Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 668 This is the second dimension

It is indeed not a good thing for the Knights to chase you from behind.

But at the same time, it’s also a good thing.

This is not contradictory literature.

It is a conclusion based on the different positions of the killer and the knights.

Because the group of assassins who wanted her life would be even more anxious because of the fate of the Knights.

If Melusina is taken away by the Knights, it also means that the assassins will never have a chance again.

Bai Yu pulled Melusina and walked on the street, with a scattered flow of people behind him. He deliberately chose a busy commercial area. After only five minutes of walking, he confirmed that at least eight people were secretly following him. There are three people locked and monitored from above.

Times are advancing and people are becoming more professional.

Especially in the field of killers, the old way of squatting in a dry toilet with a knife and waiting to open the opponent's eyes is gone.

And because this group of people are so professional, ordinary people can't see it at all.

The same goes for Baiyu.

If it weren't for the red signs that lit up above the heads of this group of people.

Now that the crowd density is relatively high, it is not difficult to get rid of the people outside.

"Follow me next."

Bai Yu took Melusina into a shopping mall and started shopping.

After the two entered the mall, the killers quickly followed and surrounded them.

They did not dare to attack in front of the public, and they were not sure that they would hit with one hit.

"The target has confirmed its location, why not shoot?"

A Locust killer dressed like a fashionable young man was questioning his accomplices.

"I couldn't shoot before. The man next to the opponent was very strong and would use his body to block the trajectory of the gun. I have changed my position three times, and he would adjust his position every time."

The sniper replied: "Unless you can separate the two of them."

Locust Killer remembered that the young man used to switch back and forth around Melusina, switching his left hand to his right... He couldn't help but gasped.

Then he opened the package and slid through the mall with his skateboard, which contained high explosives hidden at the bottom.

He planned to create a commotion and take advantage of the chaos in the crowd to let other companions take action.

"No. 3 is ready to blow the darts, here you go..."

Suddenly, his voice stopped.

Because he realized that he had lost track of the other two, he immediately stepped on the skateboard and stopped.

The next moment, he looked back left and right, only to be lightly tapped on the shoulder, and a chill filled his heart.

Before turning around, the killer had already raised his hind legs, intending to tease her directly.

It also happened in an instant. When he reacted, he was speechless.

A large amount of blood oozed from his neck, the trachea ruptured, and the blood rushed along the trachea to the lungs.

But the killer is a killer after all. When he realized that he might be dying, he still had to replace the other party. But when he turned around, he was stunned again. The person who should have patted him on the shoulder was not the person following him, but a stranger. People, the other party is upset because their toes were stepped on.

The passers-by had angry expressions on their faces, but when they saw blood spurting from the neck of the young man who turned his head, he immediately backed away in fear.

The Locust Killer didn't even know when he was injured. He tried his best to pull the hidden weapon out of his neck. When he looked down, he suddenly was a straw.

Plastic straws.

"Hehe, hehehe..." The killer made a dry voice. He struggled to speak, and wanted to warn his fellow travelers that anyone who could kill someone dozens of meters away with a straw must have extraordinary strength. Four Realms, this is no longer an opponent they can handle.

It's a pity that he didn't have time to speak, so he could only type one line with difficulty.

‘The team is in danger, retreat quickly’

After using up his last strength, he lay down on the ground, his eyes gradually losing their luster.

I think Locust Killer regretted it at this time.

There is only one bill left before I can collect enough money to go back to my hometown to buy a house and get married.

"Have you changed your clothes?" Bai Yu asked.

"It's changed."

"Come out."


Melusina poked her head out of a mobile car, wearing a wig, a pink princess bubble skirt, and stockings that alternated between pink and white. Her expression was very resistant and uncomfortable, and her cute little face was wrinkled. .

She took a deep breath: "Are you really not trying to make fun of me on purpose?"

"How could it be?" Bai Yu picked up a mask and covered his face: "Didn't I also change into a joker outfit?"

Melusina thought that was not the case at all.

Bai Yu was wearing a tuxedo suit. Although he was wearing a strange-looking mask, he had a tall and tall figure and a good temperament. Even if he didn't show up, he still looked handsome.

"How do I look?"

"I specially chose this role to play. You feel really good about yourself, but it also matches you very well."

"This role?" Bai Yu asked, "What role?"

"The character in "Circus of Curiosities", Baron Joker, is a character who is both good and evil. It has been more than fifty years since he first appeared on the screen. There have been three animated movies, two short animations, and live-action adaptations... Although It's a complete mess." Melusina said with all her treasures: "You don't know?"

His suit is a character in the animation called Baron Joker. The classic appearance is a clown mask and a tuxedo.

"There is animation in Rome?"

"Of course, there is a market for this, and the market potential is huge... Don't you know that the best money to be made comes first from women and second from children?"

Cartoons first started in the West, and in Rome cartoons and animated films have been around for more than 150 years.

