 500,000 kilograms of grain from the granary.

  These granary officials cooperated this time, in fact all because there was no way.

As soon as Lin Ze came to the granary, he directly took the army to occupy the place. Then, the tiger blade of Lin Hu's hand was directly across the neck of these granary officials.

  With these cold swordsmen’s ‘intimacy’, these granary officials will not work even if they don’t want to cooperate with Lin Ze anymore.

Lin Ze is the deputy governor, the general of the Western Regions, here in Shazhou, is the top senior officials, and they are just some small granary officials, Lin Ze really want to kill them, there will be no trace of problems.

Lin Ze had just left the Linshacheng granary on this side, and Yu Deen from the governor's house there knew the news. For this, he couldn't do anything other than breaking a few bowls.

 Although the granary in Linsha City now belongs to him Yu Deen, but this is only in private, the granary in Linsha City on the bright side is still the court of the Chu Kingdom.

  Therefore, as the deputy governor and the person in charge of appeasing the refugees, Lin Ze went to the granary to extract 500,000 kilograms of grain, and there was no problem.

 That is to say, Yu Deen's dumb loss is determined.

Lin Ze didn't know about it, but even if he knew it, he didn't care.

 Yu Deen's food was originally collected from the bottom, but now it is just returned to the people at the bottom. This is a matter of course.

Alas, those rebels in Qingzhou are really **** it! "Looking at the dead bodies hungry to the side of the road and the thin yellow-skinned refugees along the way, Lin Ze's heart was full of murderousness."

Lin Hu! Lin Ze shouted loudly.

Master! "Lin Hu replied.

After going back, the rebel commanders of the thousand households and above in the captives were identified, and they were put to death through labor. "Lin Ze issued such a harsh order through the sky.

Yes, young master! "Lin Hu replied without hesitation.

Lin Hu looked at the starved corpses and the endless stream of refugees along the road, so he also resented the rebels in Qingzhou.

Adults, you still want to get rid of it. It's not worth it to be bad for these people. "Wang Ming comforted Lin Ze on one side.

Wang Ming, I swear here that those Qingzhou rebels will not end well in the future. I will let them know the consequences of not caring for the people, drive! Lin Ze swore, and then rode Bai Yue directly toward the left Acropolis. He couldn't bear to look at these miserable pictures on the road.

"Ah," Wang Ming also looked at these miserable pictures on the road very unbearably. Then, the same one accelerated and followed Lin Ze to the left Acropolis.

  This time Lin Ze would be angry with the rebel leaders this way, because these rebel leaders only looked at themselves, and did not consider it for those who could not survive.

Qingzhou is a continent of food, and food has always been Qingzhou’s largest foreign trade. Let’s just say that the food produced in the entire Qingzhou can supply half of the Chu State.

Therefore, other states in Chu will lack food, but Qingzhou will definitely not lack food here.

  Yes, this time the Qinghuai River and other dozen rivers in Qingzhou broke down, causing a major flood in Qingzhou for hundreds of years. Indeed, many fields, cities and many grains were flooded by the flood, but The remaining food is still enough for the people of Qingzhou.

Of course, these nine layers of food are in the hands of Qingzhou officials, businessmen, and landlords. In order to make a fortune, they will cause a food shortage in Qingzhou, and the price of food will rise linearly every day.

However, now Qingzhou has been laid down by the rebels, that is to say, these grains have reached the hands of those rebels.

But, how did these rebels do it, did not take out a little bit of food, even if it was taken out, you have to join their rebels first, and they don’t even care about the rebels in the old and young states. So that the ground of Qingzhou is full of hunger.

  Qingzhou’s rebels were also born of refugees, also the people of the bottom, and had the pain of eating no food. It stands to reason that they are the people who know the life of the people of the bottom most, but after they finally captured Qingzhou, Not only did he not take out the grain to rescue those refugees who were in danger, but also drove a large number of refugees to several other continents around Qingzhou, completely ignoring the countless people who died as a result.

Lin Ze knows that these Qingzhou rebels do this for a large reason because they want to let these countless refugees tangle the hands and feet of these continents near Qingzhou, so that they have more time to strengthen their strength.

  looks very clever, because several continents near Qingzhou are really entangled in these huge numbers of refugees, but for those who make such cruel suggestions, Lin Ze’s heart has already given a killing make.

