The Holy Light Kingdom established by Lin Tai was originally inside the Saros galaxy, so soon, a group of people from the San Felipe galaxy came to the interior of the Holy Light Kingdom.

Just came to this place and everyone was shocked.

Because a general kingdom will use a large number of satellites to guard it, even if it is only a galaxy-sized kingdom, it will at least need to create a huge city wall around it.

However, although this Kingdom of Holy Light has only one planetary system and consists of thirteen planets in total, there are no defensive measures at all, not even the arrangement of arms.

"What's going on here? Could it be that this country doesn't have defenses against the outside world at all?" Remedio couldn't help but said, the country she sees now is really far from their San Felipe galaxy. twenty four

But seeing them coming, soon a group of people came over in a spaceship and asked, "Who are you guys and why did you come here? The front is the territory of our Holy Light Kingdom!"

"Oh, that's right."

Remedio nodded, and immediately stepped forward and said: "We are a team of paladins from the San Felipe galaxy, and we have made an appointment with the King of Light.

"I see."

The guard also regained his energy immediately, and quickly said: "It's you, I have indeed received the order from Lord Guangming, so you can go in."

A group of people soon landed on the capital. They saw that it was different from what they imagined. According to their original thinking, an indescribable thing with terrifying strength like the King of Light Lin Tai must be He is very insured and does not treat people as human beings.

But in front of them, it was a happy scene.

Everyone on the street is very happy. They don't have any fear on their faces, and they don't look like they are being controlled. Everyone is happy from the bottom of their hearts.

Seeing this scene, Remedio felt inexplicably uncomfortable, because the San Felipe galaxy is a galaxy that uses religion to control the people. At this time, seeing so many people without faith can be so happy, Remedio felt already It was so angry that he wished that these people would all die in the next second of God's punishment.

But this is impossible. In the place protected by Lin Tai, even if God's punishment really comes, Lin Tai will protect these people.

The team walked all the way towards the palace built by Lin Tai.

Lin Tai's palace looks rather plain, only about the size of a five-story building, and it's mostly decorated with crystals and metals instead of precious gems, giving it a seriously cheap feel.

"Tsk, it's really shabby..."

Remedio made a disdainful sound, because according to her opinion, the palace of the King of Light is really too shabby compared to the palace of the San Felipe galaxy.

But Sester, who was on the side, lowered his head and thought in his heart: "Why does the King of Light, who has great power, live in such a simple palace? Is it to save people and money?"

Although they were puzzled in their hearts, they still stepped into the palace in front of them, and soon came to a huge room.

Here, a very strange-looking, human-like rabbit hosts them.


While chewing the carrot in his mouth, the rabbit pointed at the black magic swordsman behind him, and said, "These are patrol soldiers here, and each of them has the strength of a middle god. As long as you don't take the initiative to draw out your weapons to provoke They will not be attacked.


As Remedio spoke, the expressions of the others changed dramatically.

Because what appeared in front of them were a total of 200 black magic swordsmen, if these guys were all middle gods, it would be too scary!

You know, there are absolutely no more than 30 diamond-level adventurers in the entire King Saros galaxy, and there are actually 200 here!

The reason Remedio is not afraid is because she is also a pseudo-high god herself. Once the holy sword in her hand breaks out, it can temporarily provide her with the power to crush the middle god, so she is not particularly afraid of these black demons in front of her. swordsman.

Then, Bunny Rabbit reminded them a little bit, and then left without feeling at ease.

Walking into the huge metal door in front of him, Remedio quickly saw a person, a little light man sitting on the throne, a strange-looking guy.

The moment he saw him, Remedio felt a chill in his body. Obviously, the other party was the person he came to look for this time, the King of Light Lin Tai.

On both sides of the road, there are also flags of the Holy Light Kingdom and the San Felipe galaxy, which are very eye-catching and give people a feeling of being respected.

"Well, you are all emissaries from the San Felipe galaxy." Lin Tai raised his hand and said with a smile, "What is the purpose of coming to see me this time?".

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