Alien Lord

Chapter 996: Goodbye Golden Horn

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"Adults said that, unfortunately, even if we spread this matter, others would not believe it." Wang Ming also said with a look of ugliness.

After seeing so many cavalry in Qingzhou's rebels, he thought of this idea in his heart, and he even thought that in fact, many people know this matter, because, this thing understands at a glance, but, These people have not moved so far, and the depth of the water inside can be seen.

Therefore, next Wang Ming persuaded: "Sir, let's rotten this thing in our stomach. What's going on? Those people in the court will find a way. After all, they should know more about Qingzhou. It is."

"Well, Wang Ming, you are right. It's just that the people living in Qingzhou are suffering!" Lin Ze sighed.

Although Wang Ming's words were not very explicit, Lin Ze understood the moment he heard them.

When I think of some ministers in Chaotang because of certain interests or political struggles, they actually ignore the collusion between the rebels here in Qingzhou and the barbarians on the grassland, and ignore the criminals in Chaotang to help the barbarians and Qingzhou’s rebellion. Army, Lin Ze felt a chill in his heart.

"Hope those guys don't burn themselves with fire at the end, otherwise........., alas...!" Lin Ze shook his head and sighed again.

"Adult, this matter is not something that we can control. Our power on Chaotang is very weak now. We can't control the wind direction on Chaotang. Therefore, the only thing we can do now is to lay a solid foundation. In such a day, our hands can also respond with enough strength, and, by then, our land will become the most desirable place for all people." Wang Ming said fieryly.

Seriously, the situation in Wang Ming's mind is becoming more and more complicated, because only in this way can Lin Ze continue to expand his strength and territory, so that more and more poor people can enjoy a truly good life and let them Life is more dignified and more confident.

"Wang Ming, you are right. Indeed, we do not have a headache here. We might as well do our own things and further strengthen our strength. In this case, the future situation will really change dramatically. We can also save more people without getting confused."

Lin Ze's eyes also brightened, and he found the main development direction in the future.

"However, although this is said, I have to wipe out the Qingzhou rebels in front of me. Although these men and women are only a small amount of money for Qingzhou’s four or five million rebels, some are fewer. It can also allow some poor people to suffer less disasters," Lin Ze said, looking at the Qingzhou rebels who were constantly rushing towards them.

The killing bees that Lin Ze had released before had been mixed into the army of Qingzhou rebels. Through the eyes of these killing bees, Lin Ze could clearly see everything inside.

It is precisely because Lin Ze can see the details of the Qingzhou rebels, so the murderous intentions in Lin Ze's heart will be so strong.

In the Qingzhou rebel army, Lin Ze saw countless packages stained with fresh blood, all of which were faintly satin or gold jewelry.

Just by looking at the fresh blood on the packages, or on the jewelry, Lin Ze knew that these things were not long after the Qingzhou rebels had just snatched them.

What makes Lin Ze more distressed is that there are a lot of these things. Obviously, a lot of people have already suffered the poisonous hands of these Qingzhou rebels.

"You can't survive the floods and kill the officials and rebel. I can understand, but you have all felt the powerlessness facing the desperation, but how can you kill the same people at the bottom, ah ........, Yu De'en, all of this is for your sake, I will never let you go!" Lin Ze's heart roared loudly. A heart of death will be played.

Before Yu Deen started with Lin Ze, Lin Ze could understand. After all, after he was Deputy Governor, the threat to Yu Deen was too great. Countless innocent people are involved.

Just because countless people died because of this, Lin Ze would never let Yu Deen go.

"Ready to attack!" Lin Ze said coldly.

Wang Ming around him looked a little strange when he saw Lin Ze, but he didn't pursue it, because, for these Qingzhou rebels, Wang Mingba couldn't help but eliminate all of them.

Not long after Lin Ze came to mainland China, the intelligence network around him had not yet been established, so he did not know much about the cruelty and blood of these Qingzhou rebels.

However, before becoming a refugee, Wang Ming lived in Qingzhou for a lifetime, so he also saw with his own eyes what the Qingzhou rebels of the so-called "life-saving straws" of the common people did.

Yes, Qingzhou’s rebels will release grain after they lay down a city. However, there is also a prerequisite for this grain release. That is, if you join the Qingzhou’s rebels and want to pay nothing at all, that’s not Possible things.

