Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2103 Kill Yogg-Saron?

The power of the Shura Purgatory Halberd is definitely not just for talking, even though the high god Lin Tai couldn't exert the effect of the supreme artifact, its powerful power still caused fatal damage to this part of the tentacles on the spot.

The tentacle was smashed to pieces on the spot, and Yogg-Saron let out a muffled groan, and then his body suddenly retreated a certain distance.

"So easy?"

Lin Tai was taken aback for a moment, but he never thought that a clone of Yogg-Saron would be killed by him so easily.

But he didn't hesitate to waste time, but suddenly accelerated and rushed towards Yogg-Saron's position again.


A roar sounded from his mouth, and at the same time the phantom of the Black Dragon Queen appeared behind Lin Tai.

At this moment, the power of protecting the earth on Shura's purgatory halberd was strengthened to the limit by the black dragon queen, and the terrifying power hit Yogg-Saron's body on the spot.

Yogg-Saron's body exploded on the spot, and then a large number of eyeballs spread crazily towards the surroundings.

"No, this guy is not dead, Yogg-Saron's purpose is to occupy my body!"

Lin Tai panicked when he didn't hear the system prompt, and then saw countless eyeballs flying towards him, and Lin Tai immediately understood what the other party was thinking.

But Lin Tai will definitely not let the other party get what they want.

At this moment, Lin Tai stepped on the ground, and the whole person quickly backed away, and at the same time, countless eyeballs chased after Lin Tai relentlessly.

No matter how fast Lin Tai is, it is impossible to be faster than the upper god!

So seeing that Lin Tai was about to be hit by Yogg-Saron's eyeballs, Lin Tai had a very serious thought in his heart, that is, once he was hit, something unacceptable would probably happen to him.

Lin Tai, who couldn't dodge by speed, activated his equipment special effects the moment the group of eyeballs attacked. A layer of energy shield spread from the armor on his body to the surroundings, pushing all the eyeballs away on the spot. out.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light flashed on Lin Tai, and the real person entered the dream world, while the one who stayed in place was Lin Tai's stand-in, with 80% of Lin Tai's attributes in all attributes, and could use all his skills.

Without any hesitation, Lin Tai's stand-in suddenly raised his hand, and golden thunderbolts fell from the sky, striking these eyeballs.

Seeing that Lin Tai's main body is no longer here, with only eyeballs left, it can't hold on for a long time, and must immediately find a body to bear its soul.

So at this time, Yogg-Saron's eyeballs suddenly bumped into a faceless man he had summoned, and forcibly got into its body.


The faceless man let out a painful roar, and then the whole body suddenly swelled up, and then the skin collapsed directly, and a large amount of flesh and blood collapsed and flew out.

In the next second, a huge-looking monster emerged from the faceless man's body. Its body was completely composed of a layer of black mucus, and its upper body was a huge eyeball with eighteen layers of pupils. .

"I want you to die!"

After Yogg-Saron controlled a faceless man, his physical strength was stronger than before in a weak state, and he rushed towards Lin Tai's substitute immediately.

At this moment, his skills changed completely, a big mouth appeared behind him, turned into a phantom, and then bit down on Lin Tai in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tai raised his hand on the spot, and a black phantom spear appeared in the double's hand.

But Lin Tai didn't go to attack Yogg-Saron, but stretched out his hand and threw the frontal spear in his hand into the big mouth transformed by Yogg-Saron.

The attacks of the two sides detonated each other on the spot, and at the same time, Lin Tai's stand-in grasped the void again, and the Judgment that had been sacrificed and fused by him was made of dark power, and appeared in Lin Tai's hands again

He took a step forward, swiped out the Magic Judgment in his hand again, drew an arc in midair on the spot, and then hit Yogg-Saron hard, knocking it back for a distance

Immediately afterwards, a flash of thunder flashed all over Lin Tai's body, and he raised his hand and "pressed directly on the surface of Yogg-Saron's eyeball.


With a flash of thunder, black smoke emitted from Yogg-Saron's body, and then his body began to fall (Qian De's) and he stumbled back two steps.

At this time, a large number of buffs had appeared on Lin Tai, and before Yogg-Saron had time to react, he had already charged forward.

The verdict in his hand disappeared in bits and pieces, replaced by the Shura Purgatory Halberd in Lin Tai's hand.

The Shura purgatory halberd was violently charged with divine power, Lin Tai swung it away suddenly, and the time constraint was activated, which immediately slowed down Yugosa's movement by 0.5 seconds.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai swung another blow quickly, and the power restraint also burst out of power. The power value that Lin Tai absorbed from Yogg-Saron now acted on Yogg-Saron, causing a lot of damage drag. .

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