Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees

Chapter 474 When you are staring into the abyss

"Welcome to the Astrology Pavilion."

This building has a history of more than a hundred years.

Regular maintenance over time has ensured that it does not look shaky but maintains its original full functionality.

The sweet-looking girl took on the role of a tour guide, introducing the Astrology Pavilion's history, origin, development, and its current functions as a museum.

There are a total of seventeen floors of the building, but only five floors are open to the public.

Private content that cannot be opened to the outside world either requires payment to be unlocked, or higher permissions are required to unlock it.

Everyone in the exchange team began to visit freely.

Bai Yu followed Xiao Shuihan to the office on the ninth floor of the Astrology Pavilion and faced the managers here. Only with the consent of the managers could he go to the top floor for astrology.

The closer he gets to the top, the more Bai Yu can feel the opportunity getting closer and closer to him, as if something is calling him.

Xiao Shuihan knocked on the door, and a voice sounded from inside through a mahogany door.

"Please come in."

Pushing the door open, the manager's office is very spacious, because it is not exactly an office, but a small library.

There are all kinds of equipment on display, and there are many mathematical symbols drawn on the blackboards that are difficult to understand.

Bai Yu remembered that the stargazers in this world were all first-rate mathematicians.

In Daxia terms, mathematics is divination, and is usually divided into theoretical mathematics and applied mathematics. The former is concentrated in the Star Observation Department, while the latter is concentrated in the Tiangong Department.

The manager of the Astrology Pavilion is a woman in pajamas, with disheveled hair and thick dark circles under her eyes. She cannot tell her age, she looks like a young person, but her whole body exudes the smell of an old salted fish over fifty years old.

She was squatting on a chair and slurping noodles. She was stunned when she saw two little meats walking in. Then she stood up hurriedly. She was still a little concerned about her image and smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, I’m quite sloppy here, I’m busy doing research and don’t have time to clean up.”

Baiyu reported the message: "I am a student from Penglai participating in the exchange meeting. I would like to borrow the equipment on the top floor of the Astrology Pavilion to observe the starry sky."

The manager asked strangely: "To view the starry sky, you can go to the fourth floor to see the star map."

"This is different." Bai Yu said, "I need to see it with my own eyes."

The manager said hesitantly: "Sorry, the equipment on the top floor has been sealed for a long time. The Astrology Pavilion's Zhoutian Star Dashboard is very valuable, and I can't just lend it out..."

Bai Yu requested: "Sister, we are just borrowing it for a while, and we will never mess with it."

The manager pursed his lips: "Let me think about it, or ask my superiors."

She was quite relieved when her sister called her.

Bai Yu struck while the iron was hot: "These are some small gifts I prepared. They are not respectful."

The manager blinked and looked at the young man curiously.


If the other party has empty hands, what gift can he give?

She is from the Star Observation Department, so she doesn't care about vulgar things. Being able to stay in the Star Observation Department makes most people endure loneliness.

Most of those who are devoted to academic research and study theoretical mathematics are from very good family backgrounds and have neither money nor material needs, so it is difficult to bribe them with gifts.

Bai Yu also knew this, so he opened a piece of paper.

The manager became even more curious. He went over to take a look and couldn't take his eyes away.

"This is!"

She stood up, stepped on the chair, lost her balance and fell, and even knocked over the instant noodles. Xiao Shuihan lifted her up with Yuqixu's hand.

Ignoring his sore feet, the manager jumped up and said, "This, where did you get this? It's so, so, so, so, so so..."

Bai Yu smiled and said, "Are you satisfied with this gift?"

The manager glared excitedly and angrily: "You little guy, you are so uneasy and kind-hearted. We are already very tired. Now seeing this, wouldn't it make us want to stop even more? I'm afraid the entire Star Observation Department will not be able to sleep well in the future. !”

She was happy because what was written on this paper was indeed useful and was even one of the important research directions in theoretical mathematics.

I am angry because the content written on this paper is too difficult. At a glance, I can tell that it is the problem of the century, and there are more than one!

What Bai Yu wrote was a 'mathematical conjecture', a top-level mathematical conjecture that no one in the previous life could solve, the Millennium Problem.

Most of the major conjectures known as the world's difficult problems have not been proven so far, so they are just conjectures.

Riemann Hypothesis, Goldbach's Hypothesis, four-color problem, Fermat's Great Law; NP-complete problem, Hodge's conjecture, Yang-Mills existence and mass gap, Navier-Stokoe equation, BSD conjecture.

Although Bai Yu is not capable of solving these problems as a mathematician, it is not difficult to write down these conjectures... Of course, they are just questions.

Any one of these Millennium Problems is enough for a mathematician to struggle with for a lifetime, let alone Bai Yu throwing out so many of them directly.

The manager couldn't take his eyes away after seeing it, he was happy and angry at the same time.

Bai Yu asked: "Can I borrow the seventeenth floor?"

The manager hesitated: "Well, I, I..."

Bai Yu folded the paper and said, "Excuse me."

"Ah ah ah, you little scoundrel!" The manager girl danced angrily: "You let me see it, but you still took it away. Do you want me to get sick and die because of curiosity! Devil! , simply a devil!”

Bai Yu asked again and again without paying attention: "Can I borrow the seventeenth floor?"

The manager angrily took out the access key: "This is a special case! It won't be an exception next time!"

"Thank you." Bai Yu put the paper on the table and said with a smile, "I wish you a happy research."

"Little rascal, hum!" She took away the paper and put it on the blackboard like a treasure and stuck it with a magnet.

