Zhaixinglou, the most famous restaurant in Beijing, is not because it is luxurious enough, the dishes are special, and the drinks are good, but because it treats guests with culture.

The store will publish a first couplet every day, and if you can be the first to match the second couplet, and the rhyme is neat, you can enjoy the treatment of free orders for all consumption on the day.

If someone can read the Shanglian hanging at the door of the store, they can get a thousand taels of silver immediately, and they can eat and drink as much as they want in the Zhaixing Building in the future.

Over the past few years, many literati and inkmen have visited Zhaixinglou, but no one has said this. Gradually, Zhaixinglou has become a gathering place for literati, and the Shanglian at the door has also become a topic for them after dinner. A legend like existence.

Unexpectedly, someone was right today.

Okay, that's right!

Well, the store's upper couplet is: Niannian is not separated. If you want to read without thinking, and read without thinking, you will become one. This little boy is right: Buddha and Buddha are of the same way. Knowing that Buddha is not a Buddha is not a Buddha. Also Buddha, that is, sitting and cutting off the ten directions. It’s wonderful, it’s really wonderful.”

Young master is very talented.

Brother Qi, as expected, Brother Wei is right, and only you can say this eternal absolute.

At the gate of Zhaixing Building, a group of people surrounded a young man, complimenting and admiring them extremely. Most of them are guests here, and they are all talented scholars who are full of literary talents. They all admire people with literary talent from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, there are also people who are jealous. After all, those who can match this pair will not only be able to eat and drink for nothing in the Star Picking Tower in the future, but also get a thousand taels of silver. For ordinary people, they have worked hard all their lives Unseen wealth.

Qi Yun, that is, Wen Qiyun who disguised herself as a man, showed no arrogance or impetuosity in the face of compliments and compliments from everyone, and even gave it to others on the spot when he received the one thousand taels of silver from the store.

Brother Zhang, Brother Li, Brother Zhao, and these young masters, we have made friends through literature these days, and I really admire your talents. Among them, to restore the lintel, to honor the village, although the money is not much, it represents my heart, so please accept it.”

How can this be done? Several people repeatedly refused.

Qi Yun was very resolute, Could it be that the elder brothers treated me as an outsider, and the words they said before regarding me as their own younger brother were all deceiving me? Otherwise, why would you accept other people's funding, but not mine? gift?

These few people are all poor scholars who came to Beijing to take the exam. Because they are short of money, their food and accommodation are very shabby. They can only live here because Zhaixing Building specially opened a few free rooms for them during the imperial examination period.

But despite this, their money has long been exhausted, and they can't even spend money to buy pens and inks. Qi Yun's silver is indeed a solution to their urgent needs.

Brother Qi, you will be my real brother from now on.

It's mine too.

Seeing that they had accepted the money, Qi Yun smiled with satisfaction, Why are you being so polite, brothers? Today is a good day. My younger brother treats you to a drink, and we will recite poems and odes together. I wish you all the best of luck.

The people gathered at the door finally dispersed, and Qi Yun and the others were also taken by Xiao Er to the private room on the second floor. The moment the door closed, they finally took away their scrutiny from the bakery.

Master, this concubine of the Wen family disguises herself as a man and comes here every day to make friends with these poor candidates. Now she is famous all over the city. I am afraid that everyone knows that there is such a talented scholar with the surname Qi, but I don't know what she is doing. for?

As soon as I woke up, the score dropped again, and my good mood disappeared in an instant. My dears, the score is really very, very important for an article, please five-star praise. It's five stars, five stars, five stars! ! !

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