Age Of Lords: Hundredfold Boost

Chapter 214 War God Guard! (Fifth Update, Please Subscribe!)

King Wushuang is the deputy head of the God of War Legion.

After the God of War statue appeared.

Ye Xiu contacted him immediately.

Let Wang Wang Wushuang recruit another 200 people.

This is naturally recruiting talented players.

Now Ye Xiu's prestige among the players on Earth.

That was a hit.

The God of War Legion is going to expand its enrollment, and countless players will squeeze their heads to join in!

This is Ye Xiu's real lineage.

The Shura Legion and the God of War Legion have a total of 400 people.

There are more than 4,000 players who want to join Ye Xiu's command.

"Brother, I have already prepared, we have a set of evaluation mechanism for players."

"There is also the establishment of the reserve team, and the expansion of the God of War Legion. It can be filled in minutes, and they are all talented players."

King Wushuang executes immediately.

His strategic thinking was ahead of his time.

The preparations for the expansion of the War God Legion have already been made.

That was originally done after the War God Legion was upgraded.

Now it's way ahead of schedule!

"Okay, the more members of the God of War Legion, the more power of faith I can harvest..."

Ye Xiu smiled.

Members of the God of War Legion, the power of 27 beliefs provided is a hundred times that of normal believers!

One person can top 200 people.

The 400 members of the God of War Legion can provide the power of faith uninterruptedly to 80,000 players.

After the God of War statue is upgraded, its proportion will continue to increase.

Just being a member of the God of War Legion can provide Ye Xiu with a lot of power of faith every day.

Convert 1 point of divine power out.

In this way, the divine power that Ye Xiu gained every day reached 2 points.

Founding Titan upgrade, only need 10 points of divine power.

This undoubtedly greatly shortens the efficiency of its promotion.

Ye Xiu now has 8 points of divine power.

"Wow! The bonuses of the God of War Legion are too awesome! As soon as I joined the Legion, I was actually blessed with the body of the God of War. Wouldn't it mean that I have risen four or five levels for nothing!"

New players who joined the God of War Legion were stunned by this benefit.

God of War statue.

Inherited from Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu has now forged a 20-layer God of War body.

Inheriting 1/10 of it, each player will have 2 more layers of God of War.

It is equivalent to +6 points for all attributes and +2000 points for leadership!

This bonus is too powerful!

Moreover, the various bonuses of the God of War Legion have also been improved.

Entering the God of War Legion, ordinary players can become elite players.

These talented players are even more powerful!

"I also have a bonus to my God of War body!"

Ye Xiu also pays attention to the changes in his God of War body.

The number of layers becomes 22 layers.

If I add to myself, can I pay back?

That would be if Ye Xiu's God of War body was forged to 30th floor.

Then everyone's benefits will reach the 3rd layer of God of War!

This is undoubtedly great news.

Ye Xiu has her own benefits too!

"Young man, you are still too young! The welfare of our God of War Legion is more than that, we all have the deputy position of God of War envoy!"

"This is a 'hidden profession'! It can train special units! I haven't gotten a hero-quality unit yet!"

The old players of the God of War Legion are friendly reminders of the new additions.

The post of God of War Messenger.

Also a huge bonus!

Train the heroic arms of the God of War Messenger.

It is to train fighters to be the envoys of the God of War at the same level.

Although a lot of resources are consumed, the increase in combat power is exaggerated.

Immediately there are players starting training.

The trained God of War envoy has powerful offensive and defensive capabilities and combat power.

The combat power is amazing!

The players are very enthusiastic!

Players with fighters have tried to train a lot.

At least following along as a guard is also an excellent choice.

It's very cool to take out!

With the training of the players, Ye Xiu saw that the number of God of War envoys continued to increase.

It quickly reached 100.

[Members of the God of War Legion have trained 100 God of War messengers, activated building special effects, and rewarded 1 God of War messenger (Tier 3 hero unit) according to the average level!】

[The arm rewards have been increased by a hundred times, and a War God Guard (tier three legendary arm) has been obtained!】

A guard in golden armor suddenly appeared beside Ye Xiu.

God of War!

Very heroic and handsome troops.

Wearing it highlights the style!

War God Guard: Tier 3 legendary arms.

IX: 40

Defense: 45


HP: 2400 points

War Frenzy: After the War God Guard enters the combat state, the basic damage, attack speed, and movement speed will increase with time, increasing by 2% per second, up to 100%.

War Sweep: Passive Effect: After being attacked, the War God Guard will launch a counterattack, causing double damage to surrounding enemies once, and the cooling time is 2 seconds. Active Effect: Actively sweeps to attack the enemy, causing 3 times damage to surrounding enemies once.

Guardian Instinct: War God Guard is the hero's guard by default, and will share 50% of the damage for the hero. When there are multiple guards, they will share the damage together. When the hero receives fatal damage, they will share the damage completely. Killing the enemy through war sweep can increase the base damage, own life value and upper limit of war frenzy.

Guardian Legend: The mission of the War God Guard is to protect the hero and kill the enemy. Each War God Guard will reduce the damage received by allies within 100 yards by 5%, up to 50%. Killing enemies who attack the hero will greatly increase the effect of hunting instinct. If you gain fame through anti-killing, you will be promoted to rank.

There are different ranks of War Guardians.

This is the type of arm that is rewarded by the God of War Statue.

Its average level is related to the God of War Messenger 053 trained by the player.

Due to the current types of arms of the members of the God of War Legion, they are mainly low-level arms.

Some of the trained ones are also low-level God of War envoys.

The rewards that Ye Xiu received were mainly Tier 3 War Guardians.

Wait for the players to become stronger in the future.

The average level of the training arms has increased, and there may be changes.

With War God Guard, Ye Xiu finally has the first personal guard unit.

Its offense and defense are extremely powerful.

It is a very powerful guard.

After all, Ye Xiu couldn't imagine being a legendary guard in his previous life!

"Offering benefits, we will subsidize half of the resources and money for those members of the God of War Legion who train the messengers of the God of War!"

"Let our legion members have guards at all times!"

Ye Xiu found a random reason.

Offered good benefits again.

This is to encourage legion members to train the God of War envoy.

In this way, the players will train the envoy of the God of War crazily.

It not only improves the combat effectiveness of the players of the God of War Legion.

The number of God of War envoys has also been increased.

This is all for the benefit of Ye Xiu's feedback!

[Members of the God of War Legion have trained 100 God of War messengers, activated building special effects, and rewarded 1 God of War messenger (Tier 3 hero unit) according to the average level!】

[The arm rewards have been increased by 100 times, and a War God Guard (Tier 3 Legendary Arm) has been obtained!].

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