Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 771 Beautiful and delicious, say goodbye to the past

"Ah, my head hurts so much..."

It's about nine o'clock in the morning.

Frederica woke up and found that she was lying on the bed, one of her arms had completely lost consciousness, and she had been pressed against her body for several hours.

She turned over with difficulty, and the blocked blood flow immediately accelerated. The soreness, pain, numbness... all kinds of strange feelings that followed immediately dispersed the chaotic sleepiness.

She wanted to sit up, but as soon as her feet landed on the ground, her body tensed up and she immediately rolled twice on the spot, holding her calves and shaking all over.

At this time, Angelica in the other bed heard the noise and saw Frederica rolling on the ground. She asked in confusion: "What's wrong with you? Are relatives here?"

"Leg cramps, hiss..." Frederica rubbed her stiff calves vigorously, and the muscles were hardened into a solid piece of iron. The pain made her sweat on her forehead.

When Angelica heard this, she wanted to stand up, and then...


There were two people lying on the carpet.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"My little toe hit the corner of the bed." Angelica replied with a cry.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and a beautiful figure walked in.

"You're finally awake." Jeanna put her hands on her hips, holding the breakfast she just bought: "Hurry up and wash up, then eat breakfast, go back to school and rest... Why are you all lying on the floor?"

"My legs hurt."

Answered in unison.

Looking at the two weak little girls, Jeanne sighed, waved and threw two rays of holy light to inject spirit into them.

After that, there was a lot of excitement, and the two of them started to fight for the bathroom, vying to take a bath first, but they still squeezed in one after another.

The fighting during this period was quite exciting.

Jeanne looked outside through the transparent glass and couldn't help but squint her eyes.

"Don't look." Frederica covered her chest and said with a blush, "It's not like you don't have one."

She grabbed Angelica and stood in front of her: "You want to see the fat woman, her watermelons are big."

Jeanne withdrew her gaze, silently poured a glass of water, and took a sip.

Although she looked calm, in fact, under this calm disguise, her heart was beating loudly.

Looking at the scene of the two girls fighting in the bathroom, she was thinking of the various personal feelings just now, which were much more exciting and in-depth than the play between best friends here.

All kinds of feelings came to me for a while, as if I could still recall the touch at that time, as if there was an invisible rope tightening around my body, my breathing could not help but become rapid, and I had to drink tea to moisten my throat due to dry mouth.

Yes, throat...

When I was drinking water, I realized that there was still a foreign body sensation in my throat, and there was also a slight pain. It was like being forced to open my mouth with an instrument by the doctor during a tooth extraction operation, leaving a soreness and swelling in my cheeks.

It was indeed a bit over-tempered, she thought to herself, so she would have to be more careful next time.

Jeanne swallowed the water, and the cool water washed away the slight discomfort... It was obviously the sequelae of too much drinking and drunken passion yesterday.

I brushed my teeth three times in a row, drank two glasses of lemonade, and ate a mint, so I thought there would be no alcohol or other odor left behind.

She was not worried about being spotted by Fleur and Angelica, but worried about being smelled by Elise... After all, the witch's nose has always been very sensitive.

The two girls came out after taking a bath, wrapped in bath towels.

Angelica, who had not grabbed the hair dryer, sat down in front of Jeanne without ceremony and asked her to help her dry her hair.

Before changing to this, Jeanne would ask for money directly, and usually the fee would be Angelica's entire day's pocket money... But today she was in a good mood, and she also hid a little guilt about sneaking away to eat cream, so she stretched out her hand to knead it. He rubbed her wet hair and started to act as a hair dryer.

Across the unnecessary glass wall in the bathroom, the two of them put on their clothes.

Frederica put on blue underwear and stockings. Unlike Elise, her stockings were 50D thick and covered her buttocks, level with her pelvis and supporting her upwards. A pair of beautiful long legs appeared.

