Jiang Mian felt a little cold while waiting in the dressing room with her upper body naked. She could n't help rubbing her arms. Then she accidentally touched the thing on her chest. How should I put it? It felt quite soft.

But she couldn't be happy about this kind of benefit.

Not only did she become a eunuch, but she also grew something that shouldn't have grown. Oh my God, are you kidding me!?


Yitang came back soon. Knowing that the dressing room was small, Jiang Mian might not be able to change clothes, so she simply did not go in.

Instead, she passed the selected underwear through the crack of the door:"Try it on. Which of these underwear is comfortable to wear?"

Jiang Mian took the underwear and said thank you.

In fact, for him who had never worn underwear before, none of them would be comfortable to wear, but Liu Yitang outside the door was still waiting for the result.

So in order not to disappoint the other party's kindness, Jiang Mian still tested it seriously.

A few minutes later, he handed the underwear out:"The pink one is more comfortable to wear."

Liu Yitang glanced at the label on the back of the pink underwear.

It was exactly as she expected.


When Jiang Mian came out after putting on the sweatshirt, Liu Yitang had already helped him choose several underwear.

He picked it up and saw lace, lace, solid color, and three-point style.


Why is there a three-point style! ?

Jiang Mian was shocked, his eyes widened and he almost didn't react.

The next second, Liu Yitang snatched the bikini and hid it behind her. She coughed and said,"Sorry, I couldn't help but pick this one. Sorry, just pretend you didn't see anything."


School beauty, do you know what the hell you are talking about?!

Jiang Mian was shocked beyond words, but looking at Liu Yitang's serious expression, he felt that maybe he really misunderstood something.

The styles of the underwear were similar. Jiang Mian picked a few with nice patterns and went to the counter to pay.

Seeing that there were several hundred less in the balance, Jiang Mian thought to himself that it was really easy to make money from girls. Complaining

, he tore off the label after paying and went to the dressing room to change into another one.

Although it felt awkward, it was better than having his chest rubbed and hurting.

After the problem of underwear was solved, Jiang Mian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before leaving with the black bag, he thanked Liu Yitang. After all, without the help of this school beauty, he would have to stand in someone else's store in distress.

Liu Yitang smiled and said you're welcome.

After the two said goodbye, Shen Jia also changed her clothes and came out of the dressing room.

"Where did you go just now? I couldn't find you."

"I went to help others."

Seeing Liu Yitang's smiling face, Shen Jia asked,"Why do you have to smile like a lewd person when you are helping others?"

"If you can't speak, then don't shut up," Liu Yitang held her face with both hands,"What do you mean by obscene? Do you know how to use words? You clearly look very happy!"

""Okay, okay, you look so happy."

Shen Jia said casually. After all, this man didn't look very smart.

When paying at the counter, Shen Jia asked casually,"Who did you help just now?"

"A very beautiful girl"

"From our school?"

"The school next door"


Shen Jia lost interest in this topic and was about to leave after paying.

Liu Yitang slapped her head and said with regret:"I am so stupid. I should have just added her on WeChat. Why did I have to go to the next school to inquire?" What if she is low-key and doesn't make a sound? How long will it take for her to find out?

Seeing Liu Yitang's self-harming behavior, Shen Jia confirmed her guess. Her school beauty friend is really not very smart.


On the other side, Jiang Mian was walking aimlessly on the street with a bag in his hand.

It seemed as if two villains had appeared in his heart, fighting each other.

Villain A said,"Why don't you go to the mall and buy some women's clothes? What if you always look like this in the future? Are you going to wear men's clothes all your life?"

Villain B retorted,"Don't listen to his nonsense. What if you can change back? Wouldn't the money spent on buying clothes be wasted? And where would you put the women's clothes? Wouldn't it cause misunderstanding if your roommates saw them?"

Villain A snorted,"So what if they see you? If your roommates see you like this now, wouldn't it be even more troublesome and cause even bigger misunderstandings?"

Jiang Mian walked to the bus stop unknowingly:"Forget it, let's go buy some clothes."

Then, Villain B was kicked away by Villain A.

Villain B, dead.

While waiting for the bus, Jiang Mian couldn't help but search on Baidu.

What if you wake up and find yourself suddenly turned into a girl?

There are all kinds of responses on the Internet.

Netizen A:"He must be dreaming and hasn't woken up yet, go back to sleep."

Netizen B:"What can I do? Scrambled eggs with cold salad!"

Netizen C:"Choose between making yourself happy and making your friends happy."

Netizen D:"He must be going to live broadcast and coaxing the top brother to give him 100 million in tips in the live broadcast room!"

Netizen E:"……"

Forget it, Jiang Mian put down his phone and chose to give up.

He Yubai sat in the passenger seat of his good friend Yang He. He still had a headache from last night's hangover, but now he had to rush to another party.

He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his temples, looking at the scenery outside the window with some boredom.

Passing by a bus stop, looking at a figure standing in front of the station, he said in a trance:"Jiang Mian?"


Yang He looked ahead, concentrating on driving. When he heard him talking, he asked with his ear tilted.

"It's nothing," He Yubai retracted his gaze,"I saw someone who looked like my roommate, I must have seen it wrong."

"Your roommate? Male or female?"

"Get out!" He Yubai scolded with a smile,"It must be a man. Do you think it's as open as in foreign countries where men and women still sleep in mixed dormitories?"

""Noono," Yang He said righteously,"I am a gentleman. What if men and women sleep together? I keep myself clean!"

He patted his chest and promised solemnly.

"Stop farting and drive your car"

""Okay! Young Master He has spoken, I will do as you say!"

The two of them laughed and joked.

Jiang Mian, who was waiting for the bus, sneezed. It seemed that someone was talking about him?

The morning sun shone on his body, and there was a warm feeling, but it was not too hot.

The bus moved forward with a swaying stop and go. Jiang Mian got off the bus at the square. The nearby shops sold everything.

He visited several women's clothing stores, and was praised by the sweet-mouthed shopping guides every time, and then took the opportunity to sell clothes.

This irresistible enthusiasm could not be resisted by Jiang Mian with a few words.

No matter how thick-skinned he was, he could not resist it. In the end, he had to resign himself to buying a few pieces.

Although he was a girl, the awkwardness in his heart was still difficult to change.

After walking on the street in women's clothes, many people turned their heads.

The weird feeling in Jiang Mian's heart became stronger.

The main thing was that it was too embarrassing!

(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )

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