Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1714 Two-Pronged Approach

At this time, Linglong landed on the planet head-on, and then burst out a very long dragon roar!

The power of her middle god, coupled with the godhead of the life dragon god, instantly resonated with the nature of this planet.

Because the power is very adaptable, although Linglong, the life dragon god, does not belong here, she can easily gain the trust of this planet.

And at this time, among the terrified plants around, a grass that looked like a sharp sword came out and said to Linglong:

"Respected Lord Life Dragon God, Lord Qingluluowang, the master of this planet, please."

"it is good."

Nodding, Linglong turned into a human form, followed behind the plant, and walked towards the location of the so-called Green Radish King.

And almost at the same time, Lin Tai landed on the dark side of the planet. 090

Although this planet is ruled by plants, wherever there is oppression, there must be resistance.

And the enemy of plants on this planet is fungus!

That's right, these fungi hidden in the dark have powerful power and are quite difficult to deal with, so until now, these plants have not been able to completely wipe them out.

But now, Lin Tai is here.

"It's really a good material. Just seeing you, the dark power in my body starts to move around. It's really good."

As he said that, the dark divine power in Lin Tai's body began to be released.

And the huge fungi in the surroundings turned out to be very welcoming, and they began to frantically absorb the dark power released by Lin Tai.

And these mushrooms also began to change rapidly after absorbing the emperor.

Originally their bodies began to wither.

But the purification began to gather towards the inside.

Soon, these huge mushrooms turned into giant mushrooms that looked five meters high.

"Well, the strength of these guys looks pretty good." Lin Tai couldn't help but said.

Name:Mushroom titan

Type: Fungus

Rank: lower god


Parasitism: Inject explosives into the enemy's body, making it grow continuously in the opponent's body, and eventually become a brand new mushroom titan. The appearance of the mushroom titan will change according to the genes of the parasitic host.

Mushroom Punch: Launch a mushroom punch, causing extremely high damage to the target.

Toxic powder: spores with toxins, the mushroom titan is inedible.

Description: Red umbrella umbrella, white pole pole, lying on the board after eating. It's the season of eating mushrooms again, but this time the mushrooms seem to be growing well. They say that eating mushrooms is crazy.

"Uh...why are the descriptions I've seen recently so weird?" Lin Tai couldn't help but complain.

But the problem now is not the remarks.

Because the power of plants is too strong, and their vitality and unity are quite terrifying, so (ceb) Lin Tai doesn't want to fight head-to-head with them here.

He wants to create unbearable pressure on these plants by supporting these fungi that are opposed to the plants, and finally achieve his own goals.

At this time, Lin Tai also directly took out some things that can promote the evolution of fungi from his backpack, and immediately let these mushroom titans continue to strengthen.

And at this time, Lingjing came to the brightest place on the planet, where the Qingluluowang was.

Suddenly, several thick vines directly attacked Luo Ling.

But Linglong also burst out with a burst of powerful attacks, knocking them all out.

"Hehe, you have already come here, so don't think about leaving."

Suddenly an indistinguishable voice rang in Linglong's ears, and then she saw a rather huge ancient tree appearing in front of her eyes.

This ancient tree exudes a rather terrifying aura, obviously a powerful upper god.

However, Linglong didn't feel too much oppression in front of it.

Because this is the gap between godheads.

Linglong's godhead is the godhead of the life dragon god, and the three subsidiary godheads of the life creator. Although her strength is not as good as that of the green radish king in front of her, her affinity for life is much higher than him.

And it just so happens that the Green Radish King is a creature that uses its vitality to fight.

So if they really fight head-on, Linglong may get more support from the planet than Qinglu Luowang, so she is not very afraid of him.

But Qingluluowang didn't know this, it just felt that Linglong's aura in front of him was very attractive to him, if he could eat it, his strength would be improved to a higher level in a short time.

"You mere middle god, dare to step into my leader!"

As he said that, Qinglu Luowang sneered and said, "I want to eat you!"

As it said that, it directly summoned dozens of vines, directly seeking for Linglong in front of it.

But at this moment, a turquoise passport appeared beside Linglong in an instant.

She used her skill, Web of Life Denial. .

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