  Yes, your suggestion is indeed to gain a lot of time for Qingzhou's rebels to prepare, but it has cost hundreds of thousands, or even the lives of millions of innocent people.

Even if such a person is smart and has a high IQ, Lin Ze sees it, and absolutely kills him with a sword. No one can prevent Lin Ze’s decision.

  There were numb refugees all over the road. Lin Ze no longer stopped and left towards the Acropolis at full speed. It took only an hour and a half for Lin Ze and his party to arrive at the Zuo Acropolis.

The left Acropolis is much better here. At least those refugees have been properly placed. Seeing this, Lin Ze felt a lot of relief.

  Lin Ze and his party slowly entered the left Acropolis, and had not walked out of the city gate hole, they saw the street in front of them. A large group of cavalry came on horseback and guarded a dozen wind and dust servants. Lin Ze saw this and directly After stopping, he knew that this was the generals of the Left Acropolis.

Sure enough, these generals soon came to Lin Ze, dismounted, knelt down on the ground, and shouted, "The deputy governor has seen the deputy governor."

Lin Zeduan sat on Baiyue and said indifferently: "You don't need to be too polite. We are meeting for the first time this time. I'm also in a hurry, so I didn't talk to you first, but it disturbed you a little."

General, this is an honor for the humble class! "The general standing at the front said excitedly.

Haha, dare to ask who this general is? "Lin Ze asked gently.

General Qi Yun, the humble post is the leader of the Zuo Weicheng Ma Ziqiang. "

Ma Ziqiang, um, yes! Lin Ze boasted.

  just looked at the resettlement situation of the left acropolis here, Lin Ze knew that this Ma Ziqiang was very good, otherwise, there would have been a mess here.

Thank you for your praise, Ma Ziqiang is guilty of not being a dare! "Ma Ziqiang replied with a smile on his lips, and at the same time, a big rock in his heart was finally put down."

Ma Ziqiang has long heard of Lin Ze's name. After learning about Lin Ze's record, he admired Lin Ze very much.

  Especially after knowing that Lin Ze became the vice governor of Shazhou, Ma Ziqiang was even more happy, because he is likely to become a subordinate of Lin Ze.

Ma Ziqiang, the third-generation fifth son of the local horse family in Shazhou, because of his talent for martial arts, he joined the army after the age of 16.

In the past two decades, fighting on the battlefield time and time again has finally become a thousand households, and the size is a bit famous.

The strength of Ma Ziqiang's soldiers made him highly ostracized by others in the Shazhou army, especially after he refused to be solicited by the governor's palace. Ma Ziqiang's future in the army was almost over.

  It was when Ma Ziqiang went home to return to the he got transported.

A large number of refugees entered the sandbar. Of course, Yu Deen, the governor of the sandbar, would not despise them and immediately began to resettle these refugees.

However, with the passage of time, the number of migrants is increasing. At the beginning, there were only tens of thousands, but soon, these numbers increased to 300,000, and the trend of this increase is not The way it stopped.

  Seeing this situation, many people have their minds in their hearts, and they dare not get involved in it, especially those generals who are responsible for guarding the refugees, but also want to release the guard task from them as soon as possible.

  like this, Ma Ziqiang became the candidate for the caretaker for this time, for this reason, he also rose two levels in a row and became the leader of the Left Acropolis.

& Ma Ziqiang will upgrade at once, in fact, because the army of Shazhou wants to make Ma Ziqiang a scapegoat.

 Don’t look at the fact that the refugees are now placed in the Zuo Acropolis. It seems that there will be no danger for a while, but these people know that the migrants in the Zuo Acropolis are actually a huge irregular time. The bomb, a bad one, will explode at any time.

If it explodes, then there must be a scapegoat, so Ma Ziqiang, the unwelcome thousand households, has become the best target.

However, to become a scapegoat or something, the position of a thousand households is still smaller, and the position of the leader of the Zuo Weicheng is almost out of date. Therefore, in the end, Ma Ziqiang was very lucky to become two levels in a row and became a left. The command of the Acropolis also realized the dream of Ma Ziqiang becoming a general.

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