Just five minutes before Bai Yu met the coward.

Zhao Pingan received a message.

It was an application from the Xuantiansi Observation Department.

The content of the application is - The ghost activities in Zhenshan are intense and there seems to be a risk of expansion... Requesting a reply from the superior.

"How far is the nearest observation point from here?" Zhao Pingan asked.

"It's on the top of a nearby mountain. It can be reached in about ten minutes." An intern responsible for the observation replied.

"Let's go and take a look now." Zhao Ping'an grabbed Monk Kong Jian's arm and said, "You should also come with me. If something happens, I need your magical power."

"What about here?" one person asked.

"Haven't the entire village and town been investigated? The reports received are that there are no problems. At most, there are only some earth-bound spirits and obsessive ghosts left, which is not enough evidence. The nearby mountain roads have also been blocked." Zhao Ping'an thought. There is no problem: "If something happens, just keep an eye on it."

With that said, he and Monk Kongjian went to a nearby observation point to check whether the Zhenshan Ghost Demon really showed signs of expansion, because this year's activities were much more intense than in previous years, and they were also three days earlier, so we must pay attention to them.

Let’s go back to Wu Shanshan.

The three of them are responsible for finding other missing classmates.

I actually met two of them on the way and took them back to their tent location.

After that, I continued my search and inevitably saw the theater ahead.

"I have a bad premonition." Zhang Ji took a flashlight and shined it: "Since ancient times, places like theaters have been places where Yin Qi gathers... If there are still ghosts singing in the middle of the night, then what? It’s even more deadly.”

"Did you see it from the storytelling session again?"

"No, I saw it from a movie this time." Zhang Ji said, "It's a big online movie."

"Isn't that a bad movie?"

"There are also high-quality ones!" Zhang Ji argued, and saw that Wu Shanshan had reached out and pushed open the door of the theater, and there was a heart-wrenching sound of wood friction.

"I told you not to go in." Zhang Ji reminded.

"But what if there is a classmate inside?" Wu Shanshan asked, "Just leave him here and ignore him? If there is really a resentful ghost, we have to go in and take a look, right?"

"Aren't you afraid of giving yourself away?"

"I'm afraid, but I still have to go." Wu Shanshan said calmly: "I haven't found my three classmates yet."

"So you're not afraid of turning into a gourd boy to save grandpa?" Zhang Ji still didn't want to go in.

"If you don't want to go in, forget it." Qiu Tongtong rolled her eyes: "The two of us go in, and you can keep watch outside, okay?"

Zhang Jiyi said sternly: "Of course!"

The two girls entered the theater, looking quite confident, but Zhang Ji waited for the entrance of the theater and silently turned off the flashlight.

The scene inside the theater is very strange. It looks complete from the outside, but from the inside, it is full of traces of fire. The ground is covered with traces of carbonization. Even the theater stage in front seems to have been burned by fire, but because it is It was built with blue bricks, but it did not collapse due to this.

Wu Shanshan turned on the flashlight, and the light illuminated the theater stage, and the three figures on it suddenly appeared.

Those were clearly their three classmates.

"Little leopard, little tiger, little kitten!" Qiu Tongtong shouted.

But the three students on the stage remained motionless, just widened their eyes. There was a singing flag behind their backs, one of them was waving a Guandao in his hand, and his face was covered with messy white and black powder. They stood on the ring like stiff sculptures. .

Wu Shanshan grabbed Qiu Tongtong, who wanted to go on stage: "They seem to be possessed."

"Do you want to give it a try?" Qiu Tongtong took out the Evil-Breaking Talisman, and she immediately followed Zhang Ji's previous words and said, 'Righteous Qi destroys evil'.

In an instant, the Evil-Breaking Talisman in his hand released a ray of white light, which hit a person on the stage hard. The latter fell directly to the ground, and the flag behind him was scattered on the ground and stopped moving.

The other two people suddenly came to their senses. One held a sword in his hand, and the other jumped down from the stage with a Guandao in his hand.

"You wait~suffer~die!"

He was still singing a dramatic tune.

Wu Shanshan originally thought it was okay, but when she saw the Guandao in the opponent's hand slashing down, creating a crack in the ground, she suddenly realized: "That's not a prop, it's the real thing!"

They immediately tried to avoid and dodge, but the two opera ghosts moved too fast and blocked their way by jumping directly into the air.

Qiu Tongtong threw out the second Evil-Breaking Talisman, but this time it failed to work and only knocked back one of them.

"Don't use spells indiscriminately!" Wu Shanshan shouted. She rolled forward to avoid the sword piercing her chest. She held the copper coin sword in her left hand and pierced the man's thigh.

The sharp copper coin cut the palm of his hand, and a burst of light was released immediately. The latter rolled on the ground as if his body had been subjected to electrotherapy, and then exhaled a mouthful of white smoke and stopped moving.

The second one was also done.

But she lost strength for a moment and couldn't stand up, because the copper coin sword absorbed blood and consumed her own energy.

A light knife struck her neck from behind, and Wu Shanshan was unable to dodge. Fortunately, Qiu Tongtong arrived in time and opened the scripture in her hand. One of the pages released a red stream of light, resisting an attack.

The force also caused it to lose its balance.

She took this opportunity to throw out the third Evil-Breaking Talisman.