This is only when the rebellion has just begun. There will be such good things. In the future, after some rebel army has a climate, Qingzhou’s rebels are almost as good as some sand robbers. Once the city is broken, the first thing to do is The plunder of the whole city, and this plunder does not distinguish objects.

Whether you are a rich businessman, an official, or the most difficult people at the bottom, they are the objects of their plunder.

As a result, the number of people who died was several times greater than the number of people who died before the flood.

Why did Wang Ming abandon his ancestors in his hometown of Daicheng and take his family on the road of hopeless refugees? It was not forced by these Qingzhou rebels.

Otherwise, with Wang Ming's wisdom, with the money he had earned in the shops before, and the reputation he gained in Daicheng, there is no need to embark on the road of refugees.

It can be said that Wang Ming became a refugee, the floods raging in Qingzhou, and the inaction of the Chu court had certain reasons. However, more reasons still lie in Qingzhou’s ubiquitous and wicked rebels.

Now Lin Ze is obviously going to kill these rebels in Qingzhou, and it is strange that Wang Mingxin is not happy.

"Yes, lord, humble job immediately!" Tie Ying on the side led the order and hurried away.

Lin Ze looked at the back of Tie Ying's departure, and the frost between his eyebrows was still intact. His eyes were constantly looking for these rebel leaders through the sight of the killing bee.

Among these rebels, the chief culprits are those leaders, so they are Lin Ze’s most important targets.

As for the large number of tens of thousands of rebel cavalry, and those tens of thousands of rebel infantry behind him, Lin Zehe did not even look at the approaching rebel army.

He believes in his own troops. Since they were able to wipe out more than half a million thieves before, now it is not a problem to eliminate these hundreds of thousands of rebels that are not as powerful as the black wind robbers.

His ruler has not extended his sharp teeth for a long time, now it is time to warm up a little.

"Baiyue, go!" Lin Ze gave Baiyue an order in his mind.

Bai Yuexin understood, and a slight leap came to the front of the formation.

"Lin Hu!" Lin Ze shouted to his left hand.

"Master, here!" Lin Hu immediately handed over something.

Lin Ze took it and put it in front of Bai Yue's mouth.

"Gold Horn!" Wang Ming looked at the golden horn in front of Bai Yue's mouth, his eyes full of expectation.

Yes, what Lin Ze just brought out was the golden horn seized from Xiao Quan.

This gold horn Lin Ze was originally prepared to be dedicated to Emperor Yan Hao in exchange for Xiao Quan's life.

However, after Lin Ze and his party arrived in Kyoto, Lin Ze found that he did not need to take out the gold horn at all, because the emperor needed to contain the few male lions under him, so as long as he himself However, some requests can be made as much as possible.

Because of this, the leader of the black wind bandit Xiao Quan was ignored by the emperor.

After Lin Ze took the Golden Horn from Xiao Quan's hand, he studied it carefully for a while.

Finally, it was found that the Golden Horn not only stimulated the blood in the army through the sound of the horn, but also strengthened the combat effectiveness of the army. Moreover, the role of the horn itself, that is, the effect of expanding the sound, was not lost, and it was strengthened compared to the ordinary horn. Many times.

It can be said that the Golden Horn is another loudspeaker, a loudspeaker that can enhance the sound more than ten times.

As soon as I saw the role of the Golden Lin Ze immediately thought of its usefulness.

Between animals, the difference in status is greater than that of humans, /// red // naked, bloody.

Just like carnivores and herbivores, no matter how large the herbivores, after seeing the carnivores, the heart will be subconsciously afraid, and the subconscious wants to turn around and escape, even if this carnivore is bigger than it. It's much smaller.

Just like the bison herd on the non-///continent grassland, there are more bison in the bison herd than the carnivorous animals on the grassland, as long as they can unite and fight against the enemy together, seriously, eliminate the side The carnivore is actually not difficult.

However, in the end, countless bison are killed under the mouth of carnivorous animals every year.


The simple reason is that the moment the buffalo saw the carnivore, the natural fear in their hearts began to amplify. At this time, they did not unite in their hearts at all. They first thought of destroying these dangerous meat animals, but thinking How to escape quickly, how to drive these carnivorous animals away.

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