Alien Industrial Tyrannosaurus-Rex

Chapter 729: Friend is peace

Do you want it all?

OK, you can install it for you.

The premise is that you have to come up with enough faith value.

The belief value required for a particle cannon is as high as 80 trillion belief value.

The price of the anti-matter railgun is as high as 2,800 trillion belief value. The strings of zeros were directly cut off.

Fortunately, there are so many mantis creatures on Wang Jianxing. You can also get a handful.

Now Wang Bu'an looked at them, and his eyes were all faith values.

When will the wormhole open again?

It was not a mantis creature who came here, but a heavy faith value!


"set off!"

Wang Bu'an embarked on the journey again.

This time, he learned well. He set off on a single ship.

Single ships are more flexible.

You can ask Transformers for help at any time.

Transformers only saved his life from Wang Bu'an. It seems to ignore other people.

As for the frigate, we can't count on it for the time being.

The production cycle of the frigate is very long. F-class frigate actually takes more than 440 days.

When the first batch of frigates are built, he should have landed on several planets.

However, this construction cycle is also exquisite.

After the new level of battleship construction authority was opened, the construction period of the old battleship was shortened.

For example, after the permission of the frigate was opened, the construction period of the patrol ship was shortened by more than 50.

The E-class patrol ship that used to take 80 days to build can now be built in just 40 days.

In other words, if you want a patrol ship, you definitely have everything.

You want ten thousand, one hundred thousand, one million ships, no problem.

The key is……

Be rich.

We only need three currencies.

Star coins.

What is Starcoin?

It is the latest currency that is universally used in outer space.

If you want to trade in outer space, you must provide stars. What kind of dollar, what kind of euro, that is not popular.

Here, Wang Bu'an only recognizes star coins. With stars, everything is easy to say. Can be delivered in advance.

If not, then wait in line slowly.


Space jump.


Space jump.

Very long and boring journey.

Inside the patrol ship, there are no entertainment facilities.

There is no word for entertainment in Transformers' dictionary. They also don't need any entertainment.

Sometimes, Wang Bu'an really hoped that some strange creature would jump out, provoke the patrol ship, add a little episode, and add a little fun.

Anyway, there is a Transformer behind him, so there should be no danger.

If it does, it's a fate.

Unfortunately not.

The starry sky is lonely, and there is no episode.

The patrol ship successfully reached Lian Poxing.

All kinds of radars really detected signs of life. Explain that it does have primitive life.

However, when the patrol ship approached, Wang Buan found that the weather above Lian Poxing was very bad. The temperature during the day is very high, generally above 1500 degrees. The temperature at night is very low, usually below minus 200 degrees. This is very powerful. Especially the latter.

You know, after the temperature drops to a certain level, it is difficult to continue to decrease.

High temperature can reach tens of millions of degrees, hundreds of millions of degrees.

But the absolute zero of the universe is only minus 273 degrees.

So far, no objects or environments below minus 273 degrees have been found.

Most physicists believe that this is the extreme low temperature.

Only when all the movements are still, it is possible to reach this extreme low temperature.

The problem is that as long as there are electrons operating, as long as there are atoms operating, the temperature will rise.

Therefore, in theory, this extreme low temperature is almost non-existent.

Two Baidus below zero can be said to be very powerful.

Especially for a planet as big as Lian Poxing.

Unless there is a very special mechanism, the temperature cannot be so low.

What kind of manifestation is the above creature?

Fly around.


Observed for three days.

After being sure that there was no fatal danger, the patrol ship slowly landed.

Below is the boundless ice field.

Very thick very thick.

Very big.

You can't see the side at a glance.

The entire Lian Poxing seemed to be covered by a thick ice sheet.

There are no living things on the ice sheet.

There is no wind and snow either.

very quiet.

Quiet and creepy.

It always felt as if some strange creature would jump out from under the ice sheet.

"it's wired……"

"Why is there nothing?"

"What we see is completely inconsistent with the life fluctuations detected by radar!"

"Is the radar wrong?"

"Or did we land in a special place?"

"Be careful……"

Wang Bu'an said cautiously.

He was already aware of it. The so-called creatures are actually around.

The portable radar reminded that the unknown creature was only a few hundred meters away from him. But there is no danger. He gradually calmed down.

Vaguely, he heard a slight voice, it seemed that something was cracking.

Immediately, he saw a crack in the corner of his eye.

"No! The ice sheet is cracking!" Li Mu hurriedly called.

"Everyone, go back to the top of the patrol ship!" Ye Shengge also hurriedly called.

Ding Chen quickly pulled Wang Bu'an over.

