Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1823 Witnessing Death

At this time, Lin Tai quietly followed, and soon saw four figures.

One of the adults was lying on the ground, bleeding profusely.

The three people on the side looked at each other, looking at each other very warily.

At this time, Lin Tai also walked up slowly.

"who are you?"

Seeing that, these people looked at Lin Tai very nervously, and said like crazy: "Don't come here.

"Oh? What's going on here?"

Looking at them, Lin Tai probably understood that this is the prince who killed the king with his son.

And in front of them was the imprisoned prince.

"Well, it's really a bit strange."

As he said that, Lin Tai also went straight up, completely ignoring the words of these three people, and stood directly beside the prince.

"Listen, some things don't just go away with anger.

Lin Tai said suddenly.

"You bastard, who allowed you to come here?"

The prince let out an angry roar immediately, and then rushed towards Lin Tai at high speed.


Lin Tai let out a roar, and suddenly a momentum burst out, directly controlling the prince in midair.

Then Lin Tai didn't even take any action, just glared at him, and the prince who was in the air flew straight out and hit the wall fiercely.


The boy beside him wanted to support his father, but before he could really do it, suddenly a vine composed of dark energy appeared out of thin air and entangled him directly.

"Bastard, let me go! Father, father.

"Sometimes, you need to learn to choose, even if the other party looks very pitiful, you can't have any mercy.

"This is the means necessary for those who achieve great things."

As he spoke, Lin Tai squatted in front of the terrified little prince, and handed him a pitch-black sharp knife.

The blade isn't really a weapon, but is an extension of Lin Tai's abilities.

So as long as Lin Tai is by his side, this sharp blade can produce a powerful power at the level of a high god, but because of Lin Tai's relationship, there are no conditions for its use.

This is a weapon that anyone can wield.

"Hold it, mighty power can bring you courage!"

"it is good………

The little prince took the black sharp blade tremblingly, and suddenly a terrifying aura erupted from his body, and he became quite powerful in an instant, as if he was already an emperor ruling the world.

And at this time, the little prince also walked towards the opponent with the black sharp blade in his hand, and as he walked, he exuded a terrifying aura.

"You guys actually killed your father! I want you to die!"

And Lin Tai didn't look at the tragedy behind him, he put some things in this time and space a little casually, and then saw a system prompt in front of him:

Mission accomplished.

He nodded, and then Lin Tai's body gradually became transparent, as if he was about to disappear here.

But at this time, the little prince turned around, as if he wanted to talk to Lin Tai.

But he didn't see Lin Tai's figure, he just saw these things that Lin Tai left on the ground.

And not knowing exactly what he saw, heard, or thought of, the little prince's eyes gradually became firmer at this time.

Lin Tai's figure gradually grew taller in his mind, and gradually became as if it stood upright.

#~ No matter how pitiful the other party looks, can’t you keep your hands? I seem to understand. "The little prince couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Well, it turned out to be like this."

At this moment, Lin Tai sat up suddenly.

"Oh, so many things have happened, no wonder Bloody Hestis is so cruel." Lin Tai also said to himself: "But I left part of my strength in this time and space, Is it really okay?"

"Forget it, let's go back first." At this time, Lin Tai was too lazy to think too much, so he went back with his partner Linglong directly.


But in the heart-earth galaxy, the Sixiang team has gathered together at this time.

They were sitting in a box in this hotel (Nuo Nuo Hao).

At this moment, one of them, the captain Qinglong, said: "Now, let's start the meeting of our Sixiang team."

As he said that, he also looked at the members of the three teams in front of him, and said, "This time, the mission is for us to investigate the existence of a possible relic in the Saros galaxy."

"That is to say, let us invade other galaxies and be a thief?"

At this time, Baihu also said a little speechless.

"That's right, it's the dirty work that ordinary workers like us would accept."

Of course, when he said this sentence, Qinglong was actually being modest. .

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