Age of Lords: Start Thirty days in Advance

Chapter 1711: The Song Of The Juniper Tree

At this time, Lin Tai picked up his bow and set up an arrow, and shot out an arrow composed purely of energy.

The speed of this arrow is quite fast.

This time, even the parrot who was also a high god couldn't dodge, and was directly pierced by the arrow.

But that's not what it is.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the guests this time are not bad."

The dead parrot fell and said, "Want to get the mysterious treasure? I'll wait for you under the juniper tree!"

After speaking, the parrot plunged into the water and was eaten by a fish that appeared suddenly.

The fish swam away immediately.

"Four Twenty" Lin Tai also immediately chased after it in the direction it left.

But at this moment, suddenly some light yellow mist began to appear around Lin Tai, and at the same time, the [Poisoned] debuff appeared in Lin Tai's status bar.

"It's really a bit of a skill, it can poison me, a high god."

Lin Tai immediately released his divine power, covering the surroundings.

This power instantly began to protect his body, allowing him to temporarily isolate the toxins from his body.

Then, Lin Tai also summoned some electronic dragons.

These electronic dragons are all the lowest level electronic dragons.

But at this time, they immediately pounced on the surrounding walls, and then began to look for the source of these ray elements.

"These poisons seem to be some kind of plant toxins. I can use the electronic dragon to collect some and keep them for later use."

After speaking, Lin Tai put them back into his backpack again.

Then, Lin Tai speeded up to catch up with the fish and came to the final spot, just in time to see a small island in front of it with a huge juniper tree on it.

"This place is really strange."

As he said that, Lin Tai also walked over, and then found a small parrot flying out of the branch, and landed next to Lin Tai again.

"You bastard, there are so many birds."

"Yeah, I still have a lot of things like this."

As he said that, a huge coffin appeared, and then it opened suddenly, and a little boy came out immediately.

It is the so-called boy, and it is also the little guy who was killed. At the same time, it also possesses very terrifying power. Lin Tai can feel that it is exactly the same as his own strength, or even stronger.

"Hey, who are you guys?" Lin Tai asked suddenly.

"Hehe, do I still need to ask?"

At this time, the little boy sneered, and then took out a dagger from his hand.

It looks very short.

But Lin Tai recognized it instantly, it was the change of Lin Tai's precepts, and he will never forget this.

"How do you have discipline?" Lin Tai asked.

Yes, although the discipline itself is a relatively common type of weapon, but the bodies are the same, but the other weapons absorbed are different. It can be said that any two disciplines are completely different existences.

And the precepts held by this boy are exactly the same as Lin Tai's precepts.

As he said that, Lin Tai also waved his hand, and the commandment appeared in his hand, and then suddenly moved forward once, directly colliding with the opponent's broken sword


Both sides took a step back at the same time.

"Hehe, you should know by now, this is my strength."

As he said that, the boy also walked out of the coffin, but his shadow unexpectedly took on the exact same shape as Lin Tai, which was really weird...

"It turned out to be my shadow. No wonder I always feel that the shadow on my body has lost its power."

"Yes, I am indeed a shadow now."

As he said that, the boy rushed forward suddenly, and at the same time he stabbed forward with his hand, and the dagger burst out with a burst of force.

At this moment, Lin Tai swung the dagger in his hand without hesitation, and the two sides collided again.

Immediately afterwards, the weapons in their hands began to collide crazily.

"As long as I kill you, I can become the main body!" The boy sneered, and then the commandment in his hand turned into a long stick, attacking Lin Tai again.

And Lin Tai also turned the commandment in his hand into a hammer without hesitation, and then the two sides collided, and sparks burst out quite quickly.

"Forbidden Earthquake!"

"The wind explodes!"

The weapons of the two sides switched over again, and Lin Tai also seized the opportunity to charge forward, and at the same time the hammer in his hand fell high, and there were a lot of shadows behind him.

Each shadow carries a power equal to 70% of Lin Tai, with 5.1 ten consecutive attacks, the resulting superposition of power is 700% of the original.

Then this blow landed on the boy's chest fiercely, and then knocked it flying in an instant.

But the boy was hit, not by mistake, he was in fact hit on purpose.

At the moment of flying upside down, a layer of pitch-black power suddenly appeared on the boy, and then a monster like an elephant was formed on the boy's body.

Then the boy's body was forced to stop in mid-air, and the elephant on his body charged towards Lin Tai.

"It's really my skill."

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