Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 491 The one alongside the witch must be the devil

[‘Gorgon’s’ bloodline awakens]

[Level increased to level 33]

[Mystery is activated]

[Magic Furnace Heart Strengthening]

[Increase all attributes]

Bloodline awakens.

A privilege that only a very small group of people have.

Just like some people are born in Rome, and some people are born as mules and horses, everything given by blood has been fixed since birth.

The theory of blood has always been an inescapable theory in various works. Fighting is like Emperor Yan, and he is also a serious bloodline of Emperor Dou, and his ancestors are also rich.

But similarly, lineage theory also means inheritance and destiny.

Elysee swallowed the eyes left by her relatives, completely activating her own bloodline.

This is a kind of inheritance and Gorgon's destiny.

As her magic power spiraled violently, the witch hunter who had planned to kill these people even though she was seriously injured actually turned around and left without hesitation.

The Gorgon who had awakened her bloodline was not an opponent he could handle in her current state.


Must escape.

Find opportunities to regroup.

Anyway, I have memorized the appearance of these people, and there will be plenty of ways to deal with her later!

The witch hunter gritted her teeth and thought angrily, 'Jackal, you idiot, why haven't you come yet! ’

Suffering from anger is like a mid laner who was caught by four people on the opposite side. He directly turned his gun and pointed it at his own jungler, saying, "You are picking Ganoderma lucidum for your mother in the jungle."

Once he tried to escape, the others were unable to intercept him.

I could only watch him run away.

Elise was not in a hurry to catch up. Instead, she waited for her hot blood to settle down. She looked at her roommates and said, "You guys have a good rest here. I'll kill him."

The tone of his voice was very light and breezy, but there was a chilling chill in it.

"Come on." Peggy gave a thumbs up: "Cut him into pieces!"

"Divided into pieces by five horses!" Angelica stamped her feet: "Avenge my jewelry!"

Fleur didn't care about revenge or not. She was lucky to be alive. She warned: "Be careful and safe."

Elise nodded, turned around, picked up something, and put it under her seat.

The thing sitting sideways looks like a broom. It looks like it, but in use it is an aircraft.

She took off and accelerated, leaving a fierce gust of wind in her wake.

"A witch should have a broom and a black cat." Peggy said weakly.

"This is the first time I know that Elysee has so many stories."

"Rome is not a sacred Eden. Who here doesn't have a few enemies?" Angelica used her rich life experience as a comparison: "When I was a child, the number of assassinations I encountered was no less than ten times a year. Later, it was found out that it was a branch of the family that was responsible, and my uncle led a team to kill all of that family, so I could save my life."

"At least you still have relatives who care about you." Fleur whispered: "Lovely Lixie, she seems to only have us..."

"Hehe." Paige suddenly laughed and patted Fleur's thigh.

"what are you doing?"

"Where are we alone?" Peggy looked at the dark forest: "You haven't really forgotten the werewolf from before, have you?"

"Isn't that the same person?"

"Of course they are not the same person." Angelica said thoughtfully: "But maybe they will have the same end."

Riding a flying broom and chasing in the air, Elysee locked onto the hunter running wildly in the forest in less than half a minute.

Close the distance and bomb from the air.

The continuous magic was offset by the demon-breaking fighting spirit.

She simply lowered her height. The hunter walking through the forest suddenly raised his head and almost hit the high-speed flying Elysee.

The hunter suddenly drew his sword and waved out the demon-breaking fighting spirit, but the moment he raised his hand, he felt a strong stiffness in his body.


When did I become bewitched?

Magic cannot interfere with the Demon Breaker. Could this be...

In the dark forest, purple light passed through the forest leaves, and the leaves it touched were quickly covered with a layer of gray-white, fell from the branches, fell to the ground, and then shattered.

Those emotionless eyes stared at the Demon Breaker. His body and limbs began to stiffen, and a layer of grayish white slowly spread along his hands and feet, like a layer of a picture that had lost its color.

He immediately closed his eyes and raised his shield in front of him.

"Hateful witch!"

The Demon Breaker can ignore almost all magic.

But these eyes are not magic, but mystery.

To fight the mystery, it must be suppressed with a stronger mystery.

The Petrified Eye is a mystery with almost no weaknesses, so it has been called the Petrified Curse since ancient times. This is also the fundamental reason why Gorgon was hunted.

A living Gorgon is just too outrageous.

Just relying on a pair of eyes can kill any strong man of the same level without distinction, whether it is a demon breaker or a Templar, all of them will die if they are turned into stone.

This is not petrochemical that can be thawed by pouring a mixture of nitric acid and ethanol.