Wang Bu'an shook his head, saying that there is no need to panic.

It's not that the ice sheet is cracking.

It is the primitive creatures that "woke up".

Their life form should be ice cubes. They may change into various shapes.

Sure enough, around them, the ice sheet kept cracking in an orderly manner.

Pieces of ice of various sizes are separated.

The ice cubes are automatically combined.





There are any shapes. There is no human form.

"What are you guys?" Wang Bu'an asked cautiously, "We have just arrived, and there is no malice..."

The result is obvious. Others must not understand Chinese.

Those ice cubes didn't respond.

Had to ask Transformers to translate.

"What did you break into our home?" Finally, you can communicate through QQ chat.

"We are from a distant planet. We passed by here." Wang Bu'an responded vaguely, "We want to make friends with you."

"We have no friends. You leave quickly. We don't like being disturbed."

"Friends mean peace..."

The other party didn't respond.

The ice cubes are starting to melt when seen with naked eyes.

They turned into liquid water, flowed into the gap in the ice sheet, and slowly began to solidify.

Farther away, it seemed that more liquid water appeared. Continue to scroll here. It solidifies while rolling. The thick ice layer continues to thicken.

"Let's go!" Wang Bu'an said in a deep voice.

"Huh? Just left?" Li Mu was dubious.

"Let's go."


Everyone quickly boarded the ship.

The patrol ship left Lian Poxing immediately. Go to Le Yixing.

"Master Wang, how did we go?" Ye Shengge asked curiously, "I should at least explore what resources Lian Poxing has?"

"Resources are covered by the Iceman." Wang Bu'an said, shaking his head, "If you want to explore, you must first agree with the Iceman. I don't think they will agree. In the end, you will have to rely on war to solve it. You are ready to initiate a confrontation right now. Is it quite a star attack?"

Li Mu shook his head.

Ye Shengge shook his head.

Of course it is impossible now.

They only have one patrol ship. How could it be possible to use force against Lian Poxing?

No one knows what kind of combat effectiveness those ice cubes have. In case of dumplings, wouldn’t it be finished? Let's wait until it becomes stronger...


Space jump.


Space jump...

The boring days began again.

Thirty days later, he finally approached Le Yixing.

According to previous scans, Le Yi Star has no signs of life. Even if there is, it should be very weak. There must be no civilized system.

Sure enough, after the patrol ship arrived at Le Yi Star, it was discovered that this place was indeed not suitable for life.

Why do you say that?

Because there are erupting volcanoes everywhere!

There is magma everywhere. Glowing red. Flow around slowly. The whole planet seems to be an oversized burning briquettes.

Just ask, what kind of creature can survive and develop on the burning briquettes?

Even Kryptonians would be burned to death.

The probe showed that the air temperature on the surface of Leyi Star was as high as 580 degrees.

If it is the temperature on the ground, it is estimated to be at least 1500 degrees. If it is the temperature in the magma, it is probably at least 3000 degrees.

It goes without saying how high the temperature inside the core is.

It is estimated to be second only to the star level.

Even in the future, Le Yi Star is likely to become a star.

As long as there is enough high temperature and enough pressure, a nuclear fusion reaction can be formed in the earth's core!

Such a terrifying high temperature is definitely not acceptable to ordinary creatures. No wonder it shows no life.

However, mineral scans show that the planet is rich in mineral resources.

It is estimated that all the minerals in the depths of the earth's core are surging out.

"Master Wang, should we go down?"


"The temperature below is very high!"

"It's okay."

"The surface temperature may be more than 3,000 degrees."


Wang Bu'an responded lightly.

He must go down.

He must land on this planet.

Only after landing on Le Yi Star, can Le Yi Star be officially marked and the industrial park can be placed.


Place the industrial park in Le Yixing?

Don't worry that burning briquettes will also burn down the industrial park?

It's okay.

That's a Transformers business.

If the industrial park was burned down, it would take the opportunity to apply for some new technology from Sasser.

In other words, in the field of industrial parks, there has been no new technology for a long time. The only increase is quantity. There is no passion anymore.

In Wang Jianxing, millions of industrial parks were placed in one go. There is no feeling at all.

Similarly, simply placing millions of industrial parks on Le Yixing is also routine. There is no stimulation.

However, the industrial park must be set up.



The patrol ship slowly descended.

In fact, C-class patrol ships are not afraid of high temperatures.

Its surface structure is made of grade 10 high temperature corrosion resistant alloy, which can withstand high temperatures of 300,000 degrees.

It is impossible for the surface of Le Yi Star to have a high temperature of 300,000 degrees.

However, if people want to go out, they have to spend a little effort.

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