It was already half a day later when the three of them left Inari Taisha Shrine and returned to Nan's house.

Because Minami Shiori and Amamiya Mahiru had been missing for nearly more than a month, they were left with a lot of things to deal with.

Dealing with these things is actually not troublesome. The troublesome thing is that you need to come forward personally.

This can be regarded as a disguised answer to Bai Yu's previous question.

Obviously, it is impossible for the Minami family and the Hakumine group to do without the help of Minami Shiori and Amamiya Mahiru in all aspects.

The two of them are already swordsmen.

Even if it were placed in Daxia, he would still be treated with courtesy.

The Four Extraordinary Realms, a Grandmaster, this is the top combat power under the canonization, and it is also the target of all countries to win over.

Another reason why there are not many local swordsmen in Yingzhou is that three out of ten swordsmen will be poached.

Although there are many swordsmen who stay here to commemorate their hometown, a considerable number of them will choose to accept the olive branches offered by other countries and go abroad to accept recruitment with better conditions.

The closest one is Daxia.

Although the treatment given by Daxia over the years has not been very high, basically all the swordsmen who have been there have left their hearts in Daxia. Not to mention other things, just the difference in living environment will make people feel uncomfortable. I deeply understand how backward the development of Yingzhou is.

You can’t even order takeout here!

Bai Yu played with her phone and subconsciously opened the takeout app. Looking at the empty screen and the small signal bar, she felt a little tired.

Everyone has a pursuit of a better life, and perhaps they are aware of this. Yingzhou has begun to change, but these changes are still brewing and have not yet formed a storm sweeping Yingzhou.

If there is really a huge wave, maybe a vigorous civil war will break out in this small land of Yingzhou.

But that should be decades later. The accumulation of capital, the development and transfer of technology, and the accumulation of contradictions all take time. There was a gap of twenty years between World War I and World War II, and the relationship between the shogunate and the imperial family was torn apart. It also takes some time to be brave.

It can only be said that it is difficult to reach the level of the Meiji Restoration in one step.

Bai Yu sat in the courtyard of Nan's house, looking at the blooming cherry blossoms.

It was already dark, and the light came from lanterns and the bright moon.

Viewing the cherry blossoms at night is also uniquely elegant.

At this time, he had changed into a pair of men's casual clothes, which were spacious, comfortable, and casual. He was sitting on the corridor next to the courtyard, picking up a glass of wine and drinking from it.

"What are you thinking about?"

The fragrance of white plum lingers around, like a white butterfly settling down. On the other side of the small wine table, a woman is sitting softly on her knees.

Amamiya Mahiru closed her eyes and smiled: "I have been distracted for so long."

"Some trivial matters." Bai Yu looked at the courtyard and exhaled a little drunkenly: "I just didn't expect that one day I would be able to sit here and watch the cherry blossoms and drink wine, and there would be a beauty pouring tea and wine... Suddenly I felt that my life was complete again. One item."

Amamiya Mahiru said softly: "If you like you, just stay."

"Time waits for no one." Bai Yu said, "You can't go to Rome with me either."

"We can't help you much if we go, but if you're not around, we can save you a lot of trouble." Mahiru filled the wine glass until it was about half full: "Of course I want to go with you, sir, but I can't leave Yingzhou's mess behind. in spite of."

"I understand." Bai Yu said a little depressed: "Most of the time in life, you have no control over yourself."

A gust of wind blew, and a piece of cherry blossom fell into the wine cup, causing a slight ripple.

He was about to pick up the drink, but his wrist was held down. Mahiru came over, lifted the glass and drank it together with Sakura. He immediately sat on the young man's lap, held his cheek, and lowered his head slightly.

She is relatively tall, so the action of lowering her head at this time is a bit more powerful.

This is the first time for such a toast.

Amamiya Mahiru pushed Bai Yu down on the tatami, opened his eyes with a confused look, and said with a breath: "Although I can't accompany you to Rome with your husband, it's completely late to do something now."

Bai Yu raised his hand to touch her cheek, and Mahiru also took the initiative to put her cheek close to her, like Daji in a certain cultural and tourism promotional video, charming but not charming, full of temptation, which is impossible for a teenage girl. Mature charm.

"Do you like it?" she asked softly.

Bai Yu didn't say anything, but he was undoubtedly enjoying it.

But the next sentence made him narrow his eyes immediately.

"If sir likes Shiori more, I will call her here..."

Hearing this, the slight drunkenness in Bai Yu's eyes disappeared without a trace, and the little hand he was stroking changed his movements and pinched the girl's cheek, which felt like tender tofu.

"I don't need this kind of compensation like appeasing a child." He said amusedly: "Who do you think I am? I came all the way to Yingzhou and expended so much effort just to sleep with you, and then... Put on your pants and run to Rome the next day?”

"I came here just to see you, just to see you. I don't need you to do anything to please me, and it's not a favor. I said it from the beginning, you and I are a community of destiny. Your business is my business.”

He pulled Mahiru's cheek, and the latter's expression became more and more funny, and his eyes became more and more aggrieved.

When he released his fingers, his cheeks bounced back, making a pop-up-boo-boo sound like jelly.

"Don't look at me like this, I am also very popular. If you want to get married, you have to get married already. If you want sisters, don't you have Daxia?" He sat up and gently held her waist: "But Now that I have come to see you, what are you worried about?"