Hitting the center of the eyebrow, the opera ghost was immediately scattered from the human body, spinning twice in mid-air before disappearing with a scream.

"The third one!" Qiu Tongtong took a breath: "Is this all settled?"

Wu Shanshan also broke out in a cold sweat: "Fortunately, there was no danger. If it weren't for the props in our hands, we would have been killed as sycophants in a drama."


"These three people should be dressed like Zhang Long, Zhao Hu and Mahan from the Dynasty." Wu Shanshan also studied drama: "I have seen stage performances before, but I don't know whether they sang The Prince Consort or The Story of the Black Pen..."

"Wait a minute, you said four." Qiu Tongtong realized: "But there are only three here. Where did the other one go?"

"Perhaps there are not enough people." Wu Shanshan looked at the three people who fell to the ground: "Drag them back first..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly heard a faint melody coming from the stage.

——The colorful flowers are blooming everywhere, but all the ruins like this are left in ruins. Good times and beautiful scenery are in vain, but whose home is the pleasure?

The two of them froze, only to see an extremely beautiful woman on the stage dancing and singing a cappella.

——The garden trees don’t know where people are gone, but they still have their old glory in autumn and spring. There are only carps in the pond who are sentimental, and they are like protecting fallen flowers when someone leaves.

What she sang was clearly a sad song.

Wu Shanshan said with a stiff expression: "This is "The Peony Pavilion"."

Qiu Tongtong asked in a low voice: "What's wrong? Isn't it nice to hear?"

"The story of the Peony Pavilion is about a woman coming back from the dead. It's not good at all!" Wu Shanshan shook her head heavily: "I don't want to be Liniang. This ghost is very dangerous. Let's retreat quickly!"

She grabbed Qiu Tongtong and didn't want to pay attention to it at all. She turned her head and just wanted to escape from the sound behind her, but she felt that the sound was getting closer and closer.

It seemed as if the doorway was getting farther away, while the distance behind the arena was getting closer and closer.

Wu Shanshan said: "Don't look back! Close your eyes and run, this must be an illusion!"

The two girls had little experience, but Qiu Tongtong could feel that the scriptures in her hands were rolling and being consumed one by one.

This proves that they are indeed being attacked, it's just not clear where it's coming from.

Fortunately, they stumbled all the way and ran to the door before the scriptures were exhausted.

They were already less than three steps away, and as long as they stretched out their hands, they could push open the ajar door.

"Zhang Ji, Zhang Ji!" Wu Shanshan shouted: "Open the door quickly!"

Then a ray of light came out from the crack in the door, and at the end of the light was the flashlight in Zhang Ji's hand.

They just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking they could escape.

But after waiting for a few seconds, Zhang Ji made no move. He clearly heard it.

Just silently lowered the flashlight in his hand, and then stretched out his hand...


The door is closed.

Before the gap closed, Wu Shanshan saw the flag behind Zhang Ji.

The fourth ghost that he didn't see originally went to find him. Even outside the theater, it was not safe.

"Zhang Ji, you bastard!" Qiu Tongtong thought Zhang Ji had given up on them, so she yelled.

But Wu Shanshan held her hand: "...He is possessed."

"Didn't you say you can't get pregnant?"

"The general situation is...but it's not necessarily the case for wronged souls and evil ghosts." Wu Shanshan smiled bitterly: "We seem to be unable to get out."

"The scriptures are almost gone." Qiu Tongtong lowered her head. She was very anxious and looked around repeatedly, trying to find the direction to leave.

But there is no escape route.

Looking back, I could see the opera singer getting closer and closer to the stage. The stage was like a bloody mouth that could swallow up people at any time.

The last scripture in his hand also burned and turned into ashes.

The breath of Hua Danniang had already hit her face. She tilted her head, and her beautiful face, which was originally smeared with makeup, suddenly became cracked. There were bursts of burnt smell from the cracked wounds, and her face seemed to have rotted flesh and blood. With a strong burning smell.

The beautiful lady sang the lyrics and music of The Peony Pavilion and stretched out her hand to hold Wu Shanshan's ankle.

Suddenly there was a sharp pain in her ankle, as if being burned by a hot iron plate, making a roasting sound. The severe pain made her face turn pale.

She has never seen such a terrifying ghost, even if it is just an ordinary evil ghost, it is not something a girl of her level can handle.

Tears suddenly flowed from his eyes.

Both fear and pain.

"Help!" Qiu Tongtong shouted in panic. She hoped that this was just a practical lesson. As soon as she shouted, adults would rush in to save them.

The Huadan Evil Ghost stretched out her hand to grab Qiu Tongtong's arm. The latter hurriedly dodged, but she was almost touched. Her arm had already been touched by nails, and the high temperature caused red spots of burns to appear on her arm.

Just when she was about to give up resistance completely, the door behind her suddenly burst open.

A gust of cold wind poured into the theater.


In the eyes of the two girls, which were widened with fear, the boy fell from the sky and kicked the evil ghost directly in the face, kicking her more than ten meters away from the stage where she was transformed into a human being!

The back figure landed lightly, and at the same time, the two open doors collapsed to the ground.

It was as if Galio's ultimate move had landed.

The hero appears.

Outside the gate, Kong Wen controlled Zhang Ji like a strongman, turned his head to look at the scene in the theater, and sighed.

Damn it, he tricked me!

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