1326 Greed
“Why don’t you talk about what he did! What he said to them! How am I able to back him up!” Zhao Fei said as he pointed at Zhao Kai.

“What did I say! I just casually chatted with them!” Zhao Kai said unrepentantly.

“Hmph, now they don’t even want to do business with us anymore! Your ‘casual chat’ caused our entire family’s business to be gone! Are you satisfied now!” Zhao Fei said furiously.


Everyone in the house was shocked. By now, it was not just Zhao Liu’s family members who were involved in the business. Zhao Liu’s younger brother, Zhao Ming, and his family were also a part of it. Each person earned about one dollar and fifty cents a day. Sometimes, they could even earn three dollars. This was enough money for all of them to survive and they were now living a much better life than when they could not afford food in the past.

When people got what they had always yearned for, their greed would only grow day by day. They even conspired to try and find a way to get Li Gui’s recipe as they thought that they would be able to earn more money if they knew how Li Gui made the popcorn.

How could it be that a woman could run such a successful business, but they could not? They did not believe that they could not do it just as well. They had tried making the popcorn three or four times at home but did not manage to succeed. In the end, they even thought about stealing the recipe! However, they were too scared to go around stealing things, so they dragged their feet until now. They had evil intentions, but not the guts to do it.

However, no matter how hard Zhao Liu, Zhao Ming and their family members racked their brains, they would never have guessed that the secret behind the popcorn was butter. Even if they knew that it was butter, they still would not know how to use it.

“What exactly did you say to them!” Zhao Ming’s wife, Wang Meng, asked as she pointed at Zhao Kai.

Zhao Kai did not dare to look at everyone out of a guilty conscience. He whispered, “I… I didn’t say anything… Why are you all looking at me…”

“You say that you want Auntie Li to be your mother! Do you think the big boss will let you off? It’s one thing for you to eye her recipe, but you even dare to have designs on her mother! You’re lucky that she didn’t break your leg!” Zhao Fei said angrily.

“What! How can this be!” Wang Meng looked at Zhao Kai in shock.

Zhao Ming’s family only wanted to know the recipe for Li Gui’s popcorn or the method for frying the seeds, or even just the recipe for the braised meat would do! Knowing the secret to one of these items would be enough for them to live out the rest of their lives well!

As conniving as they were, they did not expect Zhao Liu’s family to directly have designs on Li Gui. Zhao Liu had the same idea as his son. What was the point of trying so hard to get those women’s secret recipes? They might as well just get hold of Li Gui! If they got their hands on this woman who knew how to make money, then would it not mean that everything would be theirs?

Zhao Liu had never been in direct contact with Li Gui and had never even met her before. However, he heard from Zhao Kai that she was divorced, had four children and owned a big house. If she became his wife, it was definitely no loss to him!
He had heard that the two boys among those children were about to reach adulthood. Did that not mean that they would be able to go out and earn money very soon? In addition, Li Gui had a daughter who married into a wealthy family. Life could only be good for him!

Zhao Liu did not seem too nasty and he was a hardworking and diligent man. However, he had a very bad habit. He loved to drink and would beat up women whenever he drank. In fact, he had beaten his first wife to death. If Li Gui married into Zhao Liu’s family, things definitely would not end well for her.

“Xiao Fei, did that woman really say that she doesn’t want to do business with us anymore?” Wang Meng asked regretfully.

“That’s what she’s saying for the time being. The other option is for me to do business with them myself and all of you can’t get involved,” Zhao Fei related to them everything which Qiao Mei said.

Only a fool would give up such a good business! However, what would happen to them if they could not earn money in the future? In order to work with Zhao Fei, Zhao Ming’s eldest son, Zhao Tu, had even quit his job at the factory. He was not able to go back there now.

If they had to take this option, there was another way out for them.

After thinking about it, Zhao Liu asked, “Then… Xiao Fei, after you earn money while working with them in the future, how are you going to split the earnings?”

“What do you mean?” Zhao Fei asked with a frown.

“You can’t be the only one getting such a good deal! Why should you go out alone to earn money and enjoy, while we suffer at home and can’t even eat our fill! You have to share some of the money you earn with us!” Zhao Kai said shamelessly.


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