Now that Lin Tai has killed Yuxing Heavenly Punishment, naturally the entire Yuxing Alliance has lost the ability to resist Lin Tai.

It didn't take long for a large number of people to directly choose to surrender.

And some guys who originally planned to fight stubbornly were easily caught and killed by Lin Tai because of their lack of strength.

Soon, the entire Yuxing Alliance fell into the hands of Lin Tai, and now Lin Tai has to consider how to deal with such a large area.

The scope of the Yuxing Alliance is really too large, not only the resident, but also a large space around the resident is under the control of the Yuxing Alliance.

The total volume of the "Four Four Three" alliance of the Yuxinglian is even more than three times that of Lin Tai's current territories, and together they are already as large as an entire star field.

Note: A star domain is a unit larger than a galaxy. For example, the Milky Way is in the Virgo supercluster, or it can be called the Virgo star domain.

In short, it is such a place. With the help of Er Wu Zai, Lin Tai has completely grasped it in his own hands and started to lay it out.

First of all, the original closed management is no longer suitable for use. Now such a large area is an intermediate station that many galaxies often pass through. If it is closed rashly, it will inevitably provoke people from many galaxies, which is also very unfavorable for Lin Tai.

So after thinking about it for a while, Lin Tai still decided that he must continue to open up. Although he has to fight with aliens, he still needs to communicate with weaker aliens. After all, fighting for years is meaningless.

Furthermore, Lin Tai is a person who will leave the inner universe sooner or later and go to the outer universe to seek a higher realm, so it is impossible to stay here forever.

If he really provoked all the people in the galaxy, then he will definitely be under siege by then, and there will definitely be no good fruit to eat.

He temporarily handed over this matter to Dracula Dracula. After all, the Holy Spirit is very popular in most of the forces, and the initial favorability is also very high.

Coupled with the fact that Dracula is also accompanied by void puppets of the Supreme God level, at least no one will dare to provoke the other party.

As for Lin Tai, he himself has signed a master-servant contract with the void puppet, and he can directly send the void puppet to his side when needed.

The strength of the void puppet is still very strong, but because it is a defective product, it has few skills. There are only three kinds of space law, strength law, and energy law. It is a very simple and rough combat unit. At the time of the supreme god, he had to take Lin Tai and escape.

However, when fighting against the false Supreme God, the Void Puppet has the suppressing power of machine terror, and even can kill a large area with one knife when slaughtering the upper god.

And after explaining the matter of the Earth and the Cosmic Alliance, Lin Tai was about to leave to do a mission, but unexpectedly, just as he was about to leave, he was suddenly stopped by someone.

The name of this person is "Clementine", and he was one of Yu Xing Tian Punishment's former confidantes.

But after seeing the dead body of Yu Xing Tian Xing, Clementine directly surrendered to Lin Tai, and really gave Lin Tai wholeheartedly a dog for the time being.

And when will it be? It depends on when Lin Tai encounters an enemy much stronger than himself.

At this time, Clementine called Lin Tai to a relatively secluded place, and then said cautiously: "Lord Shura, in fact, there are people behind the power of the Yuxing Alliance..."

"Well, I've thought of this point. After all, without the support of a powerful force, he, a pseudo Supreme God, still can't achieve such a huge territory."

Lin Tai nodded, and then asked: "Who is the person who supports Yu Xing's punishment?"

"It's an alliance of players in the Guangyu Starfield, called the Alliance of Gods. It is said that there are at least hundreds of false Supreme Gods, and there are no less than ten real Supreme Gods!"


Lin Tai was also stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the opponent's strength to be really strong.

Of course, in fact, many players do not have their own godheads, and they are promoted purely by their own advanced tasks, so there is still a huge gap in strength between the supreme gods with godheads and the supreme gods without godheads.

So from this point of view, it is not very desperate, and it is also ready to continue fighting the opponent.

Then Lin Tai also continued to inquire about the current situation with Clay 1.7 Menting.

Finally, Lin Tai probably got some special news.

That is, the several galaxies currently occupied by Lin Tai, plus the Cosmic Alliance and some surrounding forces add up to a total of one star field, called the Virgo Star Field.

The Virgo Starfield is a relatively small place in the entire inner universe, and it is also the place where most of the new servers that have just appeared have joined, which is similar to new servers.

The Guangyu Starfield, which supported the Yuxing Alliance, is an old-fashioned starfield. .

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