Bai Yu originally planned to continue to say a few words of provocation.

Unexpectedly, the other party stopped pretending at all.

It looked like a direct show of cards.

And the plain words revealed an extremely important fact.

"What did you say?"

Bai Yu's pupils shrank for a moment.

Zhou Du stood up from his chair and pressed his hands on the table, his smile not diminishing.

"Why, you haven't completely remembered it yet?"

"But thinking about it, your shadow has been taken away, so it's natural that there are gaps in your memory..."

Bai Yu interrupted: "The shadow was taken away... My shadow was taken away by you?"

The shepherd grinned: "Who else could it be?"

"Why did you want to take away my shadow?" Bai Yu immediately asked. He subconsciously took a step forward, but Zhang Chushan held his shoulders and pinned him down.

Laoban could clearly feel Zhou Du's madness and danger at this time.

"Why?" The shepherd rubbed his chin with his finger: "This is really an interesting question... There are of course many reasons, but the most important one is that you naturally have to ask yourself."

"Asked me what?"

"Ask yourself why you want to hand over the shadow." The shepherd showed his white teeth: "This is a business, Classmate Bai, a deal that you and I agree on!"

His words were hinting, almost explicit.


What deal?

What kind of deal could it be!

There is almost no need for any additional ideas. A storm has formed inside Bai Yu's mind, and his heartbeat is deafening.

"No wonder..."

Bai Yu suddenly realized, slightly lost in thought, and said one sentence after another: "No wonder an ordinary student can escape from the shadow world and escape the trap you set... It was not that he escaped by himself, but that he was released by you. ! Even the amnesia on my body is your handiwork... Shepherd!"

"Of course it's me..." The shepherd's smile contained malice and joking: "You don't really think... that just an ordinary student like you can escape from our hands, do you?"

He sighed softly: "Young, so young..."

"Young man, you know absolutely nothing about the rules of this world, so much so that you still have this illusion. If a one-in-a-billion miracle really happens, why would it happen to you? !”

"The reason why you are still alive, still talking, and breathing... is simply because I gave you this opportunity."

"A chance to survive."

"And the shadow is just a small part of the price you paid!"

Hearing this, even a fool can understand the truth behind the other person's words.

In this way, all the clues are connected in series.

So I searched the entire shadow spider nest but couldn't find any shadow!

It didn't stay in the shadow world, it was taken away!

Bai Yu's mind became clearer than ever before, and he clearly realized that he was still in a trap...

From the beginning, there was no so-called coincidence, only cruel calculation.

This plan was not aimed at Bai Yu, but he had already fallen into it the moment he woke up from this strange world.

It was as if he had taken over a chess game that was being checked midway. No matter how hard he racked his brains, he would be checked in the end.

How can we revive a dead game?

Only regret can be done!

Coincidentally... Bai Yu just had the qualifications to regret his move. It seemed to be a dead end, but he still had a chance to make a comeback.

Therefore, it is still too early to express despair.

Bai Yu frowned tightly, showing a dejected and distracted look.

But I was just excited inside because I finally caught the fox by the tail of the truth.

Thanks to the fact that when I was young, I often participated in the drama club in college and participated in various two-dimensional cosplay activities, otherwise his facial expressions would not be so lifelike. Damn, my acting skills have become even more amazing after entering the society... …! This is thanks to Lao Yang! Even in another world, you are still using your remaining energy!

Bai Yu lit a stick of incense for his good brother in his heart, and continued to stare at the shepherd with a desperate and painful expression: "You took away my shadow, there must be other reasons."

The shepherd admitted generously: "Of course, one of the reasons is to seal your memory to prevent the memory master and Chang Yesi from digging out unnecessary things from your brain... I don't want to release you, but This became an opportunity for Chang Yesi to bite us back."

He pondered slightly: "But I still don't quite understand. I thought you would become a completely blank person, but I didn't expect that you would still retain your basic personality."

The shepherd's eyes were sharp and serious, like a poisonous snake wandering in the wild.

"And, when I didn't wake you up at all, how on earth did you... wake up?"

...I am a time traveler, you didn’t expect it!

Bai Yu really wanted to reply to the previous sentence, but his expression was very bitter and he said: "Are you asking me?"

Zhou Du's eyes were lightly bloodshot, and he smiled lowly: "...It doesn't matter, you came to find me after all. It seems that you also remembered something."

Bai Yu gritted his teeth: "You don't know why I came to you? If I remembered everything, would I take the initiative to confront you?"

The memory is completely lost because there is no shadow.

The lost shadow must be in this person's hands.

Bai Yu suppressed his emotions and remained calm. As long as he could get the shadow back, he could find the coordinate point. He had to keep calm.

"But you're still not smart enough." Zhou Du laughed: "If you came alone... I might be able to tell you more, but unfortunately, there is no possibility of negotiation with Chang Yesi. of."

"What Chang Yesi, I don't know." Bai Yu deliberately told a lie that was so bad that it could be exposed at a glance.

"You are surrounded by people, wearing close-fitting armor, and carrying a sealed object in your pocket... Do you really think I can't tell?" The shepherd shook his head and sighed: "You are still too young, young man... You deliberately chose If you come to see me at this time and place, of course you are safe and prepared; if you really come to see me alone, you will most likely choose to meet me during the day, find a square with a lot of people, and use other people as your shield - it is best to come alone It represents bravery, but it also means stupidity. You are not stupid, but also very smart. Unfortunately, as a young man... you are too inexperienced, otherwise you should at least know that you should not always put one hand in your pocket when negotiating. inside, otherwise this is a clear indication that you have something in your pocket that can save your life."

