But at this moment, the eyes of the Gotha duck holding the egg next to him bloomed.

The invisible mental power burst out instantly, and the man who pounced was imprisoned in midair.

The man didn’t struggle, he couldn’t struggle, exactly.

Chen Ge frowned and looked at the man in front of him.

Judging by the clothes, this guy is not really a wild man, and it seems that he only looks like a wild man because he has been in the forest for too long and is sloppy.

The point is, why did this person suddenly jump out and attack?

Just when Chen Ge was puzzled, this man spoke: “Brother… Nabs…… Come on… Eat…”

The man’s voice was weak, it was a little difficult to speak, his voice was hoarse, his face was pale, and he seemed to have been hungry for a long time.

The corner of Chen Ge’s eyes twitched.

You are so hungry that you are so forced, where did you get the strength to jump out and be scary just now!

After complaining, Chen Ge could see that this person was really hungry, so much so that he could hear the sound of his stomach growling.

You have to feed him before you know why.

So, Chen Ge took out the compressed biscuits from his backpack.

In order to prevent the man from suddenly attacking again, Chen Ge was very vigilant and did not let the Gotha duck release his mental power, so he was imprisoned in mid-air, and then let the Gotha duck use his mental power to pass the biscuit to his mouth and feed him.

“Water… Water…”

Chen Ge took out the mineral water and continued to let the Gotha duck feed it into his mouth with mental power.

After a long time, the man’s face became much better, and he recovered some strength in speaking.

“Thanks, buddy, if it weren’t for you, I would have starved to death in the forest.” The man opened his mouth to thank him.

“Let’s not talk about this, I’m curious, you’re hungry like that, why do you waste your strength to make a look like you’re going to attack others?” In that case, no one will help you at all, right? Or do you say… Do you have another purpose? Chen Ge narrowed his eyes.

“Oh, buddy, it’s a long story, and I don’t want to. Mainly, those trainers who came to the forest did not know what consensus was reached, as long as they saw me, they pulled their legs and ran, and everyone dared to say one more word to me.

Didn’t I just find a few more human elves to fight? Is it necessary to be so afraid of me? I also couldn’t help it, so I made this decision, I wanted to catch someone before I starved to death. ”

Hearing this, Chen Ge suddenly realized: “Fight against the mad demon? ”

“Yes, yes, those people call me that, please, I have a name and a surname, can’t you call me Wang Yuan?” The man was helpless.

“Then the question is, as a trainer, you should be fully prepared in the wild, not to mention that there are still tree fruits in the forest, no matter how you will not end up like this, right?”

“Lean! Dude, don’t say it, I’ll be angry when I mention this! If it weren’t for that leave king, I wouldn’t have been starved for two days!” ”

As soon as Chen Ge heard the name of the elf, his eyes lit up: “Tell me about it.” ”

“Hasn’t it been rumored recently in the circle of trainers in Licheng, is there a powerful rare elf infested in this forest? I just thought, come to try my luck, by the way, find a few people to fight and practice hands, who knows, just the day before yesterday, a leave king actually took advantage of my battle with other trainers to steal my backpack! ”

“Ask the king to steal your backpack?” Chen Ge frowned.

As we all know, the king of leave is notoriously lazy elves.

God gave the Leave King a race value comparable to a divine beast, but also gave it a lazy personality far beyond ordinary elves.

To be precise, it can no longer be described as lazy, as long as they are not starved to death, they can even lie in place all day without moving.

This kind of elf not to mention attacking humans, it is difficult to make it move, let alone steal human things?

“Brother, I really didn’t lie to you! My backpack was really stolen by the Leave King, and my team’s Poké Balls are still in that bag! That leave king, the speed is too fast, I can’t even catch up! I really feel like hell, who will dare to tell me that the leave king is lazy and very slow in the future, and I have to be anxious with him! Wang Yuan’s face turned red with anger.

Hearing this, Chen Ge pinched his chin and thought thoughtfully.

Leave King…

The rare elves mentioned by those trainers should not be the king of leave?

“Okay, even if your backpack is really stolen for the leave king, then you will not be hungry to become this virtue, the forest is full of tree fruits, you can rely on this to feed yourself.” Chen Ge remained vigilant.

“Brother, don’t hide from you, I was born with gastrointestinal problems, and I can’t eat those tree fruits. You also know that those tree fruits are the staple food of the elves, although humans can eat them, but they can’t eat more, I have diarrhea as soon as I eat tree fruits, I will starve to death, if I eat tree fruits, I have to become the first person in history to die of diarrhea. ”

“Huh.” Chen Ge still didn’t believe it.

“That’s right! I’m almost hungry, brother, I have my documents in my pocket, I’m an investigator of the Elven League, you can always trust me when you see my documents! Wang Yuan hurriedly shouted.

Chen Ge winked at Gotha Duck.

Gotha Duck immediately noticed, controlled his mind to open Wang Yuan’s pocket, and really turned out a certificate of the Elf Alliance.

Open it and take a look,

Special Investigator in Xichuan Area,

After comparing the photos again, Chen Ge finally let go of his vigilance and let Gotha duck let go of the other party.

“Phew, finally liberated, brother, thank you, otherwise I would have starved to death, you are such a good man.” Wang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief and took the document back into his pocket.

“You, an investigator from the Xichuan region, came to the Jiangnan region to do what? Performing tasks? Chen Ge asked.

“That’s a long story.” Wang Yuan sighed, “Originally, it was inconvenient to disclose this matter to outsiders, but since you saved my life brother, of course I can reveal a little bit to you!” ”

“Then make a long story short.”

“Okay, here’s the thing…”

Wang Yuan was speaking, and suddenly his pupils shrank, as if he saw something, and he was extremely stunned.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped up and cursed: “Damn,! It was the king who asked for leave, it was that grandson who stole Lao Tzu’s bag! Lao Tzu wants to peel off a layer of skin! ”

Chen Ge turned his head to follow his gaze, and saw that in his field of vision, a leave king was standing not far away, making a provocative and indecent action towards Wang Yuan, and his eyes also showed humane banter.

A few lines of data then appeared in Chen Ge’s eyes…

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