"These melon boys..."

Bai Yu rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

It is now the third reopening.

Each of these three experiences was different.

But again, they couldn't survive the third day.

The main reason is that Xuan Tiansi's mysterious death as an investigator has been repeated four times, and when the next day comes, Ying Yuhuai will also die.

And because Bai Yu is an outsider, even if he points this out to his face, no one will believe his words.

Sometimes, one step ahead is a genius, and a hundred steps ahead is a lunatic.

What would happen if someone came to your door right away and told you directly... would you listen carefully as the truth, or would you reject it as a lunatic?

Probably not, because the other person talks about retribution, death, etc., and you may suspect that the other person is a salesperson.

It's a pity that Bai Yu doesn't have a convincing identity, even though he repeatedly emphasized that Lu Zhong must be optimistic about his lover.

But the end result is often the same.

After Ying Yuhuai died, Lu Zhong went straight to the red and warm, and he couldn't calm down. Even if he seemed to be calm, he would definitely go out and collect his body, whether it was secretly or openly.

This kind of death-seeking behavior will directly usher in ghosts... and the red-clothed ghost lingering outside will never go far. Once the door is opened, she will rush in to have a happy buffet.

Bai Yu can't stop it alone.

Although I am already familiar with the skills and damage range of the red ghost, there are too many things that are holding me back, and the battle situation is limited. The most disgusting thing is that this red ghost will rush in, destroy the doors and windows, and let other evil ghosts in to eat at the buffet. When the time comes, He could only add some cumin chili noodles to himself and serve it while lying flat on his back.

When it reopened for the third time, Bai Yu simply changed his resting place to the corridor on the second floor to make a floor without any shame, and there was no movement all night.

But it was still useless, Ying Yuhuai died with a double knock again.

Bai Yu once wondered if she was a game NPC. Once the time came to trigger the plot, she would turn into a corpse and teleport to die...

However, a person's power is always limited.

After several reopenings, Bai Yu felt that her kindness had been exhausted, but her death was too much in Steins;Gate.

He discovered that since the fact of Ying Yuhuai's death could not be changed no matter what, what he had to consider now was how to repel the red-clothed devil.

This requires the help of investigators.

So he still set his sights on the original investigator.

So this time, Bai Yu did not go directly to Su Ruoji, but entered the villa to establish good relations with the students.

Because I remembered the investigator's appearance, it didn't take much effort to find this person. The investigator originally came from this village, and after a little inquiry, I found out that one of his identities is here. Station manager working at a hydroelectric power station.

He didn't look for it intentionally, but waited... until after sunset, and created a chance encounter.

This is the fourth reopening.

"Let's go!"

When Bai Yu saw the other party, the investigator issued a warning: "Run!"

He came over clutching his wound. Bai Yu approached directly, grabbed the investigator's arm, and lifted him up. Luck ran wildly, and there were waves of brutal roars coming from behind, which were extremely familiar.

"Who are you……"

"I am extraordinary." Bai Yu wanted to look back, but two rows of trees fell down on the mountain road he passed through, and he did not dare to look back: "What is chasing us? I obviously didn't buy emergency syrup. !”

"It's red, a fierce ghost in red." The investigator gasped, looked at the light ahead, and said hurriedly: "Quick, let's go to the house in front to take shelter!"

Bai Yu nodded... He thought to himself that it was indeed no coincidence. Judging from the direction in which the investigator returned, he must have returned from the mountain, not from the hydropower station. Otherwise, he could have gone directly to the village instead of coming to the mountain. summer resort.

But finally we got all eight people together!

After knocking on the door, the two quickly stepped inside, and Bai Yu walked into the entrance hall.

The first thing I saw was Su Ruoji, not Qin Xuezhao.

It's obviously different from before...but there's no time to worry about that.

Investigator Xuantiansi took out the talisman and gave orders and judgments that were very different from Bai Yu's before. Because of his official status in Xuantiansi, the students had a higher degree of trust and obedience.

Bai Yu also took out a bandage to help bandage the wound.

The investigator gritted his teeth and cracked his mouth in pain during the debridement. After finishing, he patted Bai Yu on the shoulder: "Thank you, brother. My surname is Liang Muqi."

"Bai... Yu." Bai Yu reported his pseudonym: "Just call me Mr. Bai or Brother Bai."

"Brother Bai is straightforward in his work, but a bit unforgiving in his words." Liang Muqi smiled and patted the other party on the shoulder: "If it weren't for you, I might have died in the hands of that red man."

"Why don't you call me brother?"

"You are younger than me."

The two adult men established a friendship in just a few words. Although they met and got along briefly, Bai Yu's neatness and no hesitation when rescuing people, and his agility in avoiding Hong Yi's pursuit, immediately made Xuan Tiansi's Liang Muqi. Generated trust and goodwill.

After all, Bai Yu did save him. In that case, he might even get involved.

He didn't even ask Bai Yu why he walked up the mountain after dark, because Bai Yu had prepared a hiking bag in advance, which could be explained as climbing to the top of the mountain to watch the sunrise. Some people like to climb mountains and patrol mountains.

During the exchange, the students had already put up the talismans, and the subsequent development was no different from before.

The biggest difference is probably because Bai Yu left, so the students' dinner was not rich at all.

Liang Muqi's injury this time was not serious, that is, he suffered a slight injury to his waist, but no internal organs, just skin trauma.

After dispelling the Yin Qi attached to the wound, he quickly regained his ability to move freely.

The investigator then began to talk about the specific situation.

