"Is this something from the second plane?"

Thinking this way in his heart, Lin Tai also casually activated a skill he used to have: Void Recruitment.

Skill Name: Void Recruitment

Skill level: SSS

Skill Effect: Randomly summon a creature from the void to your side, and gain control over it for three days. Temporarily summoned Void Creatures cannot be traded, and when they die, the mana equivalent to the consumption of a skill will be deducted.

Description: When you gaze into the void, the void does not gaze into you.

Because the thing summoned by this skill is not the existence that has signed a real contract with you, so it is quite suitable for death, and the extra magic power consumed when dying does not matter at all

In fact, this skill is a Void Warlock's ult-level skill, but now Lin Tai has become a high god, so it doesn't consume special magic power, and it can be used casually as a small skill.


With a flash of dark blue light, a small creature appeared beside Lin Tai233.

This time Lin Tai seems to have summoned a relatively strong thing, a creature between the twelfth level and the lower god, a day-level void octopus.

"Octopus, put your tentacles in and see what's in this sea area."

Octopuses are originally very intelligent creatures. After reaching the demigod level, their intelligence is even much higher than that of humans.

It nodded immediately, then stretched out a tentacle towards the inside, and began to grope around.

At the same time, eyeball-like things also appeared on the octopus' sucker.

And Lin Tai started to communicate with the octopus. From his brain, Lin Tai learned that the opposite was a very huge ocean, and the existence of land and sky was invisible in all aspects. It seemed that this plane only had The existence of an environment such as the ocean. (cedc) "Well, what about the surrounding creatures?" Lin Tai asked again.

"The vast majority are around the ninth level, and because this is only a deep sea, the creatures that can survive here are generally stronger. In places where the ocean is relatively shallow, the average strength should be weaker."

But when it said this, suddenly the void octopus began to twitch violently.

The difference from just now is that at this time it can't say a word at all, and then its body becomes dry in an instant, and then the whole body is pulled over.


Lin Tai suddenly stepped forward and cut off the body of the void octopus with a knife, only to find that there were still a lot of red things that looked like bloodshot wounds.

It was they who sucked up the nutrients in the void octopus.

And after realizing that his tentacles were cut off, a huge eye appeared at the entrance of the hole soon.

This eye is very huge, but the pupil is as huge as the entire passage.

It immediately found Lin Tai at the entrance of the cave, and Lin Tai also looked towards it instantly.

Both sides were shocked at the same time!

Because they all see each other's kind!

That's right, the one who killed the void octopus just now turned out to be an ancient god!


The other party wanted to say something, but in the next second Lin Tai took the initiative to close the hole, and then turned into a black mist that directly enveloped the surrounding players [leading them back quickly.

"What's wrong with you?"

One of the players still doesn't understand what is happening now.

"Listen well, what appeared here is an ancient god! It killed the void octopus I summoned, and it can be seen that the opponent must have penetrated a certain seal and can use part of its power."

"And what appeared in front of us was definitely not a world connection point, but a subplane that sealed the ancient god."

"I'm going to contact the Red Dragon Queen Laikestraza next, this is a high god, you'd better stay far away, otherwise you will definitely die a miserable death."

"It's... alright."

As I said that, I nodded my head because I love honey, and then greeted several other people and walked to another place together, looking at Lin Tai from a distance.


Lin Tai took a deep breath, then escaped from the scales of the Red Dragon Queen A Laikestraza from his backpack, and activated it with his divine power.

"what happened?"

Ah Laikestraza's voice sounded beside Lin Tai, and at the same time a huge red dragon phantom appeared in front of Lin Tai.

And the moment it appeared, a terrifying coercion spread directly, and all the surrounding creatures were immediately crushed and fell to the ground.

In the beer team, I love to drink beer, and only one person is a pseudo-superior god. The rest of the middle gods were all crushed and unable to move. He was half-kneeling on the ground, staring at the terrifying existence in front of him.

In his eyes, Lin Tai had completely withstood the opponent's coercion, and facing such a strong man, he was not afraid, just bowed neither humble nor overbearing.

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