So at this time, Lin Tai directly grabbed the Mushroom King in front of him, and then began to inject the power in his body into the Mushroom King's body.

King Mushroom is a type of fungus.

The structure of the fungus itself is relatively simple, and it has a very huge potential, and has certain qualifications for mutation.

But once a creature like fungus mutates, it can immediately gain a lot of power.

At this time, the Mushroom King was invaded by Lin Tai using power, and began to transform its body.

Soon, certain changes took place in the Mushroom King's body.

Originally, the crystals on it were completely purple, but now they have been dyed "580" pitch black.

Meanwhile, Lin Tai's forces continued to invade, beginning to transform and erode him.

Soon, the Mushroom King completely mutated.

Name: God of Mushroom

Race: code unknown

Rank: False God (upper rank)


High Sacred Body (false): It has the same skill determination as the High God, but the value is only one-third of the real High God.

Spores: Terrifying ability, under the control of dark power, fragile spores have infinite potential.

Invasion: Spores invade the body of organisms, absorb the nutrients of the host, and make themselves thrive.

Toxin: The toxin of the Mushroom God of War can poison the upper god.

Pointy Jab Fist: Summons a strange power to launch physical attacks on all surrounding targets, reducing their defense power.

Description: The fungus king who was infected by a certain dark new god, his original advantages were infinitely magnified by the dark divine power, and was eroded, degenerated into a minion of the demon god.

"Yeah, to be able to obtain such a powerful force, it seems that I have not misunderstood you."

Smiling slightly, Lin Tai also patted the head of the mushroom God of War with satisfaction, that is, its cap.

Unexpectedly, this Mushroom God of War surrendered to Lin Tai obediently like a puppy, and said: "Great God, you have given me invincible power, and I will use everything I have to express my gratitude to you!" loyalty and gratitude.

"very good."

Lin Tai said with a smile: "Now your strength should be enough to hold back the strongest in this world.

"Yes, we are both high gods."

"Well, immediately launch an attack on other positions, I will take a short rest to restore the power zone.


After saying these words, Lin Tai found a safe and clean place to sit down, and then took out some precious materials from his backpack, and began to recover his physical strength.

These materials are quite expensive things, so now Lin Tai consumes them to restore himself, which is also a considerable expense.

When Lin Tai recovered his physical strength, the Mushroom God of War had already appeared in another place.

It came to the place where the mushrooms and plants were fighting. At this time, it stood at the forefront of the battlefield, and just slapped its own mushroom cap, and a burst of spores burst out immediately.

At this time, these spores floated into the air, and then spread towards the surrounding plants.

These spores flew to the side of these trees, began to parasitize crazily, and sucked them dry in an instant, turning into huge mushrooms one by one.

"Damn guy! Stop it!"

At this time, a huge puppet suddenly rushed out of the forest, holding a super sledgehammer in its hand, and rushed towards the Mushroom God of War......

The huge hammer in his hand swung fiercely, and immediately attacked the Mushroom God of War.

But the Mushroom War God also directly raised his hand, and in an instant he raised his hand, and hit the opponent's body fiercely with his fist.

At this moment, the puppet was sent flying.

This puppet is a super warrior made of many Zutun beasts. It is also the strength of a middle god, but it is nothing compared to the pseudo-high god of the Mushroom God of War.

So at this time, the special monster created by Lin Tai, the Mushroom God of War, suddenly swung his fist forward, then extended his arm suddenly, and hit the puppet's body fiercely.

At this moment, the terrifying power instantly smashed the puppet's body into countless pieces.

Then, the Mushroom God of War rushed up suddenly, and the spores in his body were released again, and began to parasitize wildly on the puppet.

Soon, another midgod-level mushroom appeared.

The only difference from the Mushroom God of War is that these 3.7 middle god-level mushrooms have no self-awareness and are just fighting puppets.

"Very good, as expected, parasitizing the midgod, I can create midgod-level mushrooms." Mushroom God of War said very happily: "And Master Lin Tai has promised me

Once I find the fragments of the Seal of Thor, this entire planet and even the entire galaxy will be mine!"

"My lord already has three galaxies under his command, I want to conquer here for him!"

No matter how you say it, the Mushroom God of War is forced to be promoted from the middle god, and his knowledge is limited. His knowledge of galaxies is only stellar galaxies. .

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