"There was a tragedy in the villages and towns here in ancient times. However, due to the passage of time, most of the information has been lost. I am stationed here as an investigator to inform Xuan Tiansi when an unexpected situation occurs... Students, please rest assured that large-scale ghosts are Once the phenomenon occurs, we will immediately attract attention, and as long as we stick here for a week, we will be able to get rescue."

As a public official, he speaks with conviction.

Just like some people feel uncomfortable all over, but when they get to the hospital, their waist and legs no longer hurt, and all their problems become insignificant.

This is the psychological effect.

Even if Bai Yu said it a hundred times, it would not be as useful as a word of comfort from the other party, because as ordinary people, students may not believe how reliable this investigator is, but they must be willing to believe Xuan Tiansi.

It was only after the people dispersed that he told the truth to Bai Yu, who was both a transcendent and an adult - it was extremely difficult to enter the ghost world for rescue, because it was difficult to find the entrance and difficult to pass through. If rescue could not come within ten days, , then I’m afraid I can only find a way to find a way out on my own.

It was indeed a word of comfort.

Bai Yu and Liang Muqi chatted for a while, and then saw Su Ruoji coming down holding a pillow and cup.

She decided to stay vigil in the hall with the two adults, but fell asleep soon after.

Bai Yu continued to stay up all night. He walked around with a flashlight and patrolled, making sure that nothing unexpected happened.

The next morning followed.

Ying Yuhuai's body was found.

Familiar recipe, familiar taste.

Lu Zhong was temporarily suppressed. Bai Yu tied him up in the hall and asked several students to take turns guarding him. When dinner arrived, Lu Zhong took advantage of Yu Haiqing's unpreparedness, broke away from the rope and rushed outside.

Bai Yu tried to intercept, but couldn't control it for a moment.

"This kid...is in a stress period?"

This was something that had never happened before, but it was enough to explain why every time Lu Zhong opened the door, the other students didn't stop him... because they couldn't.

Lu Zhong finally opened the door and rushed to the courtyard. As soon as he opened the door, he was staggered by the ghosts rushing in. An evil ghost grabbed his throat and struggled to get up.

After being reminded by Bai Yu, Liang Muqi was prepared. He drew out an artificial lightning-strike mahogany sword and swung the sword at the evil ghost. The evil ghost immediately collapsed at the first touch.

Obviously they are both at the first level. If Bai Yu didn't have the heroic spirit projection of a veteran of hundreds of battles, it would be very difficult to deal with it, but here he can actually kill him instantly.

Industry specializing in surgery.

What a weak point to break.

After stabbing five or six evil ghosts to death, Bai Yu tried to close the door, but was slapped on the shoulder by a claw. He flipped 720 degrees in the air and landed on the ground. A cold and burning tingling sensation came from a purple spot on his shoulder. .

The fierce ghost in red is still here.

Liang Muqi cursed: "The ghost is still here! Do you really want my life that much?"

He pulled out a yellow paper talisman and pierced it with the peach wood sword, then bit the tip of his finger and wiped the peach wood sword body with his palm.

The ten fingers are connected to the heart, and the blood on the fingertips is the heart blood. The hot blood in the man's heart is also the blood with extremely strong yang energy. It has an excellent restraint effect on evil spirits, even the red-clothed fierce ghosts are also included in this category.

Bai Yu evacuated other students while observing the battle situation.

Logically speaking, the investigator, who was not seriously injured, should be able to deal with a red-clothed fierce ghost... he could not kill it but it was enough to drive it away.

However, at this critical moment, Bai Yu saw no trace of Qin Xuezhao. He asked Su Ruoji: "Is there another person?"

Only then did Su Ruoji realize: "Yes, where is the snow bath?"

She suddenly realized that her best friend was missing and hurriedly went to look for him.

Bai Yu also wanted to leave, but he heard the investigator shouting: "Brother Bai...Brother Bai, come and help me!"

He even called me brother, but he seemed like he couldn’t stand it anymore.

Bai Yu could only turn around, and the two joined hands to fight against Hong Yi.

After a lot of effort, Liang Muqi's fingers were bitten and he lost 500 milliliters of blood before he was able to expel Hong Yi. After the latter was driven out, the doors and windows were beaten and made a violent vibration.

Bai Yu didn't even have time to sigh and finally passed the test.

Because he knew that more trouble was yet to come.

He reluctantly took a breath and dragged his exhausted body towards the basement.

Seeing Su Ruoji sitting there kneeling, there was a corpse in front of her.

Warm blood spread on the white tiles, and his body was warm. It was obvious that he had just died.

Qin Xue died in the shower.

Just like what was recorded in the diary.

It's not even clear how she was killed... The situation was chaotic just now, and the time of her murder should have been within the last half hour or so.

What a wonderful three consecutive traps. Starting from the death of Ying Yuhuai, the whole situation began to take a turn for the worse, falling into an irreversible domino effect.


...Should we reopen?

...or continue to watch the development, maybe we can find other clues?

Bai Yu looked at the absent-minded Su Ruoji and said slowly: "There must be an inner ghost among us. The death of Ying Yuhuai and Qin Xuezha was caused by this person."

Su Ruoji lowered her head, her hair covering her cheeks, and her expression could not be seen clearly. Her voice had a thick nasal tone: "Can you please leave me alone for a while?"

Bai Yu turned around and left the basement.

About an hour later, Su Ruo walked out of the basement. Her steps were slow and heavy, as if she was under great pressure, and she looked at everyone.

Everyone including Bai Yu.

There was doubt and vigilance about everything in his eyes.

If anyone reveals a clue that he may be the murderer, that doubt will surely turn into a strong murderous intention.

"Whoever killed them..."

"I swear, it will all take its toll."

When she walked past Bai Yu, her tone was firm: "Then let's see who can survive to the end!"

Bai Yu: "..."


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