She knows very well where her advantages lie. Like Rin Tosaka, since there are no gaps in her chest, she emphasizes her long legs that can be used all year round.

Angelica had another scene, completely like a lady getting up in the morning. She took out five or six different cosmetics from her handbag, including skin cream, moisturizing cream, eye wash, etc... But the burden is still there. His figure.

Some people are always confused about fatness and plumpness, but this is actually easy to judge, just look at the waist.

Fat starts from the waist. If it grows in other places, such as the buttocks, thighs, or chest, it will not affect the appearance very much.

Angelica is a standard Roman woman. Her bloodline is even more orthodox than that of many modern Romans, just like the bloodline of the Han people before the Five Hunan Rebellion was always purer, so she is the tallest and has the largest frame in the entire dormitory. , and also the fullest.

Frederica angrily accused her of being a fat woman, but Jeanne felt that if it were a man to choose, probably more than half of them would prefer a standard... big car like Angelica.

Using vehicle models as an analogy, Elysee and Elysee are supercars, Frederica is a sedan, and Angelica is an SUV or even an off-road vehicle.

"As expected of her blond hair and big waves." Jeanne said subconsciously.

When Angelica heard this compliment, she immediately raised the corners of her lips proudly.

Changed clothes and had breakfast.

Frederica asked: "We all drank so much last night, didn't anything happen?"

"What could happen?" Jeanne asked calmly: "Are you asking if there was any drunken sex?"

Angelica said: "If you drink too much, you won't be able to stand up. You must have read too many pornographic books."

"I know, but sir is not an ordinary person. His body is so strong. How can he be knocked down by alcohol?"

"But if he was not knocked down by alcohol and remained rational, how could he attack us when we were drunk?" Jeanne asked lightly.

These words convinced Frederica.

Jeanne added in her mind... But if we take the initiative, that's another matter.

"But did nothing really happen?" Angelica tilted her head and asked, "I got up in the middle of the night and I didn't seem to see you in the room."

Angelica, who is wild and intuitive, can always discover the bright spots as quickly as possible and get to the core with a very innocent tone.

Jeanne's heart skipped a beat and she pretended to be calm, holding the water glass: "I did sleep in another room. After all, I can't live here."

"That person..."

Jeanne raised her hand to interrupt the anxious questioning and said calmly: "I am still a Virgo, do you want to verify it?"

After hearing this light self-evidence, Frederica couldn't find any flaws.

The former saint's determined attitude must be because she has never experienced the pain of breaking a melon, and her calm look reveals a magnanimity.

Fleur just felt relieved here, and Angelica continued to pursue her wildly and intuitively: "It's hard to say, what if it's the same as Elysee yesterday?"

Frederica held her breath again.

Jeanne took a sip of tea: "You are mistaken. I just checked with him yesterday... He just gave Elise a foot massage. Although there was a bit of excessive friction during the process, it did not cause a gunfire."

Yes, not Elysee, there is no doubt about that.

I have personally verified it, and it can be seen that the foot massage he had in the afternoon also accumulated a lot of stress on him.

If you are stressed, you should release it... I didn't do anything wrong.

Jeanne thought frankly: I am not wrong, why should I be afraid of words?

Angelica's wild intuition took effect twice in a row. She still felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't get to the bottom of it, so she said, "Sir, has he left?"


"Have you checked out?"

"not yet."

"The room card..."

Angelica took the room card and walked out, planning to go directly to the next door to check.

As soon as she walked out of the room, she saw the cleaning staff cleaning the room. She froze and turned back to look at Jeanne who was sitting steadily: "You called the cleaning staff before you checked out?"

"I drank in the room last night and there were a lot of bottles. Isn't it normal to ask the cleaning staff to clean it in advance?" Jeanne answered firmly and without any flaws.

Of course, this is a cover-up.

The real purpose of calling the cleaning aunt was the bedsheets. The bedsheets were stained with many traces of quenching. For this reason, she specially spent money to buy the bedsheets and then used magic to completely destroy them.