Mahiru pursed her lips, hugged him, rested her chin on his shoulder, and said softly: "I'm a very boring woman. I'm not the talkative type, and I don't know how to express my feelings. I have missed the colorful world, I have no hobbies and interests, and what I have been taught by words and deeds since childhood is only behavior and boring etiquette... I have always wanted to see my husband, but I am also afraid of seeing him."

"I don't know what I can do for you. After thinking about it, I have to give everything I can..."

Bai Yu said amusedly: "So you even sold your sister?"

"Yes." She said, "Shiori also agreed."

"You, you..." Bai Yu didn't know what to say. He was the one who took advantage, but Amamiya Mahiru's mentality was indeed problematic.

"I don't know what you want, sir. I also know that I'm not a very good woman. There are many, many better people than me, not just in Yingzhou, but also in Rome and in Daxia. There must be many others in Tianzhi." Proud girl." Amemiya Mahiru bit her lower lip: "And unilateral giving and unilateral requesting are bound to not last long. I thought about it for a long time. If you regard your husband as a god, I don't even know what I should pay. Only the sacrifices can satisfy you."

Bai Yu felt her body temperature and heartbeat and asked, "Didn't the sacrifices be given early in the morning?"

"That doesn't count." Mahiru shook his head: "I don't have this qualification... Everything I have is given by my husband. With so much help, even a piece of grass can become a towering tree."

"Ordinary grass cannot become the Willow God." Bai Yu denied: "You are too presumptuous."

"I can give everything to sir, but even if I give everything, I still feel uneasy." Amemiya Mahiru muttered in a low voice: "You have never asked for anything from me."

"While I have been waiting for ten years, I am always thinking about whether I did something wrong or whether my husband is really tired of me."

Bai Yu shook his head: "How is that possible?"

It was just a sunk cost, and he would never give up on Amamiya Mahiru. He had already regarded her as his own and his own.

But the perspectives are different, and the conclusions drawn are also completely different.

Amemiya Mahiru whispered: "But sir, you never show your desire for what you want, right?"

"You don't need gold, silver, wealth, power, status, or all those things that others are eager for. You don't need me to do anything for you, and you don't do anything to me. Mr. has done so much. He really just hopes that we can live a better life." Go down."

"This really... unnerves me."

Her panic stems from her lack of confidence and the distance between her and her in time and space.

"I am not doubting Mr.'s moral character, but sometimes, everything done based on noble moral character is mostly done on a whim and cannot be maintained for a long time. Only the binding of interests and ambitions can make it more stable... This is also what I have done in the past ten years. A gradual realization of the truth.”

She raised her cheek, lowered her head again and kissed her softly: "If sir really has the ambition to bring all of us into the boudoir, whether it is me, Shiori, or Naomi and Kana will be happy to accept it. "

Bai Yu smiled bitterly: "This is too magical."

"Because this is the truth. Only those who have desires are human beings. Only exchanges can create bonds." She bit her lip: "So, no matter what your husband wants to do, I will agree to it, and we will agree... It's not forced. , but can’t wait.”

Hearing this, the time traveler raised his head and sighed: "I think you are just greedy for my body."

Mahiru hooked his left hand, picked up the wine bottle, spilled the sake, and poured it in front of him. The skirt of his clothes was messy and spread out. The wine spilled directly on the skin accumulated in the sunken ditch. The clear wine contrasted with the fair skin color. , temporarily forming a vessel for holding wine.

I really don't know where she learned this trick. Such a simple action can bring the sensation to the extreme.

"Sir, please have a drink."

It is not easy for a woman with a solemn personality to achieve this step, because she is shy and shy but has a pinkish color.

As we all know, humans do not have estrus, or rather... humans are in estrus all the time. It may only take a few seconds to generate an impulse, but it may take dozens of minutes to resolve it.

This process can be simply called ‘rational evaporation’.

Bai Yu's fists have been clenched, and he can't find any reason to refuse. If it were someone else, it would be useful to silently recite the name of his childhood sweetheart, but who is Amemiya Mahiru?

She is the woman who has spent the longest time with him after time travel in the true sense.

No one has ever belonged to him so purely. The contract between the two parties is more stable than any certificate, law, or morality.

Now, what if there is just one more level of understanding in simple terms?

Moreover... Now the editor of destiny is on the account, what does it have to do with Bai Yu?

He took a deep breath and had only one thought in his mind.

——Can't make her feel uneasy anymore.

——At worst, if you sacrifice yourself, what’s the harm? !

——A man is like water in a sponge, it will always come out if you squeeze it!


"Sister, sir!"

Minami Shiori ran in with hurried footsteps, without even knocking on the door... In fact, this is indeed an open courtyard. This courtyard and house are completely Amamiya Mahiru's personal private residence. No servants will come in after nightfall. , the two of them were too excited and didn't even think about closing the door.

So Nan Shizhi strode in quickly, walked in a hurry, stepped on the tatami wearing white silk stockings, and immediately saw Bai Yu about to drink freshly baked milk wine.

His eyes suddenly widened.

Sister and you have such a good time?

Amemiya Mahiru was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Shiori, you came at the right time, do you want to come with us?"

This sister probably completely let herself go.

Nan Shizhi was at a loss for a few seconds, then turned away with a blushing face and said, "Drink, drink milk... we'll talk about the drinking later. There are urgent matters that need to be dealt with. Please sort them out quickly."

Bai Yu thought to herself, haven’t I drunk it yet?

Fortunately, there is no need to listen to the second child at this time.

He grabbed his sleeve and wiped his face and asked, "Why are you so anxious?"

Nan Shizhi said: "Someone is coming from the royal family."

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