After hearing Lin Tai's words, the lizardman High Priest was stunned for a moment.

That's right, what Lin Tai said is quite right, these are all belongings of their lizard people, if they blow up each other directly, not only will the other party have no loss, but the lizard people will be heartbroken.

Every fragment of the city is something accumulated by hundreds of lizardmen!

"Damn it, Kagebuwei, grab this piece of the city back for me!"

As he said that, the lizard man high priest let out a roar, and as his order sounded, black humanoid troops rushed out one by one, and then rushed towards the fragments of the city occupied by Lin Tai in the air.

"Haha, you've been fooled, dude!"

Lin Tai immediately taunted the lizard man high priest in front of him, and behind him appeared dark warriors and formed an army formation.

The power of the Shadow Warriors comes from the shadow world, while the Dark Demon Warriors are more purely dark, so these Shadow Warriors are directly under temporary control in an instant.

Of course, Lin Tai does not yet have the ability to snatch arms from others. These shadow warrior guards are actually under temporary control. After the battle, they will still be returned to the lizard~human high priest regardless of whether they live or die.

But just this time is enough.

Lin Tai directly controlled the group of shadow guards and rushed towards his master, the Lizardman High Priest in the opposite direction, and the Lizardman High Priest saw that his arms were controlled by the opponent, and he was also fascinated that day.

"what should I do now?"

Before he could think of a countermeasure, the group of shadow guards had appeared in reverse on the fragment of the city where the high priest of the lizardmen was located, and began to attack and kill the lizardmen.

"I think you should order these guys to be killed as soon as possible now! Otherwise, I will also snatch a piece of the city that you managed to grab! Killing these shadow guards now can be regarded as your timely stop loss! "

Lin Tai said again to the Lizardman High Priest below.

But the Lizardman High Priest was heartbroken. After all, Yingwuwei was also an ace soldier for the Lizardman High Priest. It would be unacceptable for anyone to let him personally order to kill his own ace fighter.

But what Lin Tai said is quite right, because such a powerful unit is controlled by the enemy, if it cannot be killed in a short time, it will definitely cause more serious damage to the Lizardmen.

"You and I are at stake!"

The moment he uttered these words, the lizard man high priest said directly: "Everyone, temporarily give up controlling the city fragments, and kill the controlled units!"


In an instant, countless attacks came from all directions, and all of them hit the bodies of these shadow guards.

Although the strength of Yingwuwei is very strong, after all, the gap in numbers is huge, so under the indiscriminate bombardment of the lizard people, they were almost killed soon.

But at this moment, the movements of the group of shadow guards suddenly stopped, and the lizard man high priest also noticed that he had regained control of his own arms.

"Damn it, we fell for it!"

At this time, the lizardman High Priest finally woke up!

That's right, it's impossible for Lin Tai to completely control so many of his own units. The other party only controlled them for a few minutes, but he used the power of words to make him nearly kill all his ace units.

…ask for flowers…………

"Stop, don't continue to attack! The control of these arms has been lifted."

But there is no turning back when the bow is opened.

When these shadow martial guards woke up, they were faced with countless attacks from all directions, and the masters of these attacks could not even be canceled.


With an explosion that was hard to see with the naked eye, all the shadow guards were killed.

"Hahaha, you really listen to me about everything, don't you?"

At this moment, Lin Tai's voice sounded again above the head of the lizardman high priest: "You respect me so much, why don't you come and be my priest, I will treat you well


At this moment, the high priest of the lizardman was completely enraged by Lin Tai, a black flame suddenly appeared on his body, and at the same time, the three arms he controlled all formed an army formation

These three army formations are not combined battle types that summon huge phantom battles, but special strengthening types.

In an instant, the three army formations condensed into a set of armor, a weapon, and a flying dragon, which were put on by the lizardman high priest.

At the same time, the high priest of the lizard man also activated his own skills and changed his weapons.

Weapon replacement: switch your class to fighter/mage, and your basic attributes and skills will change accordingly.

Immediately afterwards, the high priest of the lizardman who had changed into a warrior form suddenly attacked Lin Tai's body with a knife. When he attacked, the souls of countless arms also appeared behind him, which looked very shocking. .

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