The Void Leviathan group was blown up on the spot, and then Lin Tai directly controlled his birth and death dragon group, using its power to form a battle formation.

At this moment, a huge green phantom of the dragonman appeared in front of him, and then the forehead wings behind it trembled, and it rushed up in an instant.

Then a long sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed forward suddenly, sending a large piece of nothingness Leviathan flying out on the spot.

Then Lin Tai turned one step into two steps, and two steps turned into one step. He rushed up quickly and grabbed the largest Void Leviathan in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, he exploded with divine power all over his body, and threw it flying.

And at this time, a battle formation composed of one hundred trillion life dragons also attacked, and then the phantom of the dragon man instantly swung the long sword in his hand and hit the body of this void Vitan hard.

With Lin Tai in control of the battle formation, he quickly killed a third of this group of Void Leviathans, and then controlled the remaining Void Leviathans

After seeing a large number of compatriots being killed, this group of Void Leviathans finally lost the will to resist, surrendered one after another, and became Lin Tai's troops.

And after conquering the seven trillion nothingness Leviathans, Lin Tai also got enough transport planes, and then headed to other places.

"All assembled!"

Philip let out a roar at this moment, and many people gathered here immediately, all of them were Philip's subjects.

Since Philip's territory is very small and poor, none of the people he recruited are experts, they are all very low-strength, even demigods and twelfth-order existences

And what they are eyeing this time is exactly the resource spaceship that Lin Tai entrusts Lone Wolf to send to escort, and each spaceship carries a huge amount of resources.

There are a total of 3,000 spaceships, and the amount of resources on them is a total of 3 quadrillion units, which is considered a very large resource for a galaxy.

Soon, Philip yelled and said, "Rush up and stop these spaceships!"

At this moment, Philip summoned the common unit in his territory, the atomic ball.

Each atomic ball is composed of tens of trillions of atomic arms, capable of penetrating into the opponent's body and causing damage.

At this time, this large piece of atomic ball directly blocked a large number of spaceships, and made them lose the ability to fly by drilling in.

And at this time, a person came out.

This person is a businessman that Ferma found, and he is also a relatively high-ranking person among the lone wolves, and he is also one of Lin Tai's subordinates.

At this moment, when he saw Philip in front of him, he was stunned.

Because he knew this person, and he was the fool his boss, Firma, admired. According to Firma, although Philip was stupid, he still had value, so he couldn't be killed.

At this time, the businessman also thought in his heart: "Although this stupid guy can be easily killed, it is very likely to affect the master's plan in the King Saros galaxy."

Thinking of this, he prepared to negotiate with the person in front of him.

The businessman walked up to Philip and asked, "Excuse me, why did you stop here? I am the businessman responsible for escorting the support materials to the San Felipe galaxy according to the plan.

"That's why I want to stop you!"

His words immediately stunned the businessman, and he thought for a while, thinking in his heart: "~ In other words, is this guy here because of a brand new plan?"


After a little thought, the businessman also thought in his heart: "I know the quantity and value of this batch of resources, the worst possible result is that the full amount is not enough, and if Philip is recklessly killed, it may affect Lin Tai My lord's plan in the Saros galaxy."

Thinking this way in my heart, the merchant also said: "Leave these goods, and then it will be fine?"

"That's right!" Philip said with a smile, "As long as you leave something behind, I won't hurt our companions!"

So the merchant left.

And Lin Tai also got a message soon.

At this time, Sophie sent a message: "Master Juggernaut, it's not good, the resource spaceship we sent to the San Felipe galaxy for support was intercepted in the Saros galaxy!"


Lin Tai was taken aback for a moment, and also became a little confused.

Although he can also use this reason to start a war against the King Saros galaxy, it is also very likely that there are some people behind the scenes who are using this person named Philip to set a trap for Lin Tai.

"What is to be done? Do we continue with the project, or do we start over with other projects?"

Lin Tai is also a bit of a headache, after all, the original precise plan, should it be stopped because of Philip, an idiot?

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