Alien Lord

Chapter 998: Sonic attack

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Suddenly, a tremendous wolf howling sounded, and he hadn't waited for the Qingzhou rebel cavalry to react. The front hundreds of riders felt that an indescribable substantial wave came from the front.

"Boom...!" Sound waves like real substance hit the hundreds of cavalry soldiers in front of them mercilessly. At the next moment, these cavalry soldiers seemed to have a sudden thunder in their ears, the eardrums After a shock, no sound could be heard in the mind, because the extremely powerful and hesitant sound waves have completely damaged their hearing system.

This is not over yet, Baiyue's sonic skills continue to advance into the minds of these cavalrymen, and then he hesitated to attack them.

"Poof!" There was a sound like the watermelon smashed in the minds of these cavalrymen. Then, their entire bodies seemed to have lost their souls at once, and they couldn't hold the reins in their hands. The above fell down, the whole person was bleeding, and fell to the ground motionless.

Not only that, but even the horses under their crotch, at this time, foaming at the mouth, a song on the front foot, ‘slamming’, fell to the ground, and blood shed from the mouth of the horse.

These cavalrymen are sad, but at the same time, they are also lucky, because before they fell, their brains have been destroyed by Baiyue's sonic power, that is, when they fell, they were already dead So, then, the numerous horseshoes trampling behind them, these cavalry can no longer feel it.

If they did not die, then think about the miserable end that they were trampled by Wan Ma. I believe that no cavalry would be willing to fall to such an end.

Baiyue itself has the sonic power of Wolf King Roar, which is exclusive to the Wolf King. Now with the increase of the Golden Horn, the power is strong. Even after Lin Ze has watched it, he feels a little dumbfounded.

In his sense of power, he found that Baiyue's sonic power was not only destroying the hearing of those cavalry, but even your brains were shaken to pieces. Under such circumstances, these people were absolutely dead. .

Even if the cavalry had a lot of luck and survived this war, the brains had been smashed and they could only do an idiot who would do nothing.

"Aooo...! Aooo.........!" Baiyue's roaring roar of the wolf king continued continuously, and the continuous sound wave power was as high as a wave The land rushed towards Qingzhou's rebels.

In an instant, the formation of the Qingzhou rebel army, which was originally still in order, was finally confused.

Countless rebels are like headless flies, wandering around continuously without chaos, so that the Qingzhou rebels behind can't do it even if they want to go forward to kill the enemy. The formation here has become a chaos. .

In the middle, the big leader, Black Dragon, still wanted to gather his formation, but, soon, he discovered that he was doing useless work.

The army under him looks very powerful, but, in fact, it is an embroidered pillow, which looks very beautiful on the surface, but it is actually made of straw.

The soldiers of the army of the Black Dragon, the 9th floor and the 9th layer were just put down and lost the ordinary people, and, in the more than six months of the Black Dragon incident, what he did most was to bring this group of people. The rebels, like locusts, are constantly attacking town after town, and there is not much training for his army in the middle.

Such an army may have its combat power burst when the wind and water are smooth, but once it encounters setbacks, it will collapse for the first time.

The most important thing is that the Black Dragon itself is not strong enough, or its IQ is not enough.

Heilong was originally a small town's black leader, he is not very strong, he will have this status, one is that his strength is indeed good, the strength of the seven layers of the acquired day, just in the army of the refugees At the time of the incident, the strength was quite strong.

Another one, as the leader of the Hei Shui Association, Hei Long has a strong ability to see the opportunity, and he is able to make it clear. So, gradually, with the continuous expansion of the Qingzhou rebellion, the strength of Hei Long is getting stronger and stronger. Became the leader of the 150,000 army.

However, when he arrives here, he will reach the top. Otherwise, if he really needs strength, he is definitely in the central city of Qingzhou, or at least occupying a few prosperous cities, not just occupation. This is a small town like Tieshi Town.

Maybe there is a lot of money in Tieshi Town, but, during the war, the population is the most important wealth.

Others, such as gold coins and the like, have to be lower.

Black Dragon’s strength is limited, and there is no invincible name in the army. Therefore, after his army began to collapse, Black Dragon had no way to gather it. In the end, even the guards around him were almost given by the chaotic army. Destroyed, seeing here, the Black Dragon was afraid in his heart, and quickly gathered the Guards, and then, with a look of fear, he followed the chaotic army.

