Alien God System

Chapter 829: Popular desire

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Withered hands clenched tightly, making bursts of bone bursts, and the emperor glared at Wang Boren below fiercely, and shouted: Prime Minister Wang, your son-in-law has done a good job. "

His Majesty! "

Youyou walked two steps forward, Wang Boren always looked plain, and paid his respects: Yang Feng, he is a businessman, and he is a businessman who seeks profits. Market trading is normal, so he doesn't violate national laws. As for his crazy purchase of food, which has pushed up the national food price, it is not his business. He is just a businessman, how can he know that the empire's food will be so short now? This is something that local officials should supervise, right? The magistrate's inaction, your majesty blamed my son-in-law for buying food like crazy, I'm afraid it's wrong. "


With a twitch of face, the emperor was choked for a while, and finally sighed helplessly: OK, even if the prime minister was right, what should I do now? Yang Feng has food in his hand, shouldn't he take out some disaster relief now? "

Yes! "

Determined to nod, Wang Boren did not refute this, and shouted: Although my son-in-law is a businessman, disaster relief is not within his scope of responsibility. However, he is not an ordinary businessman. He is the son-in-law of my prime minister, Wang Boren, and Ding Anbo, appointed by your majesty, is an earl noble. The empire is in trouble, and he should shoulder the responsibility of rescue. The old man had just ordered him to release the grain immediately, and he was not allowed to raise the price of the grain to relieve the danger of the empire. "

Well, this is like a human word. But why am I so upset in my heart?

Are these two foxes so kind?

Especially that Yang Feng, to this day, has never done a loss-making business. He used to collect food at a high price, but now he sells it at a low price, just to solve the danger of the empire, don't he need any benefit? Then he has to pay a lot!

This is nothing like the style of these two foxes!

With his eyes squinted, the emperor was puzzled, but he only heard a scream, and a little yellow shirt hurriedly broke into the report: Your Majesty, then Yang Feng began to broadcast the entire empire with the mighty grace of the Emperor. "

Is he still in the mood to put ads? Who looks at such a critical moment? "

No, he is not putting up an advertisement, but holding a press conference! "

what? reporter? What it is?

The emperor was startled, and after thinking for a while, he hurriedly waved his hand and said: Quickly, bring that emperor's grace over. "

Yes! "

With an answer, the little yellow shirt went down immediately, and within a short while, a group of imperial forest soldiers carried the huge mysterious crystal and walked onto the hall.

Everyone on the scene stared at the image on the Xuan Jing, and saw that Yang Feng was leading all the directors and managers of the Yang Family Consortium, with their heads down and sighing sighs seriously.

Hello, all Fenglei elders and villagers. I'm the chairman of the Yang Family Consortium, which is also the owner, Yang Feng! "

Yang Feng began to speak, his expression very solemn: In the past few months, there have been floods and food crises in the Jiangnan area. I did not pay attention to it. Unexpectedly, in the past half month, the food disaster has spread, and several prefectures have run out of food, and in some places there has even been a phenomenon of changing children and eating. After I know it, my heart is really painful. Let’s take a look ahead. Report from the reporter. "

With that said, the picture turned and turned into a flood scene.

A beautiful girl pointed to the Dajiang Road: I am a special reporter of the Yang Family Consortium, Su Yaoyao. My location is on the dam of Lieyang Mansion in the south of the Yangtze River. The dam has been broken for more than three months. Everyone, look at the corpses floating on the surface of the river. These people were all drowned, and the plague was serious here, and more than a dozen villagers had died. "

Hello everyone, this is Yueyang Mansion in the Southeast. I am a special reporter of the Yang Family Consortium, Jiang Tailu. There have been droughts and insects that lasted for two months here. You can see that there are dry bones all over the ground, and there is no meat. Because they have been eaten up by the hungry people, some people just die, they will be eaten by others. Some people cook their newborn babies, alas. "

Hello everyone, this is Chaoyang Mansion in Northeast China. I am a special correspondent of the Yang Family Foundation, Xu Liniang. The prices here have risen to sky-high prices. A catty of rice costs one or two gold, which ordinary people can't afford. Many people can only live by eating bark. "

Hello everyone, this is..."


The reports of the reporters in front of the scene spread all over Fenglei, letting all the people see how serious the disaster is now, and they recovered from the dream of singing and dancing in peace.

Some people couldn't help crying when they saw the mother who exchanged children.

After all the reports were over, the picture was cut back to Yang Feng. Yang Feng said bitterly: Now the natural disasters caused by wind and thunder have reached a very serious point. The people have suffered heavy losses and have no food to eat. It is horrible. As a company with a sense of social responsibility, I, the Yang family consortium, do my part and must save the people from the fire. From now on, all the stored grains of the Yang family will be open for sale at fair prices. For poor families who have no money to buy food, my Yang family is willing to provide free relief! "

it is good! "

As soon as the voice fell, people from all over the country couldn't help shouting in unison in front of the big screen.

In addition, under the name of my Yang family consortium, the newly opened Sheep Duoduo big stores across the country will be sold for disaster relief for three consecutive days from now on. All merchandise in the whole venue is sold at 50% off. All the money sold was replaced with disaster relief items and donated to disaster areas to help the people through the storm. "

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng announced again.

But as soon as the voice fell, Sha Tongtian yelled heartbreakingly behind him: No, Brother Feng, if you do this, our Yang family consortium will die. "

No matter how much you lose, you have to do it. Don’t you see the suffering of the people who have just been affected? "

They are suffering. It is imperial inaction. What does it matter to us? "


Sha Tongtian yelled indignantly, but as soon as his voice fell off, Yang Feng slapped his face severely, cursing: Go away, my Yang family consortium is not as unjust as you. "

Brother Feng, I'm telling the truth, it's not our responsibility at all. And if you do this, we will bankrupt our entire Yang Family Consortium. "

This is not a question of responsibility, but a question of morality. The first thing we must do now is to save the people who are about to starve to death. "

Staring at him fiercely, Yang Feng's face was green, and coldly said: Sha Tongtian, from now on, you will be fired. You are no longer a director of our Yang family consortium, and no longer the general manager of our company. You have nothing to do with us anymore. "

Brother Feng, Lao Sha, he has contributed a lot to establishing the company, you..."

Hearing what he said, Li Yan beside him was embarrassed, but Yang Feng stared back.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Feng categorically cut the railway: I, the Yang family consortium, bears the morality of the world, even if I sell iron, I must help the people affected by the disaster. Anyone of you who wants to withdraw capital or shares can leave, and I will not stay. "


After that, the big screens all over the country went black, as if it heralded the prospect of the Yang Family Consortium’s efforts to help the disaster and the imminent bankruptcy.

Seeing this scene, the fiery chests of the entire Fenglei people couldn't stop trembling, and some of them burst into tears, and they were so moved.

Patriarch Yang, really is a living Bodhisattva who saves suffering. Just for his righteousness, I only buy things from the Yang family consortium in my life, just to support him, oooooo.

For a time, the admiration of everyone across the country towards Yang Feng was like a torrential river, uninterrupted, and more flooded than that of the flood. It was really what the people wanted, and it instantly surpassed the emperor’s prestige in the hearts of the empire...

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