Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1996: Subduing The Black Dragon Queen

"Thanks, brother!"

Zena Cruz quickly thanked him, and then turned around and ran away.

The Black Dragon Princess originally wanted to rush up to launch an attack, but Lin Tai glared at her, she trembled all over, then stopped her body, and began to fly away slowly.

And the players who finally realized something was wrong were also stunned.

"Wait, Lord Black Dragon Princess, where is our reward!"

"Yeah, our...

"a bunch of idiots!"

Lin Tai and the Black Dragon Princess scolded these people at the same time. There is no doubt that these people are just abandoned children. The Black Dragon Princess "610 Office" never planned to give them any rewards from the beginning to the end.

So no matter how these people shouted, the huge body of the Black Dragon Princess quickly disappeared from their eyes.

"Damn, we've been lied to!"

"This bastard NPC!"

A large number of players began to complain, and they also felt the state of their bodies. Although the level was still improved, there was a weak debuff, which made their combat effectiveness drop quite seriously.

But when these people hissed and sighed, Lin Tai had already quietly arrived in a cave.

According to Lin Tai's inspection just now, the black dragon queen Sinestra should have come to this place to rest secretly at this time.

That's right, Sinestra, that's the name of the Black Dragon Queen.

And there are actually quite a few people who have the same idea as Lin Tai, at least Lin Tai saw at least hundreds of players in front of him, and they were still fighting. It seems that they want to fight for the right to enter this cave.

Lin Tai thought for a while, but he still couldn't let these people know his existence.

If Lin Tai softened his heart and let these people go, then other people would soon know Lin Tai's identity, after all, there is only one Black Dragon Queen.

"Let's just kill them all."

At this moment, Linglong appeared behind Lin Tai.

Linglong's eyes and Lin Tai's eyes became unreal at the same time, and then the players and their units in front of them were all controlled.

Immediately afterwards, the illusion released by the two of them took effect, and all the enemies in front of them lost their serious highlights for an instant, and then lay down on the ground one after another.


Then Lin Tai brought Linglong into the cave.

At this moment, a gigantic bone dragon appeared in front of Lin Tai.

This bone dragon is the Black Dragon Queen Sinestra. Now her life value is zero, but she is not dead yet, and it seems that she can still move and make a sound.

And just before Lin Tai spoke, he also saw a few thieves walking towards Sinestra quietly. It seems that they saw that the blood bar of the black dragon queen was empty, so they wanted to make up for it. See if you can kill it.

The answer is of course no.

The moment these thieves walked over, they suddenly saw Sinestra's bones shaking, killing all the thieves directly.

And Lin Tai also walked forward slowly.

"Little bug, your smell is very unique, familiar to me, but quite annoying!"

Sinestra looked at Lin Tai who was gradually walking towards her, and said with some trepidation: "Don't come here, or I will kill you!"


Lin Tai smiled, then raised his hand...

Immediately, streaks of black mist diffused from his sleeves, attacking Sinestra in front of him.

"Damn, what the hell are you?"

Sinestra was about to struggle, but in an instant she sensed the power of the ancient god.

During the Battle of the Ancients, the black dragon Queen Sinestra was contaminated by the curse of the ancient gods spread by Deathwing, and her body was always in extreme pain and weakness.

So Sinestra is too familiar with the power of the ancient gods.

Seeing Lin Tai, the ancient god, slowly approaching him, the black dragon and dragon queen immediately demanded Lin Tai.

The blow just now has completely exhausted Sinestra's strength, and now it can only crawl on the ground as a pair of bones.

"Scared, isn't it?"

Lin Tai smiled, then stretched out the book and grabbed Sinestra's massive wrist.

Immediately afterwards, a layer of contract power emerged from Lin Tai's body, and gradually spread towards Sinestra's body. 5.9

"You, what are you doing?"

Sinestra said in surprise and anger: "Do you want to ask me to be your hero? It is absolutely impossible!"

"Is it really?"

Lin Tai still didn't believe it, and then the runes continued to spread towards Sinestra's body.

"You, you are an ancient god!"

After realizing Lin Tai's identity, Sinestra suddenly became a little uneasy. After all, the mediation with the ancient gods was done by the Dragon King, and the Dragon Queen did not have this responsibility and right.

"Hmph, since you know, why don't you surrender quickly?"

Lin Tai said with a smile. .

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