Hearing this unfamiliar boy's voice, Chen Qian immediately became vigilant, hurriedly looked around, looked for the source of the sound, and gestured to the elves to prepare for battle.

And the boy's voice sounded in his head again: "Don't panic, I'm on top of you, I won't hurt you." "

When Chen Qian raised his head again, he suddenly saw a green caterpillar falling from above!

Chen Qian hurriedly dodged, but the green caterpillar was suspended in mid-air and did not fall to the ground.

The boy's voice sounded again: "You are not kind at all, and you will not take me when you see that I am about to fall to the ground." "

When the words fell, the green caterpillar in front of Chen Qian's eyes suddenly disappeared.

"Look up again. The boy's voice rang out again.

Chen Qian looked up again, but saw an elf that looked like Latias, but the main color was blue, and the body was two or three circles larger, appeared directly above!

Chen Qian recognized this ~ elf at a glance - Latios!

And saw its data.


Grade: 70

Gender: Male

Attributes: Dragon, superpowers

Characteristic: Floating

Potential: SS


At this moment, Chen Qian knew why a green caterpillar appeared inexplicably just now, and then the green caterpillar disappeared inexplicably.

According to the information he knew in his previous life, Ladios has the ability to show what he sees and thinks to the other party with images, which can also be understood as creating a certain degree of illusion, but this illusion must be the picture he has seen or wants to present in his mind.

The green caterpillar just now must have been made by Latias.

As for why he created this illusion in front of Chen Qian's eyes...

Combined with the words of Ladios and the information that Ladios likes to be close to gentle and kind people, it can be inferred that it is a small test that Ladias gave himself?

Before Chen Qian could continue to think, the voice of Ladias next to him sounded, telepathically connecting Chen Qian with Ladios above.

"Brother, why did you suddenly appear here? I just said that I seemed to sense you just now!" Latias was a little dissatisfied, and continued to eat the energy cube.

"Smelly sister, I still want to talk about you! Clan, I have to break away and look for you everywhere! Do you know how long I have been flying, sensing your tracks everywhere!" said Ladios in a reproachful tone.

"I didn't let you look for me, and besides, I was very comfortable when I came out, and there was good food every day, and everyone wouldn't stop traveling aimlessly because I got out.

"But everybody misses you!"

"No, I don't miss you that much anyway. "

"You're so cold-blooded. "

"Why, people don't like me so much, they always dislike me for being too good to eat, and they dislike me for complaining all the time, and now that I'm away from them, I'm happy every day, and they won't hear me complain all day long. "

"I don't really want to travel around aimlessly with everyone, but I think you don't want to go back because you're bewitched by food!"

"What's the matter, but it's delicious, why should I go back if I follow him and I won't be treated badly?" Latias admitted very dryly, and retorted with a straight face.

"I don't believe it's that delicious!"

As he spoke, Ladios landed beside Latias and lowered his head to eat the energy cube.

After only a few bites, Chen Qian noticed that its eyes were obviously brightened, but he said, "Hmph, the taste is okay!"

"Dulicitous!" Latias understood his brother's temperament very well, and cast a disdainful look.

Ladios, on the other hand, ignored this disdain very naturally, and changed the subject: "This person is not kind, brother will take you away? "

Ladias rolled his eyes: "No, you will talk empty words, you used to say this all the time, and the things you found for me were not delicious, and why do you think he is not kind, although he is a bit mean, but I think others are actually not bad, at least they are good to me." "

"He just saw the green caterpillar fall and didn't pick it up! it's a life! what's not broken?" retorted Ladios.

Chen Qian couldn't help but speak: "I'm about to refute what you say, first you shouted at me to look up, but suddenly the whole thing fell from above, and the instinctive reaction of normal creatures is to dodge, this is fine, right? What if it's a knife or a brick? I'm still standing there stupidly, I won't die? What's more, how can the green caterpillar fall to death so easily, do you look down on the green caterpillar a little?"

0··· Asking for flowers...

Latias immediately chimed in: "Yes! He has a point! And you just hallucinated, don't think I don't know!"

After listening, Ladios was a little speechless for a while.

It took a long time to squeeze out a sentence: "Okay, that was my fault just now, and I apologize to you." "

"It's okay, I forgive you. Chen Qian took out the jar containing the energy cube quite kindly, "You can eat some too." "

.............. 0

"Since you're so polite, then I'll take it. Ladios pressed the joy and took the jar with telekinesis.

"Cut, duplicity!" Latias rolled his eyes.

Chen Qian looked at the two brothers and sisters with a little crying and laughing, then sorted out his thoughts a little, and asked, "Latios, you just said that you know where Kapu's fins are?"

"Of course!" Ladios replied as he ate, "our people often travel on the sea, and it lives in the sea, and often surfaces to bask in the sun when no one is around, so we often run into it, so we can barely get acquainted with it." "

"Then why did Latias say he didn't know?"

"It's not that I don't know it, it's that I don't know the name you said, if you describe what it looks like, it must know. After all, it knows how to eat all the time, and it doesn't care about other things at all, and it doesn't know if it has ever said hello when it meets people. Alas, my wayward sister!"

"Who knows how to eat?!" Latias replied disapprovingly, and gave a "Do you want to be beaten" look.

Chen Qian waved his hand to let Latias stay aside, and then continued to ask, "All in all, you can find Kapu Fin Fin, right?"

"Of course, but it's not immediately available, but I know where it is. "

"Then can you take me to it?"

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collection

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