Chapter 47 Cheat Sheet


A group of scholars saw the sergeants and government officials patrolling with sabers from a distance, and they were all so excited that tears filled their eyes.

In fact, they never thought that the way to the examination room would be so difficult!

Less than a thousand meters away, a group of people suddenly walked out with a thrilling feeling.

One moment a tile fell, another one stumbled over a stone, and the next moment there were many big potholes on the smooth street. What was even more outrageous was that it was dark, and someone poured cold water on the second-floor shop on the street...what? You will encounter all kinds of messy situations, just like Tang Monk who went to the West to obtain the scriptures. You cannot obtain the true scriptures without encountering ninety-nine and eighty-one difficulties.

What made them feel fortunate was that, although the test was difficult, they passed it in the end and they finally saw the examination institute!

"Although there is only the last bit of road left, we still can't let down our guard." A group of people were really tortured by the accidents along the way, and they were frightened by the slightest movement.

Gu Mingda felt a little guilty. He always felt that these accidents were all because of him.

Ever since he started the imperial examination, he always felt that there was an inexplicable force that seemed to be preventing him from going higher.

The group of people finally walked outside the examination room, and when they were about to separate, Gu Mingda suddenly spoke and said to the scholars: "Everyone, our journey seems to be extremely difficult today."

All the scholars nodded and said: "Yes, who knows why, a small accident happened for a while, this is for fear that we will not be injured and that the exam will not be delayed."

Gu Mingda coughed lightly and said: "But we got here unscathed. What does this mean? It means that the hardships along the way are all tests given to us by God. We passed this test! The next hospital examination will be held Riding the wind and waves, he released the list, and our names met on the list!"

These words were spoken in an extremely dignified manner. All the scholars were filled with enthusiasm when they heard this, and they all felt that they would be able to survive after passing a few hurdles. When they heard the excitement, some people stretched out their hands and waved their fists vigorously.

After injecting chicken blood, everyone dispersed to look for their companions.

To participate in the college examination, in addition to issuing a letter of guarantee signed by a junior student, a group of five students must also vouch for each other to ensure that no fraud will be committed.

Making a bail is a very serious matter. If one person commits a crime, five people will be punished together. Therefore, most of the five people who make a bail are familiar with each other's character to ensure that they will not do anything stupid such as fraud.

Gu Mingda had already made an appointment with them at the meeting place, so it was easy to find them.

Seeing that everyone was waiting for him, Gu Mingda looked apologetic and said, "Sorry, there were some twists and turns on the way. I was late."

Everyone else was nice to talk to, and no one blamed him.

Gu Mingda walked forward with them, and while queuing up, he glanced up. There was a plaque hanging high on the door of the Examination Yuan, which read: Dongfu Gongyuan.

It has been nearly twenty years since he took the imperial examination for the first time when he was fourteen years old. He can hardly count how many times he has been to this Gongyuan. Others rush to take the exam and need to familiarize themselves with the environment in advance, but he has already It's as familiar as going home.

"Brother Gu, it's our turn." His companion reminded him softly.

The focus of the initial inspection is to check whether there are any cheat sheets in the candidates' clothes and test baskets. Every time, they have to take off their clothes and let the guards inspect them, which is quite degrading.

Gu Mingda took a deep breath and was about to step forward for the initial examination when he suddenly saw Zhang Guangzong, who was only two bodies away from him.

His annoying brother-in-law was standing in the queue next door and happened to look back at him.

Gu Mingda felt that something was wrong with Zhang Guangzong's expression. His eyes flickered as if he had just done something bad.

He never hesitated to speculate on his brother-in-law with the greatest malice. After thinking for a while, Gu Mingda took his companion two steps back and said to the other companions: "Let's go in after a while and let others go in first."

Although the companions didn't know why, out of trust in Gu Mingda, they followed him several steps back, allowing those waiting in line behind to get a big advantage.

After waiting in line for a quarter of an hour, the four companions didn't complain. It was obvious that they had great trust in Gu Mingda and felt that he would not do such a thing for no reason.

In a short period of time, Gu Mingda figured out what Zhang Guangzong could do if he wanted to cause trouble.

Gu Mingda opened his eyes and lied: "I just saw someone throwing something into someone else's test basket. I didn't see it clearly. I was afraid that we would also get caught." His companions all heard this. Their expressions changed drastically. They lined up in the preliminary examination team. Once someone threw a cheat sheet into their own test basket, according to the rules of guaranteeing and sitting together, the other four people would not be able to continue to take the test.

The person who carries the cheat sheet will also lose his status as a child and will be unable to take the imperial examination for the rest of his life. If he encounters a harsh examiner, he may even be sentenced to exile or other charges.

The five people rummaged through their own test baskets together.

Zheng Qi suddenly let out an exclamation, facing everyone's gaze, and pulled out a small paper ball from the corner of the examination basket with slight trembling.

The paper ball was unfolded, and on it was a passage from "The Analects of Confucius".

"I didn't bring this! I didn't intend to cheat!" Zheng Qi explained eagerly, for fear that his companions would think that he was the kind of scholar who likes to take shortcuts.

Before anyone else could speak, Gu Mingda had already taken the piece of paper and said, "I believe you."

Zheng Qi was so moved by Gu Mingda's recognition that she almost shed tears.

Gu Mingda patted him on the shoulder and said to the others: "It's great to have friends from far away. We know these words by heart, why bring them in at the risk of cheating."

Others also looked at the piece of paper, confirming that the content on it was extremely simple and that everyone knew it by heart. Only then did they completely dispel their doubts about Zheng Qi, knowing that he was not the kind of fool who wanted to drag everyone into trouble.

Gu Mingda added: "Check everything carefully and don't let anything go under the clothes. If there is that kind of person who knows that he will not pass the exam but is jealous of others, he will use these treacherous tricks to harm others."

After Zheng Qi's experience, others did not dare to be careless at all.

Someone actually found a small piece of paper from the test basket, with a line of the Three-Character Sutra written on it.

The Three Character Classic is not even a subject of scientific examination.

However, the examination inspection is extremely strict. Once any cheat sheet is found, no matter what is written on it, it will be directly judged as cheating.

At this time, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Gu Mingda's spine. He had indeed been staring at his test basket the whole time to make sure that no dirt had been mixed into it, but they directly attacked his companion.

The handwriting on the paper ball and the small note is very simple. It looks like it was written by a beginner. The handwriting on the two is even different.

Gu Mingda guessed that they were all written with the left hand, and it might even be written by two people.

He didn't know who did this, and he couldn't keep these two pieces of evidence.

Gu Mingda thought about his enemies. It seemed that Zhang Guangzong and Wang Yaozu were the only two people. From a character point of view, it seemed that these two people could do such vicious things.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that there are still some scoundrels hiding in the crowded brigade of candidates who want to seduce people indiscriminately.

The companions didn't know Gu Mingda's guess, and they all expressed gratitude to him: "Brother Gu, thanks to your alertness this time, otherwise we would have suffered a big loss."

Gu Mingda said: "As long as you don't blame me for wasting time, let's continue queuing up. This time everyone should be more alert and we can't let others mix in the sand."

The four people nodded one after another, holding the test basket in their arms, staring closely, for fear of getting hurt again.

We queued up again and spent a long time waiting for the line to move forward.

When there were still seven or eight people left in line, there was a sudden commotion at the front of the line, followed by a man's heartbreaking voice.

"Impossible! I didn't cheat. I didn't bring this cheat sheet. Someone framed me!"

(End of chapter)

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