As soon as the words fell, the Gotha duck was suddenly changed!

Its originally blue skin turned red at this moment, and its body burst out with red qi.

If Chen Ge was sober, he would definitely not be able to help but ridicule the appearance of Goda Duck,

Crispy duck?

If I had to give Gotha Duck an explanation of what it looked like at the moment,

Just like the bond evolution of Ash’s Koga ninja frog in the original book!

No, to be precise, fetter evolution!

It is Chen Ge’s first elf, and it is also Chen Ge’s most trusted elf.

Similarly, Chen Ge is the trainer of Gotha Duck, and at the same time, the most trusted and important person of Gotha Duck.

The two are not relatives, but they are better than relatives!

Although Gotha Duck’s personality is cunning and likes to tease others, it is still an elf after all, and its trust and reliance on Chen Ge is pure, so it does not allow anyone to hurt Chen Ge!

The last time Chen Ge was assassinated, it ran away.

This time, Chen Ge was only a thin line away from death, and it went crazy.

The monstrous anger surged all over the limbs, and the idea of protecting Chen Ge was extremely strong, until the top, vaguely seemed to have some shackles pried open by anger and protection, and the potential was fully stimulated, thus pulling out the current bondage form!

The face of the Water Sovereign beside him changed drastically.

It can clearly feel that this form of Gotha duck is more than twice as strong!

At the same time, I can feel the monstrous anger, which seems to burn everything to the ground, making people feel trembling!

The next moment, I saw Gotha duck pointing out of thin air, and unprecedented terrifying thoughts burst out!


A loud bang, trembling clouds!

The tail that the howler whale king smashed down was as if it had been hit by a heavy hammer, and a depression in the middle was clearly visible, and the giant impact force abruptly prevented its fall!

The gem in the heart of the Gotha duck’s eyebrows emitted a terrifying light, and an even more terrifying burst of mental power, which actually abruptly knocked the tail of the howler whale king away, fell into the sea, set off a huge wave, and almost even the ship was lifted.

The Howler Whale King, who was already heavily injured, suffered this blow, and couldn’t stop raising his head and wailing, his cry was terrible, as if he had been slashed by someone, struggling in the sea, shooting layers of huge waves!

The Gotha Duck pointed out again, the huge wave was controlled by the power of thought, unable to invade the ship, at the same time, it used two minds, separated half of the power of mind, turned into an invisible giant hammer, and smashed fiercely on the roaring whale king!


Heavy and muffled, I saw that the left body of the Roaring Whale King was obviously dented in a large piece!

The Howler Whale King screamed bitterly, but he couldn’t stop the Gotha Duck from continuing its atrocities!

Gotha Duck controls the power of mind and erupts into a stormy slam!

Nian power is like a hammer, smashing on the huge body of the Roaring Whale King one after another, banging, every sound is like thunder!

The roaring whale king is like a living target, without the slightest chance to resist, he is constantly abused by the Gotha duck, screaming and screaming, miserable!

Everyone who witnessed this scene turned pale with fright and felt deep fear.

A tyrannosaurus sprang out of the sea in an attempt to save the endangered roaring whale king by sneaking up on the Gotha duck, but was glared at by the Gotha duck’s eyes full of killing intent, and the tyrannosaurus was suddenly hit hard and flew out upside down like a broken kite!

The Howler Whale King is dying at the moment, almost dying, but the Gotha Duck does not intend to let it go.

I saw that the Gotha duck eyebrow orb began to condense the dazzling light mass,

Ready to give the end with a mental shock!

Shui Jun felt the terrifying killing intent exuded by the Gotha Duck, and hurriedly rushed up to stop it: “Enough, it’s really going to die!” ”

“Get out!” The hoarse voice made Shui Jun’s body tremble, and it could feel that if he stopped it, he was afraid that it would affect itself.

Shui Jun swept his eyes at the dying Roaring Whale King, gritted his teeth, and rushed to the unconscious Chen Ge’s side.

The intelligent fairy elf seemed to understand what Shui Jun wanted to do, and jumped lightly and felt an empty spirit ball from Chen Ge’s pocket.


The fairy elf exerted his mental power, threw the poké ball out, and smashed it on the dying Roaring Whale King.

A red glow shot out from the Spirit Ball, instantly including the Roaring Whale King.

The near-dying Roaring Whale King had no ability to break free from the Spirit Ball at all, and was directly subdued.

At the same time, the Water Sovereign flew out, grabbed the Spirit Ball, and landed on the deck again.

“You want to die?!” Gotha Duck’s scarlet eyes fell on the Water Lord, and the killing intent was even worse.

“Your master likes to collect special and powerful elves, and subjugating it will please your master better than killing it! What’s more, isn’t it too cheap to kill it just like that? Accept it, and you can turn back and torment it to vent your hatred! Shui Jun hurriedly shouted.

Gotha Duck did not answer, but the killing intent in his eyes obviously weakened a little, and he seemed to be thinking about the reasoning of this.

At this time, the fairy elf who was kind by nature jumped in front of the Gotha duck and rubbed the Gotha duck coquettishly: “Blah~~”

This coquettish cry seemed to awaken the kindness in the heart of the Gotha duck, and the scarlet color in his eyes gradually dissipated.

The matter has come to this, it is too lazy to argue so much, because there is no time …

The red aura dissipated, and the Gotha duck returned to its original state, but with it, it was an unprecedented feeling of weakness and vertigo!

Fang Cai broke through the huge consumption of the limit, so that all its strength was drained, and it didn’t even have the opportunity to pronounce half a syllable, poofed, collapsed to the ground, and fell into a coma…

Seeing this, Shui Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterward, it looked into the sea.

Those elves lost the leadership of the Howler Whale King, and suddenly the dragons were leaderless and fled.

The Water Sovereign knew that he could not let go of this opportunity, there must be some important reason for these elves to attack this ship on a large scale, otherwise it would not be so cruel, and he must ask clearly, otherwise I am afraid that there will be a greater crisis later!

So it turned its head and explained to the elves such as the fierce biting land shark: “Protect them!” ”

As soon as the words fell, it immediately flew out like an off-string arrow and chased into the sea!

The crisis is over…

The surviving people on the ship were still a little frightened and did not come to their senses for a long time.

The wailings and sobs around them,

Definitely a nightmare they don’t want to experience again.

Someone shivered, scanned the blood of the stump on the ship, and his face changed drastically, almost wanting to vomit.

This time, at least a third of the trainers on the ship died!

“Lao Tzu is not doing it! U-turn, we’re going back! ”

Someone suddenly shouted, full of anger and horror.

No one expected that going out to sea would encounter such a terrifying thing.

Immediately after, more and more people chimed in and yelled.

“Yes! Let’s leave! ”

“Turn around immediately! Lao Tzu didn’t want to die on the ship! ”

“Go home! Lao Tzu is going home! ”

The ship rioted again, looking for the person in charge of the operation.

Some people even wanted to jump directly into the sea to ride the elves back, but when they thought of the scene of someone falling into the sea and falling apart earlier, they turned pale with fright and gave up this idea.

Just as the scene became more and more chaotic,


A deafening gunshot erupted!

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