Elise had no chance of winning before. She relied on the unyielding cooperation of her roommate in her dormitory to finally get a close blow that was enough to seriously injure the witch hunter. But that was all, and it was not even enough to kill the opponent directly. .

But now, the situation has completely reversed.

She easily controlled and suppressed her opponents with just a pair of petrified magic eyes, and the powerless party became a hunter.

Of course, why a level 40 witch hunter can't even resist? One is because he underestimates the enemy, the other is because he is injured, and the third is because he is fighting alone...To deal with Gorgon, you definitely need to form a team. There is only one person in the team, and he falls asleep anytime and anywhere when faced with the petrified demonic eye.

Unless you poke yourself in the eyes to play the blind monk well, it is absolutely impossible.

As for the myth and legend that ‘don’t look directly into Medusa’s eyes and you won’t be petrified’, this common sense doesn’t take effect here.

If 'vision' is used as the medium, then all the light released by Gorgon's petrified evil eye itself has the curse effect of petrification.

In other words, even if you don't look at her eyes, you will still be petrified if you look at other reflective places, but not as fast.

Even if you close your eyes, it's the same, because your eyelids can't block all light. If you don't believe it, you can try looking at the sun with your eyes closed at noon. It will still make you shed tears.

To kill Gorgon, you can only attack from multiple directions at the same time. In a one-on-one situation, there is almost no chance of winning. As soon as you encounter him, you will see that your status bar continues to increase. When the petrochemical gauge is full, you will die on the spot.

The Curse of Petrification grows stronger over time.

He felt that his feet had turned into a quagmire, and he was trudging like an undead man walking in a cesspit.

Walking became difficult, and his movements were not as agile as before. If this continued, within three minutes, the accumulated curse on his legs would be enough to completely make him lose the ability to walk and fight back.

The petrified evil eye varies according to the user's wishes.

His hands and feet were petrified and frozen, which must be the witch's wish.

"Are you trying to capture me alive?" the witch hunter smiled ferociously.

"I will not let you die too easily." Elysee whispered: "The petrification curse will spread to your body bit by bit. You will feel that your hands and feet are frozen and solidified, and every bone and muscle is filled with lead water. , every organ stops beating, but even so you won’t die.”

"Your own life force will keep you alive until the curse of petrification freezes your heart."

The hunter roared: "Witch——!"

"When you killed me, calling me witch was contempt, but calling me witch now is fear and anger." Elise tore off a section of her hair, and her hair turned into a small snake wrapped around her hand: "When you kill me, When you are a relative, you should know that one day you will end up like this!"

The hair in Elysee's hand changed from a snake to a sharp knife: "In three minutes, when you can't move anymore, I will use this knife to cut off your flesh and blood piece by piece. You will see You are so skinny, but you will not die, I will ensure that even if I stab you for a hundred times, you will only be slightly injured."

The witch hunter finally changed her color.

Elise continued: "You are just an executioner, so you don't have to suffer these pains. I can let you die more happily, as long as you say what you need to say."

"After saying so much, you just want to torture the person behind me...but don't even think about knowing a word of it!"

The hunter knew that he was about to die, but he was unwilling to let the other party get what he wanted. He directly burst out the demon-breaking fighting spirit and planned to commit suicide directly.

The moment he chose to self-destruct his heart, heavy footsteps sounded.

A beast walking upright, like a black bear, walked out of the woods.

Seeing the hairy face of the beast, the hunter ignited hope for life and shouted: "Help, help, help—!" (Help!)

The walking beast just turned a deaf ear and walked forward. After about five steps, his body as strong as a hill collapsed and fell to the ground. The petrified grass was very fragile, and a cloud of sand and dust was raised on the spot.

The witch hunter's pupils shrank, staring at the jackal that had fallen to the ground and died suddenly, and her lips trembled several times.

In the deep forest, the moonlight passed through the gaps between the leaves, gradually illuminating the figures surrounded by gray fog behind them.

The young man patted the dust on his arms, wiped his bloody fingertips with a handkerchief, and then straightened his collar.

"Good evening."

Bai Yu walked to the witch, took out a handkerchief and wiped her cheek, then looked back at the witch hunter: "It seems I came at the right time?"

The fear in the hunter's voice was almost overflowing, almost to the point of bursting with fear.

He knows very well that in terms of close combat ability, Jackal is still above him!

But this jackal had clearly transformed into its strongest bear-wolf form, but it was still dead. It looked like it had been beaten to death with fists, and there was not a single weapon scar left on its body.

This proves that that person's physique and martial arts have formed an all-round crushing force!

The hunter missed the opportunity to self-destruct and could only murmur: "Who are you?"

"Who can be compared with the witch you talk about?"

Bai Yu knocked on his mask: "Please call me devil... no, devil king!"

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