Bai Yu didn't bother and turned around and got on the elevator.

In the elevator, Xiao Shuihan asked: "That piece of paper of yours..."

He clearly remembered that Bai Yu had written it casually on the piece of paper on his way here. He didn't expect that he could win over the manager with this.

"I just wrote something casually." Bai Yu said, "It's useful for mathematicians, but not for us."

Xiao Shuihan asked again: "Are you really good at everything?"

Bai Yu shook his head: "I'm just standing on the shoulders of giants."


The elevator reaches the top floor.

It is also the first time for Xiao Shuihan to come here to the seventeenth floor of the Astrology Pavilion.

The room was not completely dark, but in the spacious room, there was only an ancient bronze disk on the empty ground. It was huge, and through its surface, countless gears and axle structures inside the gaps could be seen.

Zhoutianxingchen dashboard.

After Bai Yu looked at it for a minute, he suddenly asked: "How to use this thing?"

Xiao Shuihan asked: "You ask me?"

The two looked at each other.

Bai Yu didn't find any buttons. He thought about it and felt that he needed to follow his intuition. The opportunity was here. As long as he showed the corresponding power, he would get the answer.

The Avenue of Stars unfolds.

Bai Yu opened the star scroll, and the illusory starlight fell from his fingertips to the Zhoutian star dashboard, like a drop of water pouring into it, reactivating the machine that had been frozen for a long time.

Click, click, click, the wheel shaft rotates, the gears bite, and the roar of the operation lasts for a short time. After a while, the periscope fell down, and dim starlight fell from the eyepiece.

The extremely pure power of the stars fell on Bai Yu's palm through the eyepiece, almost condensing into a liquid state, and the remaining power gathered in the palm of his hand to form a pool.

Just by touching it, Bai Yu felt that his understanding of the Avenue of Stars was improving.

The level of understanding that was originally firmly locked at 1% began to rise.

A strong impulse drove him to turn his eyes to the eyepiece.

——Go and see!

——Go and see! !

His eyes met the eyepiece and he stared at the stars.

Looking through the sky star dashboard, you can stargazing even during the day, because the guided starlight comes from outside the sky.

He felt that his consciousness left his body and was guided by this beam of light, crossing the bridge built by the stars, crossing the surface of the earth, passing through the atmosphere, and reaching the chaos in the sky.

In the blink of an eye, traveling at the speed of light, Bai Yu saw the complete starry sky of this world for the first time.

Looking around, it was chaos.

This is indeed a different world.

It was no longer the Earth he knew.

The overall structure of the solar system is still there, but every planet looks specious, different from the stars in memory.

The view is as far as the eye can see.

You can taste completely different flavors from the starlight refracted and reflected by these planets.

The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune... This is the original structure of the major planets in the solar system.

Some people may not know that the shameful Pluto was expelled from the list of major planets in the solar system as early as 2006.

Bai Yu was naturally not concerned about the dwarf planet Pluto, but noticed something was wrong with the neighbors of other large planets in the solar system.

Their existence is not as simple as a pure lifeless planet.

Bai Yu can even feel that these starlights are like the sight of these planets, with some fluctuations, like sounds and emotions.

But how can a planet have emotions?

When he tried to contact these stars and extract certain emotions from them...

The sharp warning made him loosen his fingers.

【You feel the sight of Venus】

[I have automatically rejected the gift of Venus for you]

[Cut the thread of fate from the long river of time and break away from the fate of the puppet. 10 fate points have been consumed]

[I have automatically rejected Jupiter’s gift for you]

[Cut the thread of fate from the long river of time and break away from the fate of the puppet. 10 fate points have been consumed]


Bai Yu noticed that those starlight threads were actively wrapping around him, and his expression suddenly changed.

These eyes have noticed him and are being attracted to him because of the Avenue of Stars.

It can be seen from the hints that the gifts from the stars are not a good thing!

Puppet destiny?

Do these planets really have their own will?

Are those starlights their sight or touch?

No, I can't detect any strong malice in my sight...

Bai Yu couldn't judge.

He is now like a mortal body in an environment full of radiation without any protection.

Whether it was good or evil, he couldn't bear these gifts. Just being looked at was already overwhelming.

If it weren't for the Chronicle of Heroic Spirits system, I'm afraid that my soul would have been ravaged by the will of the stars by now, called... star slave for short?

Looking at the fate points that were dropping like crazy at ten o'clock, Bai Yu realized that he couldn't stay.

Those gaze threads were wrapping around him from all directions, almost surrounding him into a cocoon.

He turned around and was about to evacuate.

But the moment he turned around, he saw an indescribable horror.

A crack opened in the earth, and the crack was like a sleepy eye, half open and half closed.

From the deep slit of the eye, there is a pupil, so dark and deep that the bottom cannot be seen...

This planet, with its surface covered in dark gray fog, looks extremely strange in the sunlight.

It doesn't look like a beautiful blue planet at all, nor the familiar and charming home planet in Bai Yu's memory.

Bai Yu suddenly understood.

It turns out that those stars are not looking at me, but at the planet behind me and at my feet.

All the stars are staring at it.

Bai Yu also stared at it, and then saw it slowly blinking its eyes, then raising its pupils, consciously turning its eyes and staring in its own direction.

[Automatically cropping... a long river of time... nourishing... automatically deducting 100 destiny points]

[Please quickly... 100 destiny points will be automatically deducted]

[High energy ahead, don’t look directly at it, high energy ahead, don’t look directly at it, high energy ahead, don’t look directly at it——! 】

When you're staring into the abyss...

The abyss is staring at you too!

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