His words were full of confidence, exposing Bai Yu's loopholes.

Bai Yu paused, raised his right hand, and took out a jade statue of Guanyin from his pocket.

"...You guessed it right again."

Bai Yu slammed the table hard: "But this is meaningless... Surrender, Shepherd, there are Chang Yesi outside, you have been surrounded!"

Zhang Chushan's voice was low: "Old Zhou, is it really you who did everything?"

"Of course, I did it all." Zhou Du laughed, and turbid tears suddenly shed from the corners of his eyes, with a hint of scarlet in the tears: "I am an educator... I do this not from my sincerity. , but sometimes there is no better choice. After all, for a better world, some people have to make sacrifices, such as me, such as the children..."

Bai Yu's tense nerves suddenly relaxed a lot: " are not a shepherd."

"I am a shepherd." Zhou Du said with tears in his eyes, "There are many shepherds."

"No, you're not..." Bai Yu's eyes were calm and pitiful: "You're just his lackey."

"A running dog... Hahaha... Yes, I have no choice..." Zhou Du stared in Bai Yu's direction with blood-filled eyes: "You don't have it either! It's too late, it's too late, you don't have it either We will die! We will all suffer the same fate!"

"I am a sinner who deserves death!"

"I should go to hell...Finally, I can be freed!"

He said, grabbed the pen, and stabbed the pen into his throat while the two of them watched, from the side, and a large amount of dark arterial blood spurted out.

Zhou Du fell on the desk. Blood flowed along the desk, staining the unfinished test paper red. The words 'Excellent Teacher' were engraved on the end of the pen.

He died, but his eyes were still wide open, and they were as red as red-hot glass balls.

At this time, Chang Yesi finally broke through the door, but all he saw was a body that was gradually getting cold.

Ten minutes later, Bai Yu was sitting on the stairs in a daze.

"Are you okay?" Liu Xinghan approached and patted Bai Yu's shoulder.

He was in a daze and raised his eyes: "Officer Liu, I'm... fine."

"For you, the visual impact may be too strong. Let's relieve the psychological pressure." Liu Xinghan said with concern.

...I have fed people a lot of peanuts.

Bai Yu smiled and nodded, still looking weak.

I thought I had seized the opportunity, but in the end I just forced Zhou Du to death... He was also a lackey controlled by the shepherd. After the latter gave the order, he had no choice but to commit suicide... But being controlled by others was probably a relief for him.

"It's a pity that no one was caught alive."

"It's useless." Bai Yu said, "Even if he bites his tongue and commits suicide, he will definitely die."

The shepherd has absolute control over the life and death of the lackeys...If they are captured alive, they will eventually turn into corpses, there is no difference.

What Bai Yu was thinking about was actually another point... The person who had talked to him before and mocked him in every possible way was probably not Zhou Du's consciousness, but the remote chat initiated by the shepherd.

There is no doubt that the shadow is in the hands of the shepherd, and all the key clues are concentrated on the shepherd.

But he... is far better than the animal trainer.

Even when I go to work, a lackey checks in on my behalf. It’s really...

Bai Yu just wanted to utter a curse word, saying that he was a bastard who was not the son of a human being.

He ended his rambling thoughts and touched his pocket: "By the way, Officer Liu, I have to return this Bodhisattva statue to you. It's a very effective amulet..."

Liu Xinghan smiled and said: "Right, that's a good thing that I've been wearing for more than 20 years. It's a spiritual jade... but it's just for psychological comfort, and it's definitely not as useful as the breast shield I got from my hair." .”

Bai Yu dug into his pocket: "Wait, it doesn't seem to be on me. Did I lose it?"

He looked for it and confirmed that he couldn't find it.

"I'm sorry, Officer Liu. I must have left it somewhere. I'll go look for it right away."

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll bring it to you when you see it later. Don't worry about it. I'll say hello to my colleagues." Liu Xinghan waved his hand and said hurriedly: "Would you like to go get something to eat later? Late night snack? It’s quite late at this time. You just ate two sesame seed cakes in the evening and you’re not full, right?”

"I have no appetite." Bai Yu shook his head: "And don't eat midnight snacks, otherwise you will gain weight... Lao Ban said that he had a younger brother who died of being too fat."

Liu Xinghan was surprised: "Your class teacher doesn't have a younger brother. He is an only child."

Bai Yu: "?"

Liu Xinghan affirmed: "It's true. After you called the police, the entire faculty and staff of Nanling No. 3 Middle School checked. I saw it with my own eyes. He is the only child who survived after being involved in the shadow world in his early years. He is also a lucky man. Speaking of which, It looks quite similar to you."

Baiyu was silent.

He suddenly stood up and asked, "Where is Lao Ban?"

Liu Xinghan didn't notice anything was wrong: "He was taken for questioning by Team Zhou."

Bai Yu immediately jumped up, climbed over the guardrail from the second floor and landed on the ground on the first floor. Then there was a crisp sound under his feet. He lowered his head and picked it up... It was half of the broken jade statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

He suddenly recalled what Zhou Du said at the last moment - it's too late, you will die too, we all have the same fate.

He may not be looking at himself...

A strong premonition exploded in my mind, almost turning into a landslide and tsunami.

Don't be anxious first, let me be anxious first

Speaking of which, why is my exit index so low?

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