The arena centered on the Great Rock Snake, which began to vibrate violently, and one shock wave after another attacked towards the Scorpion King.

The momentum was extremely huge, the dust was flying, and the huge rock snake also quickly twisted its body and moved forward quickly.

"Fly. "

Chen Gan's face remained unchanged, and he commanded methodically without panic.

The Scorpion King was ordered to quickly spread his wings and take off, easily dodging the shock waves caused by the earthquake, and the impact of this move on the flying elves was almost negligible.

Zhao Wu was able to go to the sixth game, naturally he was not a fool, this scene was in his plan, and he immediately ordered: "Rocket head hammer!"

The big rock snake, which was already very fast, erupted again, its sinuous body tensed into a straight line, and the top of its hard head aimed at the Scorpion King in the air and quickly collided.

The big rock snake has a hard body and is the best at defense, but its huge size and strength are naturally not bad, and once a small elf is bumped, it will almost instantly lose its ability to fight.

But the Scorpion King was extremely fast, and he turned around to dodge this iron-like attack 18 blows.

The moment the two staggered in the air, Chen Qian still commanded unhurriedly: "The lightning flashed, and it was cut." "

The Scorpion King comprehended, and successively aimed at the big rock snake with a quick set of combination skills, and the big rock snake would not have been able to fly, and the air at this time was completely based on the explosive power of the tail and kicking hard.

With nowhere to borrow force in the air, it is impossible to move, and it is impossible to dodge at all, so it can only withstand a set of attacks from the Scorpion King.

The large rock snake slammed into the ground after receiving the attack, causing the field to tremble and make a loud noise, sending dust and smoke everywhere.

Seeing this, Zhao Wu was not sad, but continued to order: "Big Rock Snake, use the cannon cannon." "

The Great Rock Snake had an amazing defense, smashing into the ground and causing cracks in the field, but it was barely harmed, and quickly counterattacked after receiving the order.

A light rose from the snake-gray rock surface of the Great Rock, and all the light converged towards the raised horns of the head, and then released a thick pillar of light that shot at the Scorpion King in the air.

But this kind of attack that still needs to be charged or a straight line, and trying to hit the Scorpion King with a strange speed is almost equivalent to ascending to the sky, and the Scorpion King adjusts his position slightly, and the pillar of light passes by.

"Scorpio King, keep attacking towards the bulge above its head, and be careful not to get hit when attacking. "

Chen Qian ordered in light of the current situation, the big rock snake in front of him has a hard body and is good at defense, but dripping water pierces stones, as long as the Scorpion King attacks a position quickly and uninterruptedly, no matter how hard the defense is, it will be broken.

The weakness of the big rock snake is very obvious that it is afraid of water, but the Scorpion King does not use water skills, and can only combine his own advantages to fight according to the flaws of the big rock snake.

The Scorpion King launched a continuous and fierce attack on the Great Rock Snake, dodging the Great Rock Serpent's attacks countless times, turning it into a living target that could only be beaten.

The defense of the big rock snake was not an absolute defense after all, and soon he was injured, but he couldn't beat the Scorpion King, so he howled angrily.

"Big Rock Snake, dig a hole!"

Zhao Wu saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly ordered.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Chen Qian ordered: "Cross the severed head, fight." "

When the Scorpion King heard this, he launched even more violently, and was about to knock down the big rock snake with one move, but the raised horns that had already withstood an unknown number of attacks failed to hold on this time and were crushed hard.

The Great Rock Serpent let out a wail, but gave up the fight and continued to burrow into the ground to escape.

"Forget the big rock snake, we admit defeat in this game. "

Zhao Wu didn't continue to hold on meaninglessly, even if he could dodge the attack by drilling holes, what was the use?

He took the big rock snake back into the Poké Ball, and Chen Qian also took back the Scorpio King,

Although the Scorpio King has an absolute advantage in this game, the consumption is also not small, in the simplest terms, the attack has been so long that the hands are hurting.

Then the referee waved the flag and the second game was ready to begin.

After a short period of preparation, the referee shouted, "Please send elves on both sides." "

The words fell, and the two people who fought released the elves at the same time.

Chen Qian sent out a glittering giant gold monster, while Zhao Wu sent a snake, which was basically similar in appearance to the big rock snake, but the body shone with a metallic luster that the big rock snake did not have.

【Big Steel Snake】

Rating: 63

Gender: Male

Attributes: Steel, ground

Characteristic: Steel toughness (the body is harder than any metal when exercised by high heat and pressure underground)

Potential: S


turned out to be a big steel snake with S potential, Chen Qian couldn't help but withdraw the words that the quality of the audition was not enough,

The Great Steel Snake evolved from the Great Rock Snake, but it was not a normal evolution, but a physical evolution, and it was a body created by the Great Rock Snake in a high-pressure and high-heat environment deep underground.

The defense power is far greater than that of ordinary large rock snakes.

Four high-quality elves appeared on the stage in two consecutive performances, attracting applause from the audience.

Especially Chen Gan's fans, they are even more enthusiastic, the opponents Chen Qian's previous two games today are too bad, and they can easily kill them in seconds.

How can such a battle show the strong strength and charm of an idol?

So these fans not only don't want Chen Qian's luck to be better and keep encountering opponents who are not strong, but they can't wait to see him face a strong man like Yue Wuxiu every game.

"You're really strong 747, this is the first time the big steel snake has appeared in this competition, I will give it my all. "

At the beginning of the game, Zhao Wu did not rush to order an attack because of the defeat in the first game, but chatted.

It's his respect for a strong opponent.

"You're not weak either. Chen Qianhui replied with a regretful expression, "If you hadn't met me, you would have gone far." "

"Then it depends on whose strength is stronger!" Zhao Wu did not show weakness, and ordered: "Big steel snake, use rocks to block and hit the gyro ball." "

After a series of commands, the tail of the large steel snake slammed into the ground and threw rocks to block the movement of the glitter monster, and then quickly crashed into the glitter monster.

"Take these stones and throw them back at me. Seeing this, Chen Qian commanded.

The glittering monster nodded in understanding, and used its thick arms to borrow the high-speed flying rock,

The audience let out an exclamation, extremely puzzled.

What is the difference between taking the initiative to catch the flying rocks, and being directly attacked?

Physically block cannonballs?

The flying rock is not only heavy, but also the impact of the thrust of the big steel snake, and Chen Gan's command really puzzled the audience.

But the next scene left the audience dumbfounded and shut up.

The glittering giant gold monster easily caught the high-speed flying rock one by one, and threw it at the big steel snake. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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