Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1898 Lin Tai's Plan

Of course, it is impossible for Lin Tai to lose to Linglong.

Although Linglong is very powerful, as an ancient god, her strength is much stronger than Linglong as a new god, because ancient gods can be protected by stronger rules, so their combat effectiveness is also stronger.

But at this time, Lin Tai actually won, and then pretended that she was killed by Linglong, and then hid.

Lin Tai knew very well that once news of his savior's death came, the San Felipe galaxy would instantly fall into despair.

Now they have no hope of defeating Linglong at all, so they will inevitably enter a very difficult and desperate state.

As a result, Lin Tai suddenly said: "Next, how to create panic is up to you!"

"Please rest assured, Master Master!"

Linglong nodded immediately, then turned around and flew in a further direction to announce the result of this battle.

A period of time passed, and Jian Linglong, who was from the San Felipe galaxy, didn't attack him, and suddenly thought of something.

That is, the magic dragon may have been seriously injured by the King of Light and then escaped. Now it has no strength to fight them.

Thinking of this, some nobles in the entire San Felipe galaxy immediately started to attack.

They dispatched more than 300 trillion troops, and began to attack the location of the wild creatures from different directions.

The savage creatures didn't hesitate, and started fighting with the troops of the San Felipe galaxy in front of them.

At this time, the two sides collided suddenly, and the battle began.

But at this moment, a terrifying flame suddenly rose from the crowd!

In an instant, a large number of people in the arms were directly blown out, and even Remedio was suddenly affected, and his life began to drop rapidly.

At the same time, a huge figure also appeared here, and was immediately seen by Remedio.

Remedio's expression changed instantly.

Because she knows that this huge monster is the powerful and terrifying existence that dragged the San Felipe galaxy into disaster, the magic dragon!

"Humans, during the period of my rest, you are really arrogant."

Linglong didn't fight at all, but a large amount of black destructive aura erupted directly around him, and at the same time, all the fighters of the San Felipe galaxy around him began to be destroyed.

Even their bones, hair, clothes, and weapons were completely destroyed by the destructive force, disappearing without a trace.

"Damn guy!"

Remedio let out a roar, and rushed up suddenly, but before she could launch an attack, she was directly blown away by Linglong's wings with a wave of Linglong's wings.

"Hahaha, let you feel the fear I brought again!"

Saying that, Linglong's body disappeared immediately, and in the next second, she appeared in another army formation. A large amount of destructive power burst out on the spot, and in an instant, the crazy slaughter began.

At this time, the entire battlefield instantly became chaotic, because the people in the San Felipe galaxy simply couldn't restrict and attack Linglong who was running around.

Afterwards, a large number of life and death dragons also rushed out, and began to launch a frenzied attack on the enemies in the universe.

For a time, the morale of the soldiers in the San Felipe galaxy dropped to the extreme, and they lost the ability to fight at all in the face of a large number of enemies ahead.

And the savage creatures became more courageous as they fought [and began to slaughter the life in the San Felipe galaxy in front of them.

~ It's over, it's all over.

"How to do?"


The soldiers of the San Felipe galaxy started to turn around and run away, no matter how loudly Remedio shouted, it was meaningless.

"Human beings, your doomsday—relatives

But at this moment, a dazzling light suddenly struck, and the star closest to here suddenly burst into a terrifying dazzling light.

In an instant, a large number of savage creatures were wiped out directly, but the soldiers of the San Felipe galaxy, who were fleeing in chaos, felt a sense of comfort, feeling (Qian Zhao's) inner courage being stimulated Out.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Tai roared: "Wishful thinking, human beings are far from the end! As long as I'm here, you can never destroy this galaxy!"

As he said that, a figure rushed out of the star, and at the same time, ten super huge phalanxes of light elements appeared beside him.

Each of these squares has a light elemental lord at the level of a god [ordinary light elements have ten acres of squares in each square.

For the current battle, this is already an absolute power to turn the tables, and it can easily repel the enemy's army. .

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