"Okay, Baiyue, almost!" Lin Ze said softly in Baiyue's ear.

Now that the Qingzhou rebels' military formation has collapsed, Baiyue's wolf king roars have little effect.

"Aooo...!" Bai Yue screamed with a trace of pride, and then stopped obediently.

At this time, looking around, the densely packed Qingzhou rebels had become chaotic at this time. Many of them directly waved their swords to their comrades in order to escape. In an instant, inside the Qingzhou rebels A large-scale inner bar appeared.

Seeing this, Lin Ze did not attack immediately, but took the team slowly to press up and began to gather inward, like a big net, toward the Qingzhou rebels opposite.

Although Wang Ming and others who had been in the rear had covered their ears for a long time, they still felt that their heads were buzzing, as if they were trapped in countless mosquitoes and flies.

Fortunately, they had already prepared themselves, plus they were not the targets of Baiyue sonic power, so they did not end up with this terrifying sonic power.

Compared to them, those war horses and armored cattle are in a state of embarrassment.

Even before Lin Ze ordered his soldiers to take care of the war horses and armored cattle, but under the roar of the wolf king of Baiyue and the increase of the gold horn, many war horses and armored cattle fell directly to the ground. , Pale face, a lot of white foam spit from the corner of the mouth.

Even those who are barely standing, are now like fallen leaves in autumn, crumbling, as if a gust of wind can blow them down.

This is why Lin Ze just pressed slowly up, but did not choose to attack immediately.

Baiyue's sonic power destroyed the war horses of the Qingzhou rebels and caused the Qingzhou rebels to collapse. However, the powerful power of the sonic power had a great influence on his army.

"It seems that after going back, I have to train Bai Yue and the Horn of Gold well. Now it seems that this attack method still has many shortcomings." Lin Ze calculated in his mind the advantages and disadvantages of this attack.

"Fortunately, this time the opponent was Qingzhou's rebels, or marginal figures in the rebels, so they would be defeated so easily. If they were replaced by other legions of the Chu Kingdom, even if they were the Huanglong Legion and the City Guard, Will be easily defeated by one blow.

Maybe their mounts will still be destroyed by the roar of the wolf king of Baiyue, but their soldiers will soon attack again, and our cavalry now has little combat power. In this case, who will win It is still unknown who will lose, so I have to train Bai Yue well in the future! Lin Ze warned himself secretly in his heart.

Baiyue's wolf king roars and the coordinated attack of the gold horn is still very powerful, but the sonic power does not distinguish between the enemy and my attack, but it makes this trick, and this is not a small flaw, so Lin Ze is ready After going back this time, train Baiyue well, and try to avoid doing things that are indistinguishable from one another.

"Kill!" Seeing that the fighting strength of the cavalry around him has been restored to the same level. Under the orders of a large number of officers, the fratricidal killing of the Qingzhou rebels in the front gradually began to show signs of easing. Lin Ze did not wait any longer and immediately launched attack.



Countless trembling shouts sounded, and then, tens of thousands of cavalry like a torrent, raging, towards the opposite Qingzhou rebels.

"No, Lin Lixuan started to attack!" The black dragon in the army immediately realized that it was not good. He knew that this time was when his defense was the lowest on this side. If the cloth blocked Lin Ze's attack, he really was It's dangerous.

Fortunately, Lin Ze's attack time is a little Black Dragon has already gathered a certain army, so Black Dragon has already had a certain resistance ability here, he also launched an attack on Lin Ze.

Black Dragon wanted to escape, but he knew that in such a chaotic situation, if he escaped, he would die faster.

It's better to attack Lin Ze, then, at least, he can hold Lin Ze's army at least, and give his other army some time in the chaos.

Plus, Heilong didn’t want to lose like that. He had to fight Lin Ze for a while. In this case, even if he suffered heavy losses in the end, he had an excuse not.

Because the team under Lin Ze set up a long snake, the direction of the army attacked by the black dragon's army was the middle waist of the long snake.

The best way to deal with military formations such as the Long Snake Formation is to divide the Long Snake into several sections. In this case, the Long Snake loses its attention before and after and is easily broken by each.

Black Dragon was born before, but after this period of training, he still developed some military command capabilities, at least to understand the changes in the formation.

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