Although what she did was flawless and clean, it also aroused the intuitive suspicion of Frederica and Angelica.

If a man and a woman were alone in the same room all night and nothing happened, it would be a deliberate insult to the IQ.

After returning to the room, Jeanne took the initiative to admit: "Something happened... but it was just that they hugged each other and slept together for one night, and they didn't go any further."

Fleur wanted to scold her for running away, but when she looked back, she thought that she actually had the idea of ​​running away too.

The words turned into questions: "Did you have a showdown with him last night?"

"Yes." Jeanne nodded without shyness and said, "We have all shown our cards."

"turn out?"

"We are in love." Jeanne lifted a bit of her hair: "Don't you think I'm in a good mood today?"

Frederica said with a complicated mood: "It's still Elyse in the afternoon, but it's you in the evening. This..."

"If it weren't for this, neither you nor me would have a chance." Jeanne took out a candy, crushed it into several pieces, and handed it to the two of them: "Although it is not sincere, it is at least true. If you don't like a fragment, you can put it down or give it to someone else..."

Before she finished speaking, Angelica came up and took away all the candy pieces: "Don't give them to me."

"Who said I don't want it anymore?" Frederica stretched out her hand to grab it: "Fat woman, don't try to monopolize it!"

Jeanne breathed a sigh of relief after successfully changing the topic and walked towards the door.

Somehow, she actually missed him a little bit after we parted ways just now.

This was something she had never felt before, and the emotion called concern made her eyebrows look a little more sorrowful than she had ever felt before.

A little worried, as if the light soul has a little more weight, no longer so spotless, but as dusty as the light.

Jeanne didn't hate this feeling either.

All the feelings at this time are fresh and unprecedented.

It turns out that this is the feeling of missing someone. It is completely different from thinking about Elysee. It will feel like your heart is being grabbed.

She is not a submissive person, but she always has an attitude of enjoying life, so the process is greater than the result.

As long as you don't let yourself feel regretful, as long as the scenery along the way is worth it, even if the terminal station is shortcomings, it is still a kind of beauty.

"Who are you waiting for?"

Suddenly, a question sounded from far away, and then came very close at the end of the sentence.

At the end of the corridor, a figure crossed fifty steps in an instant. The figure lifted and fell, and the figure was already standing beside her.

"Long time no see. I never thought you would change so much." The figure wrapped in a white robe, almost translucent in the light, said, "After all, five hundred years have passed, even a heart made of stone will bloom. ?"

"I didn't expect that after so many years, you would still be alive."

Jeanna asked without looking away: "It's been a while since I sent you my greetings."

"So, are you here to take me back? Teacher."

"What if I say yes?"

"If you do this, sooner or later you will encounter two, no, three canonized co-ed doubles."

"Don't worry, I won't force you..." She turned around and walked towards the sunshine.

Jeanne was a little surprised: "You came all the way just to say these few words to me?"

"No, I planned to take you back, but now I changed my mind."


"Because... I used to think that you and I were the same, but now it seems that I was wrong."

She looked at Jeanne, with recognition and regret in her eyes.

“You learn to love someone, and to be loved by someone else.”

"So, you and I are different."

The body of the Libra Saint became transparent in the sunlight, and what came here was not her true body, but a thought.

"From now on, the church will no longer restrict your freedom... just live as you please."

In the light, the figures dissipated into specks of light.

Jeanne remained silent, and then she curved her lips.

After finishing packing, Fleur walked out of the room and saw Jeanne standing in the corridor, noticing that her expression was very relaxed.

Raise your hands, as if to reach out and embrace the new life in the sun...not to appear sacred, but to appear pure.

"Jean..." Fleur suppressed her curiosity and asked with a smile: "Did you see anything good?"

"Yes, some good things happened." Jeanne said softly: "I just... said goodbye to the past."

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