Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 663 The target of the peer mission is

Chapter 663 The target of the peer mission is...

The night is desolate.

In Huadu, there is an artificial river flowing quietly.

Rivers are like the blood vessels of a city. Huadu is rich in groundwater resources, and the pollution control of rivers is also in place.

Since the magic resources used by Rome as a whole are derived from the mining of ores and element enrichment in underground labyrinths, the pollution to the environment is very small, and even the large-scale application of various magic facilities has led to the growth and mutation rate of plants. Faster.

A large part of Huadu's municipal engineering efforts is spent on maintaining these easily mutated plants.

Under the moonlight, the river itself exudes a faint blue light, which is the enriched elemental energy itself.

Soon, a small hand came out of the river and grabbed the bluestone steps on the shore.

This is a relatively remote part of the river, almost no one passes by.

The pale hands pressed against the shore and struggled to move the body, followed by the head, then the shoulders, and finally the abdomen.

The little figure, whose whole body was soaked by the running water, was moving the body to the shore bit by bit with great effort, and there was a large puddle of water under him.

She covered her mouth and nose, coughed, and spit out the water she accidentally swallowed.

A few organ fragments and dark blood were faintly visible in the vomiting.

After sitting quietly for a while, she raised her hand and moved her wet hair away, revealing a pair of dark red eyes. Under the long hair was a small face of a young girl.

She twisted her body and looked back towards the river, seeing a somewhat blurry appearance under the reflection of the moonlight. The little girl let out a faint sigh like an adult's vicissitudes of life.

"It's a bad situation."

She whispered: "I didn't expect it to be hurt so badly."

She touched her hands, and the ring she originally wore on her hand had fallen off. This was because her body had shrunk.

The reason why the body shrinks is to recover from injuries.

"About fourteen or fifteen years younger."

"It's almost like losing a life."

The little girl murmured.

She took off the coat underneath her body. Because her body had shrunk, the clothes obviously didn't fit her.

Moreover, it is already soaked, and wearing it on the body is continuously lowering the body temperature.

She thought about lighting a fire, but gave up the idea after some thought.

It's just that the cold is bearable.

He dug into the pocket of his coat and took out a restaurant receipt, a notebook, a black rose-patterned pen, and a wallet... There was a stack of wet banknotes and some coins in it.

While opening the restaurant receipt, she saw the signature on it...Melucina.

In an instant, the memory was like a spark, and her originally chaotic mind immediately returned to clarity.

"Yes, I am Melusina."

She continued to frown and recall: "I should have been discussing business with people on the top of Golden Wind, and then, and then..."

A fire has emerged in the memory.

She noticed the burnt-smelling holes in the edges of her coat.

It's an explosion.

Very violent explosion.

And not only was he involved, most of the restaurants in Golden Wind were set on fire.

The moment he was caught in the explosion, he had already lost consciousness... he might have fainted at that time.

His small face showed a mature expression that belied his age. Melusina said to herself: "I should have fallen from a height of more than ten floors, but I was just lucky. I fell into the river, drifted down the river, and ended up here."

She coughed twice again.

He tried to get up, but felt a burst of pain.

The injury is not completely healed.

This is an inherent magic that Melusina awakened after entering the third level. She calls it 'ghoul'... It doesn't sound good, but it can save lives in critical moments.

The corpses swallowed can be other corpses, including various foods, which are also corpses; devouring the necrotic parts of one's own body is also considered devouring a corpse...

She maintains the operation of this inherent magic all year round to ensure that it can save her life when she encounters danger.

The more severe the injury, the more body tissue is consumed to speed up recovery, which can lead to the body shrinking and decreasing age.

She sets a lower limit for herself, usually no less than ten years old, at least she will not degenerate into an infant.

Melusina covered her forehead: "I need to find a place to rest, and...what happened?"

"Golden Wind is a location endorsed by many business tycoons, so it should be absolutely safe."

"There are definitely not a few people involved this time."

Because of his weak physical condition, thinking at this time is a bit laborious.

Melusina held her knees and changed from sitting on the ground to sitting on the ground.

Now she needs to contact the people around her to take care of it, but the World Tree medium she usually uses has been dropped... What a pity, it is a limited edition of only one thousand in the world.

However, leaves are never a rare product and can be replaced in any quantity.

I rummaged through my wallet and found another old style 'leaf'.

Leaves are the medium of the World Tree and play the role of information terminals. They have been around for more than two hundred years and naturally exist in various styles.