Rome's business is extremely developed, so there are giants in various fields. Among them, a company called Dinini started from an animation studio and gradually developed into one of the giants in the animation, audio and video industry, leaving a variety of rich achievements in this field. Well-known IP.

"Circus of Curiosities" is one of the famous IPs under Dinini's name.

Bai Yu asked back: "I'm from Daxia, I haven't seen this animation, but you actually watch it?"

"I... don't watch it often." Melusina paused: "My brother used to like to watch it, so I watched some with him."

"Hey, you have a younger brother?"

"Yes, but my brother prefers the special films of "Fighter of the Dragon" and "Super Sentai" at that time. I can only say that boys always like something more handsome."

"It's understandable. When I was a kid, I also bought a divine light stick, or I would hold a branch and draw it across the underworld, Zangyue Po, and Tianxiang Dragon." Bai Yu spread his hands: "In the past, I was overly addicted because I couldn't let it go, but now I can rub it out. Not much interest anymore.”

Melusina didn't understand, so she simply asked: "Why do you have to put on such strange clothes?"

"Of course it's because I want to go to the amusement park." Bai Yu smiled: "Isn't this place very close to Dinini Amusement Park?"

"...So that's what it is!" Melusina suddenly said: "Dinini's anniversary celebration, no wonder there are so many people on the road."

She had been so nervous that she didn't notice the many billboards on both sides of the road. Now that she thought about it, these cosplayers in strange costumes were the best cover.

Everyone was wearing colorful clothes, makeup, and various decorations. It was impossible to identify anyone by just relying on your eyesight.

Dinini Paradise in Huadu has a daily visitor flow of more than 300,000.

Bai Yu said: "It is said that the best place to catch wanted criminals is the King of Heaven concert... and the best place to hide among the leaves in the forest is the Comic Exhibition. The same goes for Disneyland."

"It's Dinini."

"Whatever, Ni." Bai Yu took Melusina's little hand: "Let's go, let's go to the amusement park first."


Bai Yu was busy looking for a topic: "Speaking of which, what's the origin of this thing?"

"Didn't you pick it for me?"

"I was close, so I took it easily."

"It's the pink bubble cake in "Dessert Magical Girl". It tells the story of a group of girls who opened a bakery shop and accidentally opened the ancient magic in order to defeat the evil factory that took root on the earth, destroy individual economic households and control all desserts. The story of a pastry chef who gained the ability to magically transform after being sealed, and used these magical desserts to thwart the evil villain’s plot.”

"...Doesn't this make people look hungry?"

"Yeah, so Dinini Dessert Shop was very popular back then, and I bought one too."

"You also said that you don't watch animations, and you have bought all the related peripherals. Oh, two-dimensional."


When the Knights came to this bustling commercial street that leads directly to the amusement park, they had just landed. Their legs were fine, but their people were already numb.

What are all these colorful and gaudy things?

Who are these monsters and monsters?

It's like a group of primitive people walking into a cyberpunk nightclub.

"Damn it, I saw a duck fighting with a dinosaur. Am I crazy, or is the world crazy?" The knight captain rubbed his face and sucked in cold air.

"Captain, that's Sugar Duck and Sam the Saber-toothed Dragon. The latter is a superhero and has a very good reputation among dinosaurs. The opposite is the Tyrannosaurus Rex Dilsso..."

"I don't care what it's called, who cares about the reputation of dinosaurs! Shut up now, you two-dimensional creature. If you say one more word, I will take off my shoes and slap your ass hard!"

The knight captain gritted his teeth: "Tell me how to find someone now?"

"My proposal is..."

"Captain, it's the Black and White Rat!" A member of the Knights became excited: "Can I go over and take a photo?"

"Do you think you are here for fun?" the knight captain said angrily, "I'll give you one minute, go back quickly!"

"yes sir!"

"What should we do now?" The knight captain asked with a headache as he saw that there was more than one Templar running over to take a photo.

"We can only take one step at a time... Maybe we have to go into Dinini Paradise to find someone. If we want to hide, it is definitely the most direct way to hide there."

"Then go!"

"But the passenger flow is very large today, it will definitely exceed 300,000 people."

"...Then withdraw!"

“But I have to give it a try, just in case I’m lucky enough to meet you!”

"Then go!"

"Captain, I'm afraid we can't go."

"Then...why can't you go?"

"Dinini's anniversary event today, the usual ticket price is normal, but today's tickets were all pre-sold in advance and have been sold out long ago. You can only go to scalpers to buy them at a higher price."

"Then go buy much do you want?"

"About five times the usual amount."

"Take the young master?!"

"Five times is just a conservative estimate." The members of the Knights looked at the captain and asked, "Can this be reimbursed?"

“Buy first and ask later.”

"That won't work, let's ask first...I can't afford it without reimbursement. This ticket is worth half a month's salary, and Dinini Paradise doesn't even allow you to bring your own lunch."

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