Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 2044 The Human Kingdom

[System prompt: Player Lin Tai, you have obtained 1000 Baijin coins*. 】

"Baijin coins?"

Lin Tai was stunned for a moment, he hadn't seen this thing much before, it seemed to be the currency of this era.

Lin Tai doesn't know whether Baijin coins are more or less in this world, and he doesn't know what the value of this thing is.

Lin Tai is even a little suspicious now, this is probably a hint from the other party.

So after thinking about it for a while, Lin Tai suddenly had an idea.

He secretly used the power of space to put ten Baijin coins into his backpack, and then threw the Baijin coins in his hand into the hands of the man in front of him again.

"I don't need this thing, take us to your city."

But Lin Tai really thought too much this time, and the other party just used the money as a thank you gift.

However, Lin Tai's action made these people stunned for a moment. This is 1000 Baijin coins, and the other party actually threw it back directly. It seems that this guy is definitely not a simple character 220.

"It seems that we have lost sight of Mount Tai."

One of the people who seemed to be the leader immediately said: "We are members of the third guard team of the human kingdom. Our mission here is to prevent the demons from invading our territory. Since you are helping us in this battle It is also necessary for us to express our gratitude to you for defeating the enemy."

"Please come with us, we will take you to our city."


Lin Tai tilted his head towards Lei Zhen who was on the side. Lei Zhen also understood Lin Tai's meaning, and immediately followed Lin Tai's pace.

And the rest of the black dragons returned to their original space after eating and drinking, and this ability made these people feel ashamed.

In fact, they have no space to store giant beasts, so they can only let these huge monsters follow behind them.

However, these people did not say anything. After all, I have seen Lin Tai's strength before, so it is normal for others to do this.

Soon, a very huge city appeared in this eye.

This city looks quite huge, but the building materials of the building itself don't look very elegant. While the style is rough, it can only be seen that it has quite strong defensive capabilities.

At the same time, Lin Tai also noticed one thing, that is, at the four corners of this huge city, there are four very huge figures standing respectively.

Among these pillars there are totems one by one, namely the green dragon, white tiger, Vermilion Bird, and Xuanwu, and there is a rather huge pillar in the middle, which seems to be suppressing something.

"This is your city, and it seems to be the only city?"

"Yes, our kingdom itself is a super big city, surrounded by farms and county towns, there are no other cities, because only the king's city is the safest.

"Well, that's how it is."

Lin Tai nodded, and walked into this huge city with Lei Zhen.

It's just (ceba) that when these people came in, a large group of guards rushed up and surrounded Lin Tai, Lei Zhen, and several other guards

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

Several guards all panicked and said: "We just repelled the invasion of the demons and came back, you can't treat us like this!"

"Hmph, have you repelled the invasion of the demons?"

At this time, a small captain sneered and said: "You were just helped by this guy, and now, our King has a lot of problems with these two suspicious guys, so whether it is them or you [give me a visit] Go to prison!" [084412124 Feilu 033183101

Speaking of which, everyone rushed forward and immediately took down these guards, but for Lin Tai in front of them, these people were still timid and did not dare to go forward.

"A group of idiots, here I come!"

And the captain adjusted his aura a little bit, then walked towards Lin Tai, and said as he walked: "I, I am the small captain of the kingdom, you'd better not be stubborn and follow me obediently !"


Lin Tai wanted to see what these guys were up to, so he said, "Don't tie me up, you guys can't trap me, lead the way."

"Hmph, it's quite tough."

But the team leader didn't dare to say anything more, he finally nodded and said to Lin Tai: "Okay, come with me."

After speaking, he also turned his head and left, it seemed that he really didn't dare to do anything to Lin Tai.

"Let's go and see what tricks the people of this kingdom are going to play."

As he said that, Lin Tai led Lei Zhen to walk behind these people, and soon came to a cell that looked quite huge.

"Go in!"

The squad leader directly sent several guards into the cell, and then said to Lin Tai: "My lord, please come with me, our king wants to talk to you about something.

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