Although the replacement frequency is not as fast as modern people change every few years, new models are usually launched every ten years on average. Coupled with the spontaneous involution behavior of manufacturers, the shape of leaves has gradually become irrelevant to leaves.

What’s interesting is that different versions of media naturally have different functions, such as different operating systems and internal chips, which bring completely different experiences, but the old version is not necessarily weaker than the new version... Mobile phones in the past The battery can be removed, and a universal charger can handle everything. Some mobile phone cases are even so hard that they can be used as blunt instruments. This is its advantage.

The leaves that Melusina used as a medium for emergency communication were products from ten generations ago, already a hundred years ago, and can be sold for several thousand in the antique market; and such antiques account for about 10% of the price. Still have access to world networks.

Because of its wear and tear and the technological accumulation that lags behind for a hundred years, no one can repair this antique. Therefore, as a tool for covert communication, it performs extremely well and cannot be hijacked by the communication channel.

The disadvantage is that the signal is relatively weak.

But within Huadu, the signal can be reinforced through base stations.

Melusina pressed the communication button of the antique medium.

A pleasant ringtone rang.

‘Sorry, the user you dialed is not in the service area. Please dial again after arriving in the designated service area. ’

In the service area, means outside the signal circle.

But this is within the scope of Huadu, so there is no signal.

It took Melusina a second to immediately come to the conclusion that the signal in this area was blocked.


No, it can't be an accident.

The golden wind exploded, and she was caught in it. She just fell into the river and drifted for an unknown distance. When she got up from here, she tried to communicate, but the signal was blocked.

How many coincidences must have come together to produce the current result?

Melusina started doing business with Bai Potian when she was sixteen years old. She has seen a lot of intrigues in the business world. She has also seen all kinds of absurdity, madness, outrageousness, and holiness from gangs, evil mages, and believers in alien gods. I have dealt with both the church and the Roman government, and at the age of twenty-six, I have already experienced all the vicissitudes of life.

She doesn't believe in the saying that 'the world is just a grassroots team'. There is no such thing as coincidence in this world. There may not be that many smart people, but there are definitely many.

Just because a lot of people are pretending to be drunk doesn't mean they're not sober.

Melusina immediately crushed the leaves in her hands and threw them into the river nearby.

Whether signal blocking is real or not, it is no longer useful.

When she lost it, she clearly realized that the time ahead would be very painful.

Now I am deeply hurt, and I can’t get through the phone.

At this time, she was not much different from a truly weak young girl.

The body is weak, the limbs are weak, and there is only a trace of magic power left. He can barely make a small flame. Like the little match girl, she can only make three times, and has no ability to protect herself.

If it's a game against her, that's pretty much it. Someone should be eager to show up at this time.

And under her vigilant gaze, footsteps really sounded in this rarely visited place.

It's a pity that she doesn't have any extra energy to avoid it.

Even if you turn over and jump into the river at this time, you will most likely drown.

She looked ahead, she had to figure out who the other party was... was she an enemy or a friend?

At this time, a handsome boy was walking under the moonlight with a sweet and delicious baked muffin in his hand.

Looking around, waiting for the target person to come to the door, and then he said, "Hey, hey, I caught you, delicious kid"...

When I walked to the river, my vision suddenly stopped.

The Daxia man looked down at the little girl sitting by the river.

The latter raised his head, wearing an inappropriate coat, his eyes were full of vigilance, but not uneasy or fearful.

Everyone could see that her condition was very bad, she was soaked and shivering, and she couldn't sit still.

But even in this situation, she still did not show any anxiety or collapse.

This is an era when adults would squat on the roadside, turn on the Internet, and cry...

How can a child have such strong emotional control?

Wait, why does this scene feel so familiar?

He said: "You..."

The task trigger sound will come soon.

[Peer mission has been updated]

[Please accompany the target person for three days to avoid exposing his identity and ensure his safety]

[Remark 1: End with seeing the sunrise for the third time]

[Remark 2: Don’t be fooled by appearance, please maintain a certain amount of respect for the target person. This person is an out-and-out adult, but he has become a girl for some reason]

After seeing the prompt, Bai Yu instantly wanted to understand where this heavy sense of déjà vu came from.

Coat, little girl, getting smaller…

Although the body has become smaller, the mind is still as smart!

blurted out immediately.

"I'll go, Huihara Ai?"

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