"Be careful, that's not his real body!"

The male NPC yelled to remind Lin Tai.

The moment he finished speaking, the body of the melted fish killed by Lin Tai just now suddenly turned into countless stones and scattered towards the surroundings.

At this time, Lin Tai also sensed a crisis, he quickly took a step back without hesitation, and then saw a purple light flying towards, making a dark hole in the position where Lin Tai was standing just now.

At the same time, the weapon spear in Lin Tai's hand suddenly threw forward, hitting a creature in the magma pool in an instant.

The other party let out a roar, and then appeared in front of Lin Tai.

This is also a melt jump fish.

To be precise, this is the body of the melting jump fish.

The one killed by Lin Tai just now was not actually the real lava fish, but a substitute made by the lava fish.

Except for the lack of the ability to create a double, this kind of substitute is basically exactly the same as the melting jump fish, even if it is far superior to its strength, it cannot be distinguished.


The lava fish in the magma roared again, and then, another purple light suddenly hit Lin Tai.

Lin Tai kicked his body without hesitation, dodging the attack of the melting fish again.

But the lava fish can't come out of the magma now, which is really a bit difficult.

"Bai Yu, use the streamer to cut!"

Lin Tai gave the order, and immediately Bai Yu and the Dawn Falcon it controlled fired a large number of streamer slashes forward. If they could hit, it would be enough to kill the melting jump fish in the round.

But just when it was about to be hit, the lava fish suddenly lowered its head and dived into the magma.

At this time, the streamer slash released by Bai Yu and Liming Falcon hit the magma, and was instantly vaporized, completely unable to attack.

At this time, Lin Tai also frowned. This melting jump fish is really too cunning, and it is really difficult for him to kill it in this situation.

"Come here now!" At this time, the male NPC suddenly said: "I have something here that allows you to kill the melting jump fish!"

Lin Tai was taken aback for a moment, then understood."

It seems that the current stage of this dungeon is to suppress the lava fish and not be able to leave the magma first, and then find the NPC to obtain props against the lava fish.

Although thinking this way in his heart, Lin Tai didn't go over immediately, but waited for the melting jump fish to appear in front of him again.

"Bai Yu, attack!"

Once, a large number of streamers fell, forcing the melting jump fish back. At the same time, Lin Tai took advantage of the opportunity when the other party just dived, and rushed in front of this NPC.

The NPC is called Mahe, and it looks like a human being, and he is wearing a protective suit.

"This protective suit can allow you to move in the magma." As he said, Ma He also handed Lin Tai a set that looked like a diving suit.

Name: Lava diving suit

Type: set

Class: excellent

Defense: low

Effect: After equipping the Lava Diving Suit, you can consume Fire Essence or Void Crystal to act in the magma, and your action speed in the magma will increase by 200%.

Current charge: 0/1000

Description: For each charging, at least 500 energy points are required, otherwise it will fail. Ps: This is the masterpiece of engineering master Magna.

...asking for flowers.

"Well, this thing is really good."

As he said that, Lin Tai equipped the lava diving suit, and then took out some void crystals from his backpack to fill it with energy.

In fact, Lin Tai dropped a lot of Fire Essence just now, but it is easier to get Void Crystals than Void Crystals, so Lin Tai still chose Void Crystals to recharge.

After the flame essence, it can be used when making equipment!

After putting on the lava diving suit, Lin Tai jumped directly into the lava and found the black shadow that dived below.



Feeling that Lin Tai dared to intrude into his territory, the melting jump fish let out a roar in an instant, and then suddenly attacked Lin Tai.

The body of the melting jump fish is quite huge, enough to swallow Lin Tai in one bite, so at this time Lin Tai didn't have any chances, and immediately floated up, and at the same time hit the melting jump fish in front of him in one fell swoop.


But the melting jump fish also bent its body in time, and hit Lin Tai's fist with its own tail, and both sides were shocked back a certain distance at the same time.

"This guy's strength is really strong, I may not be its opponent underwater."

Lin Tai had a plan in mind at this time, so he immediately swam towards the shore.

Seeing that his prey wanted to escape, the melting jump fish immediately chased after it, much faster than Lin Tai who increased his swimming speed by 200%!

Seeing a huge bloody mouth appear behind Lin Tai, he summoned a million sunset fairies behind him without hesitation!

As soon as Sunset Immortal appeared, his body was instantly burned by the magma. .

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