“Fog Grass !!”

When Ye Feng saw Pikachu’s information, he was frightened on the spot:

[Flash Pikachu], Level 321, Level 1 God!(Peak of potential Level 1 God)

Yesterday night Pikachu was level 240.

With 600 times the efficiency of hanging up overnight, Pikachu’s level was directly increased by 71 levels, steadily breaking through the 300 level mark!

Moreover, the original second-level god quality has also been upgraded to a first-level god overnight!

Now Pikachu is a real first-level divine beast!

“That’s too stable!”

Ye Feng’s heart was simply happy, he had never encountered such a stable time.

If he had hung up this machine in the dungeon rest area a day earlier, he would definitely have accepted Naiklozma’s challenge.

He won’t coax at all!

Level 350 Level 2 Divine Beast, so what?

In front of the current first-level god Pikachu, it is scum, and Pikachu can directly hang it.

Ye Feng felt that regret in his heart!

Necrozma, who had only been here for a while, had become his invincible formidable enemy.

Now, after all the night, he didn’t need to take that Necrozma in his eyes at all!

“You’re in luck. Ye Feng thought angrily in his heart.

Although he didn’t show his skills in front of Necrozma, Pikachu’s promotion this night was a very happy thing for him.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng didn’t care about yesterday’s regrets.

Anyway, he has the strength now, and that’s enough!

S+’s legendary elf Necrozma, who is no longer in his eyes, returns to the original Pokémon world this time, Ye Feng estimates that he can already crush most of the legendary elves there!

The level of the original Pokémon world is only A-level, and the legendary elves there cannot be as strong as those in this dungeon.

But that’s just for the same elves.

The first-level god of the original world, Ye Feng felt that it was still very likely to be more powerful than the second-level god in the dungeon.

Therefore, before he had the strength of absolute confidence, Ye Feng was still not ready to touch some powerful first-level divine beasts in the original world.

However, the second-level and third-level gods of the original world, Ye Feng is definitely confident that he can crush them strongly!

After reading Pikachu’s level, Ye Feng continued to check out the other elves:

[Flash Menas], Level 321, Level 2 God!(Potential Level 2 God)

[Fast Dragon], Level 321, Level 2 God!(Potential Level 2 God)

[Cold Flame Charizard], Level 321, Level 2 God! (Potential Level 2 God)

[Super Ancient Scythe Helmet], Level 320, Level 2 God!(Potential Level 2 God)

[Super Ancient Thorny Ammonite], Level 320, Level 2 God!(Potential Level 2 God)

[Super Ancient Fossil Pterodactyl], 321, Level 2 God!(Potential Level 2 God)

These elves, their level is also much different from Pikachu, and they have basically reached more than 320 levels, and their quality is all second-level gods.

Ye Feng can be sure that they are clearly limited by force.

Otherwise, according to the 600 times efficiency, there must be elves among them who can be promoted to the first level of divine beasts!

Potential is really important.

This is also why, when the potential increase rate of the system appeared, Ye Feng felt extremely happy.

As long as the potential is enough, it is no longer a problem for the elves to improve their quality.

Here are a few Ultimate Beasts:

[Void Id], Level 315, Level 2 God!(Potential Level 1 God)

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[Paper Edgeworth], Level 310, Level 3 God!(Potential Level 3 God)

[Poison Babe], Level 310, Level 3 God!(Potential Level 3 God)

[Muscle Explosion Mosquito], Level 313, Level 2 God (Potential Level 1 God)

[Pheromie Mantis], Level 313, Level 2 God (Potential Level 1 God)


Ye Feng saw that their level was a little lower than those ordinary elves.

As the ultimate beasts, the difficulty of upgrading is higher than that of ordinary elves, and Ye Feng is still very clear about this.

What made Ye Feng a little disappointed was that several second-level god-quality beasts, even if their potential allowed, they still failed to reach the first-level god quality.

I can only say that I am not very lucky.

Finally, Ye Feng checked the situation of several legendary elves and found a surprise:

[Flash Solgaleo], level 165, first-class god!

[Origin Frozen Bird], Level 275, Level 2 God!(Potential Level 1 God)

[Sherabi], Level 235, Level 1 God!(Peak of potential Level 1 God)

[Dream], Level 235, Phantom Beast!

Kiraqi, Level 235, Phantom Beast!


Ye Feng’s attention was attracted by the elf of Xuelabi.

After an overnight hang-up, Sherabi’s quality was successfully upgraded from a phantom beast to a first-class god!

Shelabi is also a first-class divine beast!

Counting Pikachu and Solgaleo, Ye Feng now has three first-level divine beasts.

Don’t think about it, the combat power must have risen a lot!

Moreover, Ye Feng also saw that as the quality and level of Xuelabi soared, the power of time that it could control also increased.

Before entering the dungeon, even though Sherabi absorbed the power of the space-time crystal, she could only travel back to 1.2 billion years ago!

Now, the range of Sharabi’s travel is 2 billion years ago!

That’s 800 million years higher than before!

This time span of 800 million years is not so easy for Shelabi to improve!

2 billion years ago in ultra-ancient times, it was difficult for Ye Feng to imagine what the native world was like.

Ye Feng estimated that only a first-level divine beast could have such a powerful power of time and travel to such a distant era!

Now Sherabi can definitely complete the quest of the Super Ancient Swift Dragon!

Ye Feng had already made plans, and after leaving the dungeon this time, he would go to do the task of the Super Ancient Fast Dragon!

He wondered, what reward would be given to him after completing such an amazingly difficult task?

After reading all the elves’ information, Ye Feng instantly burst with confidence.

The elves are too powerful!

The lowest-level Solgaleo has already reached level 165!

However, the experience required to upgrade Solgaleo is getting more and more terrifying, and now it takes 400 trillion experience to level up!

A level 321 Pikachu only requires more than 200 trillion experience to move up to one level.

Moreover, Pikachu is also a first-level divine beast now, and it has the ultimate potential of the peak of a first-level god, and below the same level, its strength is definitely above Solgaleo.

And Pikachu’s level up is much less difficult than Solgaleo!

After Ye Feng used the power of Chang Pan to tell Sol Galeo about this, Sol Galeo in the system space exploded in anger on the spot.

Solgaleo: “I’m too hard…”

Ye Feng couldn’t help but laugh when he saw Solgaleo’s embarrassment.

It’s really more elves than elves, angry elves. _

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